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Everything posted by friscopete

  1. Need some coaches now from Genesis fake or not .
  2. I guessed the S&D 1P would appear as they normally release a Collectors Club fancy livery when a suitable prototype like the 1P comes available .Sorted and ordered .
  3. The LNER Fairlop loop had many larger trains when diversions were needed. in the 30's I gather.
  4. I had a parcel coming from Japan with duty due .It stuck in the parcel office two weeks with no notification and when I complained they sent in it back to Japan the next day saying they had sent two letters which were certainly not received.
  5. Your moaning ?. I am still waiting for Eggerbahn's American 2-6-2.Not a word for 60 years .
  6. I have just received my Boxhill .no issues .It runs fine looks good .It looks completely accurate pulling 4 box cars on my Southern pacific based LA switching layou t .Purists will love the fact it drifts through Peco Code 83 insullfrog with no issues ..
  7. A lot us H0 brass bashers on US sites are using 6 pole 15 mm /18 mm Mabuchi square motors which give huge low down grunt .Not for racehorses more like hefty shires .Minibea in China and others sell them on ebay for a miniscule price .There are several sizes .
  8. Most F1 drivers need very rich parents or backers .It just depends how rich your dad is mainly .I think its about a million quid per season in the lower formulas and out of the whole field in say F3 few will make it to FI with out some serious money .Lando s father is one of the richest around and Lando was recommended to and spotted by Maclaren .Now all rich brats are expecting to be Landos and throw their toys out of the pram if they dont win even in the lower formulas .Lando has a very full CV of experience before single seaters but now 16 year olds expect to just do it in one season . Even Carting is expensive at a certain level .My little grandson has been spotted as a good potential by his Dad and others and has team backing already if after the shut down he wants to but Mums not sure she wants any of that malarky even if the family doesnt have to pay .Its an expensive rocky road and she knows drivers who died.She's met their mums and been to their funerals . Willy T Ribbs is a Black Indy driver or was.There was also Jason Watt who was sort of coloured a bit basically screwed it all up showing off on a motorcycle .. Black people can get to the top in more physical sports because they are very good at it and you dont need 6 million quid spare to get noticed .
  9. I just use lais DCC on my US brass and others.I used an offset 8 pin plug in on my Bachmann 4-4-0 and my Trix Bayern 2-4-0 peat loco .
  10. I have a 2002 golf that still looks pretty good .Apart from an easy fixable whack on a rear arch following a fight with a rather tight fitting multi story after possibly a Jack too many after an exuberant blues jam session .The main problem it has is the air con compressor has packed up which due to a summer lock down didnt really matter in the end .We like it for our two furry Lhasas .If it passes its MOT reasonably next tome it will be a keeper.Seems OK at present .When I bought it a few yeas ago most people thought I had bought a new car .I like it as its a though a 1.6 auto it goes well and handles nicely and with plenty of umph or at least enough for me . I have been looking at Honda jazz or Civics.I dont do a lot of millage now mainly as my daughter always visits us loaded with kids, dogs ,bunnies etc not forgetting the new hamster and I am super bored with the A11 after decades of going to London and tracks on an almost weekly basis.
  11. I know Bob Dance the Team Lotus chief mechanic for years way back when what the actual colour of green they used .He gazed blankly and said we just went to he local paint dealer and asked for British racing green and thats what he gave us ,Oh well . I also asked him him about the switch from a red colour instrument panel to black .Was it significant ? No he said .We ran out of red ..He also told me about Classic Team Lotus matching the red Gold Leaf colour .He also told me of Chapmans naughty cheaty bits .Bloody lethal .The guy who painted the originals couldnt remember what paint he used .They traced it to a Volvo truck colour that wasnt used when the team originally used red.,When Classic were matching up matt and semi matt black on suspension parts on later cars they came up with over 80 variations of matt black . Jordan sent me their colour process for the 2002 fluro yellow after I had signed a confidentiality note .It was a salmon pinkish primer ,followed by fluro yello followed by an orange tinted clear laquer. Jaguar cars first season F1 colour cost 600 quid a litre as did Simteks .When I met the guy at Brands who now races a Simtek i didnt have any paint left but did have the mix list him so he can replicate it .He was over the moon as no one could match it .It had about a dozen different tints to it .The black colour on a Simtek was a very dark pearl blue.When you looked at it in a certain light it felt you you could dive in forever.i list all this stuff to show nothing is what it seems paintwise .Its all bollox.I just paint my models to look good .Always have .
  12. Billy bean built a machine to see what it would do . He built it out of sticks and stones nuts and bolts and glue . How come I can remember that but forget lyrics I learned a few minutes ago ?
  13. What happened to Billy Bean and his funny machine ? i can still sing its song .Gawd I am old .and why am I in italics.
