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Everything posted by friscopete

  1. Some yank falls for officers wife and beats up and kills a a bully then some intervene .
  2. i have sold several new locos still packed in boxes and indeed still wrapped in tissue ,Bachmann I think , and untouched .I just put this in the listing and say if you want me to open it and check the running its up to the buyer .Several just said they would take the risk so I send them unopened .
  3. Great result for Lando .
  4. Not Aspergers but some form of ADHD .My wife came up with this last year .It explains my flipperty gibbit nature ,my ability to get bored mid sentence and wander off .My lack of interest in any useful subject ,my endless list of jobs ,a tendency to lose patience and punch some so called colleague in the mouth if they really piss me off ,insulting or bullying me etc etc .Done it three times kept two of the jobs .I do get on well with most people and make friends easily but just as easily drop them though I would always help some one if they needed help ..My wife is right ,as usual.It explains my disappointing many people who expected more .My disaster of a school career despite going to a good school must have been a huge blow for my mother.I have had an interesting life by following my nose rather than logic and cant complain.Becoming a motorsport journalist for Japanese magazines was one.Based on access I already had by making models .I never got bored with that .The F1 pit lane is addictive. My ability to make and sell models has kept me in good stead since I made plaster garden gnomes back when I was kid. My mothers neighbor had one kept in the dry until she died in her nineties . So when I gave up up a job I just made models and sold them ,racing cars .,trains ,people ,houses,and in the end why bother working at all .It has stopped me making large dioramas and layouts for customers and as I didnt know I had ADHD ,it baffled them as why I turned down some very good work but I knew I wouldn't finish them .it all fits into place and just wish I had known earlier .i have been making little master figures for about 40 years on and off and it doesnt get boring as each one is different and a challenge .Naturally the scanners and printers are out in force but I now 74 so who cares .I survived them .I kept the same wife .not that stupid . Hope you dont mind getting this off my chest ,No official diagnosis but i wish I had known .It explains all and I wasnt the lazy dillitant lotus eater I thought I was.
  5. I have used UK stock down to about 6-7 inches .Naturally you need 0-4-0',perchance a Peckett s at that point , but the Hornby type couplings were OK , Kadees better .I got Hon3 Blackstone down to 12 with everything functioning on a quick experimental set up .
  6. I use cheap Chinese clones from Amazon to spray my locos,freight cars etc .I just throw em away if any trouble starts .At about a tenner a throw for a double action it cant be bad. Naturally the more expensive are finer/ better but as i have been airbrushing for 50 odd years painting and weathering and making model 1/43 race cars most of the work is far less demanding than an expensive one warrants .Thats my take .Sure if you do a test comparison the expensive will out perform but in real life on models its hey ho and the cheapies are go. I havnt actually thrown one because its failed mainly just for contamination .Its easier to buy a new one that risk a dud clear coat over a model racing car finish that has to be perfect .I keep meaning to keep one for white and another for clear .I spray acrylic ,Enamels ,Scalecoat ,2K and cellulose type car paint .
  7. My dozen or so always work well . Had a Zimo that died though, luck of the draw
  8. Amen on the C9 and an Alco SP S6 diesel while they are at it .
  9. Any seller can set up combining postage I think .I know I do .You just add to basket and total up when you check out .He should be able to set it up .many Americans cant be bothered with foreign orders so i can be bothered with them .In fact i have mainly stopped buying American as its too expensive now when all factors are taken in to account .I also have most of what I need .i have just bought a Bachmann spare and it cost 25 USD to mail .Its goes in small envelope .Ridiculous but gets a loco going again .post is getting to be a large factor in many countrys .If gets any worse I will buy British model trains .
  10. Model diecast collectors have many themes like Royalty ,presidents ,dead dictators .The Queens Roller is probably in some tourist shops all over the world .Since diecast became cheap (made in china ) its just amazing what is produced .Cars no sensible manufacturer would produce were/are suddenly feasible and so cheap .Some one once asked me to go in with them to produce racing car models .It sounded like a great idea but I saw my first Pauls Model Art model in a local shop and bingo .The future punched me in the face thank God.
  11. Handy timing .I sculpting a bus crew in 1/43 at present .It will be the same as Dart Castings 4 mm set, standing idly by at the cemetery gates
  12. Most statues are erected to the glory of people who have trampled all over other people , even modern ones .I mention no names.Tear em down and put Paddington or Winnie the Pooh in its location .People would know that an offensive statue once stood there .
  13. Lets face it the customer is now the quality controller on most imports for the far east or even nearer .You get a duff one back it goes .You have just become the QC inspector .As this stuff is very cheap and yes it indeed still very cheap ,its the price we pay for it keeping the cost down .,If you want perfect QC on every item then it will cost more ,a lot more .I have had to send back poorly made thousand pound guitars from America , ,a printer , and Bachmann Baldwin 009 that just slowly ground to a halt . Thats how it is and it will probably get worse as a huge recession bites all over the world.On the other hand we get some stunning models that few could replicate at 10 times the price.
  14. Can I ask if there is any digital 8 pin socket in the tender or is it pure analog .Always fancied one to lurk alongside locos my Bavarian . cheers
  15. Gents ( I dont include ladies as they are sensible ) we talking and moaning about a plastic toy .Its not like they are important like Pez dispensers so get a grip.
  16. My daughter was bit shocked when she and the kids and dog took a walk over Lightwater country park in Surrey to find the streets full of OAP's dancing and boozing and everyone carrying on as normal and close together . She wasnt very happy .Her and the kids may already have had it early on before lock down via the local vets .Their version was short sharp and nasty but they all recovered quickly .She asked the NHS line to be tested but was refused despite having all the symptoms .She said it wasnt like the flu ,much more intense,much hotter . Another thing she noticed was her elderly neighbours in various houses all sit out now near each other sharing drinks and fags .They didnt bother before the lock down .She lives in a close.
  17. People just want enjoy themselves .Some like a challenge and others like to buy stuff and play with it .They keep the hobby going .
  18. I dont have one of these but I did make a brass 00 model up for a customer with a Portescap motor and gibson wheels .It was the GER version and I seem to remeber making the GER blue panel by painting some decal sheet GER blue ,lining and lettering it probably with HMRS type sheets.i should think some enterprising type on here could print some up and a complete side decal and making conversion easy .I leave it to the experts to pick my idea to bits but at least my customer was happy .
  19. Some of Rocos narrow gauge H0e is quite main line like the Mariazell electrics and some is Feldbahn and minor lines .All good stuff A Tramfabrik motor upgrade works a treat on their Feldbahn steam and diesel.
  20. My account says i have one on order .My accountant says dont .
  21. It keeps track of preorders and both you and the retailer can see at a glance whats the situation is regards those orders .We are dealing with models that often dont appear for years and when they do sell out straight away .
  22. Never buy your wife a new iPad .She wont let me use it ....
  23. Basically the worlds economy is effed,effed , and thrice effed. No matter when and what comes out the other side ,its going to be very different to what it was going in.Still at least Keef is still alive and the cockroaches .
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