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Everything posted by friscopete

  1. There is a plus side to all this .My grandkids have discovered that the bloke who comes in late and they see on tele and at some circuits is actually their father .
  2. I personally can attest to the loss of of my girlfriend Sue at school to emigration.She lived opposite me and we came an item .Her parents whisked her off to Australia in her last year at school .I dont think it was my fault !!! .Same happened to my mate and his girl .Another ex of mine also left for NZ . Britain lost three good looking girls that no amount of immigration could replace .At least I became a real genuine blues singer through the booze ,tears and melanchol y .Oddly i joined Facecbook page from my old school and one the first postings that came up was from a bloke now in his 7O's asking where Sue had gone and what a nice girl she was .Keep your hands off .She is my dream not yours .
  3. Barkingside Station on the LT Central line had night time deliveries of coal .when I wa a kid a used to hear steam trains in the night and wonder .I assumed the underground delivered the wagons !!! Much later I found J15's used to deliver coal wagons via Seven kings .
  4. Ebay is pretty fab really .I first heard of it when I called one of Monogram/Revell s kit designers in California about figures way back when .As we were taking I mentioned some models I had seen . GMP Peachstate Midgets but couldnt get as they were sold out .'I'll try ebay "says he . "Whats ebay ? "says I .So he told me about this auction site ,Sounded great though not in the UK so I watched out and lo and behold it came out here .We did a deal and I got my Midgets ,even then no great bargain so nothing changes .The thing is if you want it you usually get it ..It may not be a bargain but neither are brick and mortor dealers from experience .
  5. Romford market area had an air raid siren go off .i assumed the Russians were attacking so bought an AMT 3 in 1 Ford from a local shop kit just in case .It was actually a flood warning I think .My daughter gets spooked by a warning that a siren will inform the area that a prisoner has escaped ....from Broadmoor .
  6. I have found model railways and models in general often thrive in recessions or at least hang on in there more than other hobbies asnd such .A model loco may well be hundred quid but you can spend that in bar with a floozie and a burger easily .My very modest Trackpass Figures have starting selling more in the last week or two .Thats how it g oes.So until we get a black death scenario it will probably survive .The poor have never been able to have model trains and the rich are often too busy scewing other people to have any soul but there is a huge lot in the middle with house paid for or a lowish mortgage ,a pension or a securish job to indulge .The secret is to not have both floozies ,burgers and model trains .That is streching it too far .
  7. Got a feeling thew Government has spent the next 20 years worth already to aid the economy .If you want HS2 to aid the future economy I would buy 2 million shovels and give them out to the fit and healthy unemployed left and tell them to start digging .Maybe a canal would be easier and cheaper .
  8. In my teens we went swimming in an open air pool in winter at Whipps cross.It was covered in leaves and freezing .My friend suddenly turned blue .Literally a blue colour and he started sinking .We hauled him up by his hair and got him out OK but really scary .I suppose the attendant should have called an ambulance but we revived him OK with some tea .With Whipps cross Hospital just over the road he was probably safer not going .The place was filthy in the 60's -70's ,probably later .
  9. I am on lockdown and an at risk category .I spray everything that comes in with Iso propyl .I bought a lot before the virus struck after reading reports from China .Washing it all works well too and we also isolate quite a bit of incoming for at least a week or two in the car boot .Cant be too careful .My daughter in Surrey thinks she has had it .She may have caught it while getting her house rabbit well as the vets had to close and scrub down after a an assistant had symptoms.There is a chance the rabbit got the virus from there as rabbits are susceptable .Also so her daughters preschool teacher was coughing etc after husband came back from China as flight crew and she was getting symptoms .She asked my daughter whether she should stop going to school which left my daughter shocked ....doh Bunny survived being very ill which surprised the vet as and so did Sally and probably her son as he had all the symptoms too .my Son in law was surprised by the vets bill
  10. They saw Italy and were warned of what was coming if they didnt test .We didnt test ..........
  11. We have agreed to cut each others........So I will trim the dogs and they will trim me .
  12. i can remember where parking a Ford on a hill was a essential aid to starting .come to think of it I have always lived on a hill .The last Ford I bump started down hill was my neighbors wives XR3.There was also the added fun of what happened if It still didnt start at the bottom .
  13. Mine arrived this morning but is in quarantine in my car boot air lock awaiting its 3 day or so isolation and /or a spray with iso.
  14. I used to see Grey Green coaches when i was kid in Barkingside.Not as buses of course.I suppose for coach trips etc . I wasnt into buses but first trolley buses that terminated at the Fairlop roundabout and then petrol buses.Not a lot of help really .
  15. I stick all non perishable incoming into the car boot on the driveway and keep it there .I also spray it and door handles with alcohol and wash my hands,.
  16. I stick all non perishable incoming into the car boot on the driveway and keep it there .I also spray it and door handles with alcohol and wash my hands,.
  17. The repercussions will be around for decades and the pensioners who paid for the 2008 crash wont be so it may well be a bumpy ride .it w s people like Trevor I was thinking about and his employees .not sure if Capsium its owner will want to bail them out .I always remember working for a lady who who had been secretary to a well know business tycoon .She said he walked into her office ,borrowed a tenner and told her it was all over .The helicopter , cars chauffeur ,houses ,staff wages and his very good looking secretary etc all disappeared in a flash .no one knew it was coming .
  18. Lower formula teams are shutting shop and maybe never to reopen .Dependent on rich men that maybe will never be rich again to indulge their sons its all starting to fall apart .Anyone who thinks the world just drops back into place maybe should think again .Motor racing may not be so popular long term as people suddenly find a world that is very different and much less accommodating to their indulgances.The cracks will start showing soon and maybe cant be papered over .
  19. I have ordered one for my H0 layout .Looks great and I need a large slab of warehouse type building .MIles cheaper than American laser type kits.
  20. A new figure master pattern for Dart castings .Almost ready to send off ,a 7 mm farmer .
  21. I dropped a metal craft knife into my foot once many years ago .It bled like Niagara .My mothers only response was to yell at me not to bleed over her new carpet .Oh well .
  22. i am now getting deliveries on different dates from 3 different supermarkets .Its hard work keeping up with it .Expensive too .
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