  14. What about the European track systems like Roco and Trix or Fleischmann etc .I have the Geoline as a test track circle and kids put up and take down and it works fine ?.i know that system has been stopped but others have taken over.
  15. I have done this several times .Both times the seller rejected it and I bought it in the auction for a lower price than my offer .oh well .
  16. Sadly not team managers they need but great designers and top engineers .Not easy to find or employ .Ferrari dominated in the Schumi years by poaching the best around .this ensured they got the top guys and other teams didnt ,like like Merc now .I dont doubt Claire knew what was needed but enticing them to Williams is another matter .Also Frank was a prickly sod .While they have gone the team is still in a poor way .Often when a team is down it stays there .A whole bunch of up and coming designers and engineers out of college learn their trade in smaller formulas and teams but that doesnt mean they are any good . The top rise but not quickly .Its a season by season climb. Now we cant even test the bloody things so its out of the box and race ready , Cant change this or that or back the rear of the grid Win but probably lose.I can think of at least three well know designers who copied some one elses car and got star billing never to repeat it its dizzy heights again .
  17. I think fans just want a balls to the wind race .Flat out no refueling,no tyre stops ,no strategic bazookas . No weird rules aimed at making racing more interesting ..Its never been very interesting most of the time.Its those bursts of sheer bravado ,skill,and pazzaz that make it unforgetable and of course for the race goers who rarely actually see it all happen its the atmosphere and carnival sadly watered down and upmarketed over the years when control of the circuit ended up in the hands of non racers ..Lando and Carlos keep it genuine at present .Gasly is a blip on the monitor.
  18. According my friend ,an intinerant F1 engine builder(honest )Ferrari couldnt organise a booze up in brewery unless a foreigner told them how to do it . Its aways been so .An Englishmen made their cars reliable in the 50's and it has been similar ever since ..brilliant Engineers but departmental in fighting ,back stabbing ,blaming everything but themselves .The Schumi glory days were all led by foreigners from design to race management.Great name s already and ready to cheat and lie to boost the team above its real potential with a compliant driver.Later additions didnt do so well as it gradually fell off a cliff led by red lemmings ..great looking cars though .
  19. A designer and engineer and team manager of an F1 team told me years ago that if there was free reign on the design of F1 cars then they would be too fast for drivers and they would happily use RC and the driver in the pits or even self drive cars, which he said was the coming thing .The weak point he said was the driver.They just got in the way of how F1 should be .We were talking in 1994 after Imola .I didnt actually realise who he was and it was pit lane red so just idling around .His own team were not there at the test .I thought he was a truckie He was doing research work for another team as well as an Indy /Champ project which in the end was where he ended up as a manager .Very interesting to talk to some one for decent while with no PR bollox . i did find interesting that they say it takes 40 years for tech to mature before it gets cheap enough and mature enough to be regarded as accepted ie planes ,computers /self drive cars .He knew what was coming ...at least in road cars .I first saw electric road cars a few years later (1997 ? )when Peugeot were infesting the paddock with silent electric versions of road cars probably to shoot a PR promo in the lunch break .Every one was moaning they couldnt hear them coming and they should have an F1 engine sound emanating from them .
  20. Most model s need a slightly brighter colour than whats on the original or in someones so called memory IMHO .It brings out detail that is often lost on a darker shade and.,When i hear people banging about the 'right" colour i have a small internal giggle and an under breath" bollox".There I have said it .....he he
  21. i would try a cheap Chinese can motor first and some silicone tubing .Then if it still runs badly I would install two Standon type drives but i have no idea how well they perform .i did try out two Tenshodo spuds back in the day Bernie Victor gave me to try and installed them on a flat platform GE electric switcher type chassis .I then laid and balanced hefty Record Imp vice on it and ran it for hours round a circle of track with no ill effect .Do Kato make their newish motor powered trucks in that size ?T hey look interesting.
  22. I have just ordered a NWSL Stanton drive for my brass RDC .Postage wasnt too bad .Not in the 50 bucks a throw league .I knew when I bought the Alco models RDC it was a noisy contraption but that nickel finish looks so good ..not overkeen on plastic versions .I try to avoid ordering from the US which is easy with Ebay postage prices .
  23. Bernie Victor gave me one to make when they first came out and I just put it together and away it went .Never really thought about it .Maybe thats the secret .,Dont think ...just make ..I now have to regear a Bachmann 80 tonner though after removing the rear truck gear crumble its running fine so i will ignore until the next gears split .
  24. I watched an entire Sunday full of motorsport .F4 ,F2,F3,F1 Touring cars ,LMES and FE,on various media .As for drivers I tend to follow the ex Carlin drivers and the current batch fighting through the ranks .
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