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Everything posted by Shadow

  1. I hadn't realised that you were that old Edwardian! Liberating French villages with your regiment in '44, even if you were only 18, that would put you at 91 now. I had a mental picture that your were younger.....
  2. Used to stay in a hotel opposite the chapter house for work many years ago! Never realised it was so tall. The bells from the Cathedral were a pain, especially when on night shift and sleeping during the day. Must go back one day and see it all again with a different set of eyes to then.
  3. Not as far off topic as you think with that Twitter link! Was having a look through and came across this picture of Lincoln Cathedral. What's with the pyramid too the left of the Cathedral?
  4. With regards to the varnishing, I've seen it here on RMWeb (somewhere!) that it's better to seal all sides and edges. Doing just one means that the moisture can still get in the other side and that expands/contracts at a different rate, causing warping. Sounds feasible. I used some old emulsion, watered down, with some PVA mixed in! But mine isn't outside in the outhouse. Large rolls of bubble wrap are available cheaply. 1.2m X 100m for about £21.00, maybe use that to line the room.
  5. Thought that this was an early example of Night Vision as used by the military. Pre Night Vision Goggles, more Night Vision Painting.
  6. There's an app for Android systems called Prisma that lets you do just that.
  7. It was taken at Worthing MRC exhibition, the model was in a corridor that had windows all down one side, so lots of sunlight and shadows. Although that caused problems on other photos with people making to many shadows at times and the camera unable to compensate. The loco's had great sound and smoke effects as well, a really good layout. Dave
  8. Just seen these in the local show (Worthing) if any ones interested. Ian Kirk LNER Triplet Restaurant Set (8865) £25.00
  9. Shadow


    And the other 30% of the countries are probably also occupied but just don't know it.
  10. Also shows a coach on stilts just behind the last coach!
  11. Just came across these 3-d printed ones on shapeways. https://www.shapeways.com/product/7S4WC5A6T/early-1860s-nlr-north-london-railway-coach-set Just off to try and find an online copy of "The Engineer" 1869!
  12. Click on the word "earth" in the bottom left gives a list of settings that can be altered. If you select a point on the map, it gives values for that location. Amazing graphics!
  13. A good site here if you want to visualise what's going on. https://earth.nullschool.net/#current/wind/surface/level/orthographic=-67.15,17.17,1355/loc=-64.050,18.235
  14. That was the day after, must have been the smell from all those sweaty walking boots lingering around! They certainly weren't pleasant after 24hrs walking, trust me! Dave.
  15. Forgot to add, raised over £650 for Prostate Cancer
  16. Completed the trek in 23hrs 15min, so just beat my 24hr target! An early start from Worthing to get to Eastbourne for 8:30 start (7.30 check in) Getting ready for the off. Eastbourne sea front, 100Km to go! First big hill leaving Eastbourne towards Beachy Head Beachy Head Cuckmere haven Me in Pirate mode! Passing Lewes in the distance One of the many rest stops Heading into Brighton (half way!), Shoreham Power Station and Harbour in the centre, Worthing Pier in the distance. (The finish is another 9 miles the other side of that, except, we didn't go in a straight line! 30 miles from Brighton to finish. Sun set at Brighton Sun Rise at Amberley (about 11 hours later!) Stroll along the Arun The end in site, pity the pub was shut! the finish....... eventually.
  17. Well, did my charity walk over the weekend and just happened to be passing Lewes in the distance and took this photo. Castle on the Hill
  18. Finished 100km walk in 23hrs 15min. Just a little bit sore nowl

    1. Liam


      A hot meal, shower and snooze will put that right!

    2. Shadow


      Tried all three, not working yet! :)


    3. Captain Kernow

      Captain Kernow

      Well done on your achievement.

  19. Well, that was painful! Lots of aches and blisters. But managed to finish in 23hrs 15min. So far, over £600.00 raised.
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