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Adrian Stevenson

RMweb Gold
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Everything posted by Adrian Stevenson

  1. A fine day today, so all the final roof insulation boards are now in place on the cabin. Started to add the barge boards too. Sorry no pics, the light beat me again.... The next task is to start the shingles. New A3 purchase can be seen in the Hattons forum. Cheers, Ade.
  2. Hi Hal, have a look at Tower's website. They do differ in topfeeds: http://www.tower-models.com/ Cheers, Ade.
  3. I had a quick test of mine at Hattons, but analogue of course. It ran nice and smooth and was quiet. Cheers, Ade.
  4. The light is good today, so a few quick snaps of 2750 "Papyrus" before I go out to work on the cabin. I have added the brake gear from the detail pack, but have yet to fit the fall plate between the footplate and tender. I will be adding a removable real coal load. My pet hate is plastic coal! Cheers, Ade.
  5. Hi Mike, after doing gardening for a living for 26 years, I am happy to lose some of mine Cheers, Ade.
  6. The light has been awful today, I did want to get some pics done, so hopefully tomorrow will be better. There are tender or smokebox mounting options for the speaker. Just wondering how two would sound if technically possible? Cheers, Ade.
  7. I know what you are saying and do agree. But these tiny little things do all add to production costs. But I don't mind carrying out little tasks like this. Kind of makes it my own. Anyone though of adding two speakers, one loco and one tender? Cheers, Ade.
  8. Rule 1. But seriously, "Papyrus" is more for the garden line which is being started next year. Cheers, Ade.
  9. I think that is a good addition. Cheers, Ade.
  10. I am going for a sound fitted but un - numbered GWR livery 58xx. I am going to re-number it to one of the 58xx's which ran on the Malmesbury branch line which I am modelling. Cheers, Ade.
  11. I went up today for a couple of hours and had a very enjoyable time. Always nice to meet like minded people. Thanks to Hatton's Manager Richard for the behind the scenes guided tour of the business. I must say I was very impressed with the operation and this accounts for the good service I have received from them with my orders. (The usual disclaimer applies. ) Met up with Tony Wright and had a chat. Dave came out after the live web chat and had a quick chat too. As planned, I came home with "Papyrus". Business seemed to be brisk. "Flying Scotsman" was a popular choice of course. I will add some pics of the new loco over the weekend. Cheers, Ade.
  12. Hi James, the shingles are black felt, quite thick and about a foot square. They are laid with a good wide overlap. A mate across the road who ordered a cabin after seeing mine has just started laying his. They go down on top of the plastic membrane with adhesive and nails. Sorry I cannot recall the brand name. Cheers Ade.
  13. Possibly so! Trying to rearrange some appointments with work so I can attend. Cheers, Ade.
  14. The instructions supplied tell you how to operate them with DCC. You can use the Dapol DCC Servo signal controller 4A-001-002 (available separately). Or a DCC accessory controller like Digikeijs DR4080 to provide a single pole double throw 3 wire output. You cannot use a 3 wire point motor operating unit as the voltage may be too great and damage the power base. Cheers, Ade.
  15. Pity this was not announced sooner as I would have liked to have attended. Rather short notice now to try and get time off work.
  16. They do have a lot of flash on them, but they should clean up ok and will make nice models once painted. I also do wargaming in 1/100th scale and have had similar models. Cheers, Ade.
  17. Hi Colin, consider them yours. Drop me a PM with your address. Cheers, Ade.
  18. Hi Simon, I have followed this with interest. I have found that the camera always picks up imperfections that the naked eye sometimes misses... Cheers, Ade.
  19. Thanks Chris. It has cost an arm and a leg, but my very tolerant wife Lez will get her conservatory back. It will also house my wargames kit. Cheers, Ade.
  20. Actually I am sure I had one being a 60's kid....
  21. Today I got some more work done on the cabin. As I had a lot of off cut timber logs (due to having extra windows) it seemed a shame to turn these into fire wood. A quick check on the amount of wood has allowed me to turn them into baseboard legs. They are 45mm thick so they are nice and substantial. I now have enough cut to do all the baseboards with four legs each. Just got to buy some timber for bracing. I have gone with a height of 42 inches. I like a fairly high baseboard as it allows easier access underneath plus it is a bit nearer eye level as I love to get down to eye level to view the models. So here is a quick snap of baseboard one. Also got my Dapol GWR square post home signals in the post yesterday. Cheers, Ade.
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