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Everything posted by HExpressD

  1. Was it easy to attach the speaker/stay alive?
  2. Seems odd. If HM7000 takes off as well as some have suggested I bet they'll be regretting their absence
  3. Yes, decoder in the motor and dummy as I understand
  4. I wondered this, not that the video wasn't polished but the Accurascale announcement seemed to come about much quicker than their usual ones, as if the clocked another eas coming!
  5. Maybe because it doesn't exist. The Class 91 was designed by a designer who's been there for 20 years, as explained in the first or second episode of the Hornby podcast
  6. No idea where it has come from or how, but presumably someone in production googled imaged from the accident and came across the below which mistakenly identifies the image Railway Herald :: Imaging Centre :: 46242 at Harrow & Wealdstone | Rail disasters, Steam trains uk, Steam locomotive (pinterest.co.uk)
  7. How reliable is the source?
  8. Fair enough I suppose, but maybe this should be edited from the announcement?
  9. I don't know if I'm being dense, but does the image of the loco (and other images of the loco) not match the product art shown with the blue area underneath the cabs being black on the product art?
  10. To be fair I wouldn't imagine he'd be likely to, even when he was C.E.O. There are people that companies hire to liaise with customers regarding issues, they're called customer services, why not contact them instead?
  11. It's true, traction tyres are common on EU model, just see the new £520 Marklin Flying Scotsman that boasts of it as a feature. I personally don't mind traction tyres on models, some of my best pullers are models with tyres, no idea why people dislike them. Maybe it's because it's a wear component or maybe because they see it as a get around for poor engineering, no idea!
  12. Spose' but I imagine '70 years of Hornby' is more likely to grab the eye of Mr 88 bus who has a fringe understanding of model railways and vague notion of who Hornby are (hence the modern logo) than '70 years of Hornby, but when we say Hornby we mean the smaller 1:76 scale trains, not the larger 1:43 scale trains we've been doing for a bit longer than that' Marketing, innit
  13. Wait until people who complain that the sounds aren't great learn that the gauging is completely shot to excrement.
  14. Is the bit of yellow text on the blue box that says 'to celebrate the seventieth year of Hornby '00' locomotives' under the image of SNG also an addition by the editor?
  15. It's almost like the introduction of Hornby Dublo and Hornby the company aren't the same year... Doesn't seem like the most complex whodunnit to me... I thought you looked 56 anyway, promise :)
  16. Right, who's got the button this week?
  17. Crikey, it looked pretty good to me. I'd hate to see what you think of my 6 x 4 tail chaser! Imagine how much nicer it would be if everyone was nice about the layouts people had spent hours of their life building instead of disparaging.
  18. Overused? Perhaps. Deserved? Most definitely.
  19. Is that a circle of track nailed to a board behind them?
  20. On my 9F I was able to use the shorter drawbar by removing the bar completely and flipping it fully, the way around it was the end with the two holes couldn't be positioned properly.
  21. Gone to check the specs on the site of my personal favourite, the freightliner example and noted this little oddity at the bottom of the page. I can't imagine these are frequently bought together, but if they are presumably someone will have a head scratchy moment when one won't run on their layout!
  22. Annoying perhaps, and I agree with you it's over-rated but its ability to draw new blood into the hobby more than justifies its publicity and exposure IMO
  23. Watching the launch I was struck with an overarching sense of why given the Hattons one, Bachmann one and Hornby one which still does have a place. Since reading that it is the Hattons one albeit beefed up a bit, more sense is made! Nice one
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