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John Harris

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Everything posted by John Harris

  1. There is a better picture on the ZSL website. The new lion's enclosure seems more "stagey" than the zoos in my youth! For some reason, I'm put in mind of "Albert & The Lion"... jh
  2. The Ukelele Orchestra of Great Britain are recording songs "in lockdown", one of them is a cover of "The Model" by Kraftwerk and when the line "I saw her on the cover of a magazine" is sung, the singers produces a magazine.... The whole video is here for fans of the Uke. jh
  3. With regard to the comments about the stations, I have to say that the Crossrail work done on my local station has been done tastefully and sympathetically, keeping some elements of the old LNER design. The biggest problems were the delays caused by the archived plans not actually matching the reality of the site. jh
  4. Thank you for the explanation, oddly the "freight" traffic on Crossrail seems to have been put on the back burner, there were plans for a freight depot near where the line crosses the M25, then later near the old Romford gas works, but I've seen no evidence of any work in that area. I understand what you mean about the steps, though I've seen buses and trains were a step pops out when the doors open? I'm not a frequent traveller these days, but I have seen, and assisted myself, people helping single parents get strollers off the current trains. jh
  5. I agree, and I'm not sure if the GA train stop at Brentwood either. The wrinkle is that because Harold Wood is within the "Greater London Authority" area, the fares are subsidised so it pays those who might travel from Shenfield or Brentwood to drive (or be driven) to HW for a substantial saving on the season ticket. The numbers of cars dropping/picking up is significant in "normal" times. I get a free travel card from 60, as I live in "London", which covers bus, Tube, Overground and DLR services, I can even travel at peak times on the card. jh
  6. This is interesting indeed. I first encountered the new trains around four years ago in use on the Liverpool Street line in from Shenfield, they are nice units, however lacking in seats and loos, but you get WiFi. The theory seems to be that people will only be going a few stops, yet commuters from Shenfield, Brentwood (or the equivalents at the other ends of the line) will be going to Liverpool Street or beyond My local station (Harold Wood) has received a major upgrade, the major part being a platform extension and new pedestrian bridge, however there is still a large step up from platform to carriage, in fact it seems larger than for the current stock. Of course, the local estate agents are already plugging the location as being on the "Elizabeth Line" (though I suspect it will remain "Crossrail" to a lot of folk), no doubt adding a few thousand to the house prices. By a coincidence, my former job regularly took me to Paddington, the new entrance built for Crossrail is opposite the offices I used to visit in Eastbourne Terrace, so that has changed too. jh
  7. Strictly, Android 11 is due soon, though beware.
  8. You are right that it is not suggested that vaccination would be compulsory, but (there is always a 'but') I think logic suggests that failure to have the vaccination will have implications for someone's freedom of movement, though it will be framed as being safer for those 'unprotected'. I foresee that the prospect of vaccinations, compulsory or otherwise, becoming a major issue in some circles, the 'anti-vaxers' will no doubt become active campaigning against the vaccine. It will be interesting if the vaccination is 'forever', like MMR, or annual like seasonal flu? jh
  9. You had better not watch "Arachnids in the UK" in the recent series, lots of big spiders, plus one giant that emerges though a wall to grab the baddy. jh
  10. Remember that the Government specifically don't want people wearing "face masks", the announcements suggest "face coverings", which they suggest should be scarves, bandanas or home-made, on the clip on this morning's BBC News there was a chap on the tube wearing a tea towel. Perhaps a marketing idea for the cash strapped preservation societies and museums? The idea of these coverings is NOT to protect the wearer, it's to protect everyone else FROM the wearer's nasal and oral emissions, one of the reasons cited for the good outcomes in South Korea, Japan is that people cover their noses and mouths as soon as they get a cold as a matter of course, so transmission is reduced. jh
  11. Mr. Cummings has a record of ignoring Government Advice, 260 mile journey none stop, even at 70 all the way that's 3.5 hours. The advice "Plan your journey to include a 15 minute break every 2 to 3 hours."...
