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Everything posted by friscopete

  1. I dropped a metal craft knife into my foot once many years ago .It bled like Niagara .My mothers only response was to yell at me not to bleed over her new carpet .Oh well .
  2. i am now getting deliveries on different dates from 3 different supermarkets .Its hard work keeping up with it .Expensive too .
  3. Me and the Mrs are hunkering down with our dogs .in fact we have already been doing it a couple of weeks really .We both have some lung problems .i have COPD so a disaster case waiting to happen . As we tend to be fairly self contained we will amble along as usual .i will miss my Blues Jams in the City where my gravelly COPD induced voice works a treat .She is worried about the dogs getting ill and us having to go to the vets .I have plenty of Iso so hose everything down that enters the house with a bottle spray .Amazing how little I have used .I even sprayed and wiped 30 eggs I got from a local farm and everything that comes from Sainsburys.My daughters bashing her head against a wall because she cant visit and help being 100 miles away and in fact may have had it last week .she certainly had all the syptoms anfd is still feeling rough though a bit better .So fingers crossed .
  4. I have 40 + loo rolls with out hording .I bought about 5 packs of nine at Lidl a while ago before the virus /zombie problem because its cheap and also good and would save me going there often as I dont buy much from them .Add on a few via Sainsburys delivery today and if I dont eat any ultra hot curries from a takeaway it should last a while .On the plus side I have been ballasting my 009 layout at last .
  5. We had a largish Sainsburys delivery just now .I gave em all a rub down with some ISO just to make sure as we are both high risk .Who knows .Sainsburys substituted a fair bit but it was all there and will keep us going .I bought about 5 litres of iPA before the rush as I realised what was coming .We are both high risk with dodgy lungs so are taking no chances.We self isolated 2 weeks ago .
  6. Re women of a certain age .My daughters good friend in Northern Italy has just lost a previously fit friend aged about 30 to it .She says it is killing the young as well as old hippies.The authorities dont seem to be accurate in age death rates .There may well be a lot of dead formerly smug people joining her friend .
  7. you still dont get it do you
  8. Its gone and quite right .it should never have been put on in the first place with the world lock down .I dont think its sunk in yet how serious it all is .Its not a mild cold or flu .Even der Donald seems to have finally sussed it .
  9. Its all part of business really .I have made offers and received offers .No one has to accept but often I do and so do sellers.You have to be careful with ebay .Once a well respected narrow gauger tried to scam me by saying he could get the damaged loco repaired for a heftyish sum which I was supposed to reimburse.I told him to send it back for a refund as I could solder the wire in about 20 seconds and put it back for sale .Never heard another word .
  10. Just as an aside to the pasta famine .I worked in GT Yarmouth once .There was a huge warehouse full of bulk dried pasta .A sort of pasta mountain .I think its still there and I dont doubt they will be happy to flog it off at inflated prices .i did my panic buying weeks ago .
  11. Lilliput made a German Seehund minisub on a wagon .it had a conning tower so different in most details from the sub in the photo.From memory the crew needed vast quantities of Pervitin to attempt to go to sea in them .It didnt end well .
  12. now thats what I call a sensible brake van, room for the guard ,his mum and her sheep .
  13. Discussion in the pub and misinformation is all part of our rich genetic make up .Humans have a remarkable ability to believe and worship people spouting crap and ignoring people like scientists and doctors .Its our curse.
  14. Your all moaning about merely missing holidays etc .I have been banned from going to blues jams and jazz open nights in the city until further notice .Its not so much a ban as 'if you go dont come back ." I do have COPD so maybe she is right . Many antiseptic gels are mainly IPA and a gel so getting a bottle of IPA may help .If the shops run out look for Tamiya thinners at a pinch.
  15. My wife has banned me from any public event over one person .As she is annoyingly always right who am I to argue .
  16. Model railways have never been cheap .No hobby is that cheap ,they all have a cost .I do wonder if maybe its best to run a few quality products rather than a lot of mediocre .My SP layout is a switching type layout as i really couldnt afford all those pricey passenger trains and stream liners so just boaught some decent sound equipped switchers a while ago .i doubt I could afford them now and the mail rates from the USA are just ridiculous ..My brass locos were usually cheaper than plastic ,often damaged and all needed stripping, repainting , regears and new motors .The modern brass is super expensive and even one is more than my whole layout put together .
  17. I sold a Bachmann 2-8-0 0N30 loco with out a tender .I tested it and knew it ran though it needed as stated two wires hooking up .It sold in an instant ,always means its underpriced .The person who bought then said it didnt run and said his friend would repair it ?for 30 quid .I told him i would be glad to get it back and stick another 50 quid on it and if his friend was charging 30 quid to solder a wire on he should drop him .Never heard another word and neither of us listed any feedback .I got screwed over a Unimat lath once and was annoyed I got both the lath and my money back after a refund .I was fumming but insisted all communication wa s through ebay not privately .He had cleaned it up (and ruined the motor ) and that was enough to get it all reversed and my money back as he had worked on it .Maybe the guy has on you drill .Ask for photos .iIdid .The minute its worked on its theirs .
  18. No idea if this would help but you can take an RTV cast of a larger pattern and shrink it by adding thinners to the RTV mix which then shrinks as it dries .I gather the model car guys in the USA use it to shrink 1/64 auto body castings down .I havnt tried but it might be worth looking into and as long as you dont sell them you can make as many as you want .
  19. Pages of Barkingside .I spent many an hour with my nose stuck to the window of his shop .He moved later to the opposite side of the road .he had a coin op layout in the window . Which he said was areal money spinner at a penny a pop .iI was just down the bottom of my road .it later became a Chinese take away when he retired which was also handy .
  20. High level do a motorised chassis I think .its called a flyshunter and I,ve just checked and its still made by the look of it .Being High level it will be the bees knees.
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