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FPH 603

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Everything posted by FPH 603

  1. This does look pretty good, although I'm not in a position to buy it right now (it will be gone in 13 hours!), and to be honest my painting skills aren't the best either...
  2. I thought this thread died like the real Blue Pullman.
  3. All of a sudden I love class 101's!

  4. Hi all, I'm in the process of planning a build for a 3 car Eastern Region class 101 DMU. I will be making carriage diagrams 523 (DBMS), 624 (TC), and 621 (DMC). All may be in refurbished White/Blue colours. I was wondering if anyone has scaled drawings of at least one class 101 vehicle to refer to. Also if anyone has any advice that would be great too. (Image from Railcar.co.uk) Thanks to all that contribute.
  5. That's no good. I really wanted to see how that was going to evolve... After seeing that screenshot, I liked 6 of your posts! Hopefully at least one of the plans can be salvaged so the thread can be remade.
  6. Try http://www.victorianrailways.net I know a decent amount about the suburban electric network if that's what your looking for, but other than that I don't know too much. I found a good link regarding the rolling stock too: http://www.pjv101.net/cd/pages/codelist.htm
  7. And all the other random number jokes too!
  8. I have a model of Dominion of Canada model just like that one, although it's lost most of it's fine detailling and I haven't run it in a long time.
  9. A fair amount of work has been done on this model over the past few days, I think this is becoming an old model restoration sort of thing. An overall view of the model, on a much messier workbench! The radiators have been improved by cutting out the originals and putting strips of plastic on the inside of the bodyshell. The front has been improved with brass handrails and new jumper cables. I've also replaced the end communication door. The chassis has received a fair bit of treatment too, the interior dividers being moved to the chassis as well as underframe detailing, including one engine. (The model is supposed to be in a withdrawn guise, and in photographs I found evidence of one of the two engines fitted to the underframe). After completely stripping out the interior of the bodyshell, I can finally see through the roof mounted radiators.
  10. Wondering what that shipment from England is...

  11. Thanks, do you know what the document is called? I can then search the website to see if I can find it there.
  12. Thanks. I believe that thread's called DMU conversions for Sheffield Exchange, something like that.
  13. I have always thought about putting my own sounds into decoders... Does anyone know how to do that?
  14. Hi all, I am soon going to build a 600/700 Class Railmotor out of plasticard, however I've found they have a very difficult and complex profile. I've attempted a 660/760 and a country 620/720, although the profiling was all wrong on them. I've posted the end elevations from the 620/720 blueprints (a very similar successor to the 600/700 class), for clarity. The main issue I'm having is transitioning the bodyside profile with that of the front end. Anyone who has experience with plasticard or anyone with alternatives and/or other options to help rectify the problem, could they please give any advice, even if it's 'It's impossible, don't bother using plasticard!' Thanks to all that help. EDIT: Title spelling error...
  15. I think it's more the amount of detail and the general build quality of the model. Mine have dirty sides and roof covered in smudged glue and model filler. The roof looks wrong from the front despite all my efforts to get it right, and the bodysides are the wrong profile with some pretty poor looking windows. I find the 'satisfied with it when it's good as the best you can buy' is more of an ultimate goal rather than a straight out target. It was more the poor windows, profile and build quality that let down my model. It was actually the expense of RTR that got me into scratchbuilding, and hopefully soon I can get more plasticard so I can commence the build of my 'Mk2' model. I think no matter what at this stage at least the 660/760 model will be finished as partly stripped and withdrawn stock. Not sure with my 620/720 yet though, although I would preferably like to finish this one too. I don't like resorting to overpriced RTR either, unless I absolutely feel like I actually want to have it. Other than that scratchbuilding is the way to go.
  16. What do the other messages say?
  17. I think i'd prefer the malware... Funny that, I got an iPhone 6 for Christmas yesterday...
  18. The reasons I originally scrapped this project was because of the crudity of the models compared to that of RTR ones. Like I mentioned before I was going to make a third, but I'll use the scale drawings I've got lying on my workbench. These original models are being repurposed. The link comes up with a 404 not found. Maybe that's why I'm so indecisive about my layout! Maybe I should try telling that to the rest of my family! But yes every so often you may need to at least sort out the junk sitting on the workbench...
  19. A little while ago I found the data sheets for the 620/720 class Railmotors in HO scale. The 600 class (my next project) has different interior and window arrangements, plus they have different engines and smaller radiators. I hope at some point during the Holidays I can make a visit to the Rail Motor Society in Paterson, so I can see a 600 class for myself. http://grapevine.com.au/~datashet/set_dscat.html - The online preview is only a basic sample. The actual product has a lot more detail.
  20. Firstly, MERRY CHRISTMAS PEOPLE! Secondly, I'm thinking of recreating something similar to the picture attached below with 670/770. (Yes, the 660/760 set will be 670/770!) I feel like I should do something somewhat different to 670/770 with my other set, 636/736.
  21. Fortunately, I've decided to start work on these models once again. I've put in 'pins' to hold the bogies, started installing underframe parts and I've completed the roof. This has only been done on the 660 class power car. Please excuse my rather messy workbench in the photos attached below.
  22. Probably took several takings to get them to maintain a straight face!
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