  12. I rarely use a blade to cut plastic card, I use a scriber (kept for the purpose so it stays sharp) and use several passes, rather than cutting through it one go. As other have said there are several proprietary products for cutting circles, but for other curves I use the scriber and either a card template, french curves or one of those flex-curves as a guide. jh
  13. I have heard it suggested that facemasks, I think "face covering" is probably more accurate, could be a viable substitute for "social distancing" if the latter is not possible, perhaps these should be a requirement in the more 'cosy' shops. model or otherwise? That seems to be the suggestion for public transport too. jh
  14. I am overjoyed to see this, it became something of an opportunity lost in my family. My late Father worked for Ford and was regularly in Cologne on company business, his department was spread across Dagenham and the Cologne plant, this was during the 70s through to the early 80s. He saw these in a toy shop in Cologne and never bought a set, something he regretted in hindsight, in fact judging from your notes it possibly disappeared from the shops, elbowed out by LGB which was pitched at children in Germany. For full disclosure, I have to admit I was bought a lovely collection of Schuco tinplate clockwork cars, remember there was import duty to be paid on goods from Germany back then. But thank you, you have resolved a bit of a mystery. Jh
  15. My neighbour is a plasterer, as he usually works renovating houses they are often empty, so he can work 'socially distant'. Plaster comes in large sacks, usually around £7-£8 a sack, the "going" price at the moment is £25 a pop upwards, indeed on some jobs he can sell spare sacks for more than he paid for them. Plaster is not imported either. So, no, shortages are not all over. jh
  16. I've been to many shows and events over the years, there are always people who are best to keep downwind. I'm guessing that hand washing is still a novelty for them. jh
  17. The report on the BBC this morning suggested no letters on Saturdays, but parcels "as normal". jh
  18. "Tales From The Loop" on Amazon Prime is interesting, set in a version of 60s America, but with access to some hi-tech, so sci-fi to an extent. It's based on the art book of the same name by Swedish artist Simon Stålenhag, but transposed to rural America from Sweden. jh
  19. I believe ESANEL were associated with BEC. Some of the kits, albeit improved, are still available here, http://www.3smr.co.uk/locos.html
  20. There was the Dr Charlie Weller (Head of Vaccines) at the Wellcome Trust on TV this morning, she said 80+ teams worldwide, though pointed out that some might be useless / dangerous. She also mentioned that SARS and MERS don't yet have vaccines after several years and, of course, HIV has no vaccine after 40+ years. Personally, and I'm not an expert, I think some sort of treatment might be more beneficial in the short term. jh
  21. What is worrying is that enough people must take the bait to justify these ejits bothering to try the scam. It's rather sad that they assume that "if you have a computer you view porn", judging others by their own standards I assume. That said, one of the 'fly-on-the-wall' Police documentaries had a couple of coppers visiting an elderly lady who was terrified by such an e-mail, they sought to reassure here, but it is a serious 'threat' to some people. jh
  22. I look at it this way, Geoff Endacott has claimed a grant that his organisation is eligible for, I'd wager the whole amount that the local golf club will also apply. If GE did not claim the money would be unused, that's the way Government budget allocations work. jh
  23. Airfix's forthcoming Cromwell tank (or tanks, there will be versions) are 1/35th, all new and I assume created in India. How long it will be delayed by "The Unpleasantness" is anyone's guess. Airfix have marketed 1/35th since the 70s, the old ex-Peerless/Max range and more recently a couple of bought in mouldings from Italeri. jh
  24. I have noticed a few poorly assembled IKEA units, the instructions tell you how to adjust the doors to get them straight. I wonder if some use this stuff to enhance the background. Did anyone see Matt Hancock's appearance before the Health Committee earlier? No bookcase, but a rather tacky looking portrait of the Queen. jh
  25. I went in a Tesco in North Wales last year, they were selling wet suits, obviously the stocks are regional. Who knew? jh
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