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Everything posted by friscopete

  1. I had these too .Good fun .I had a weird dream once that they would put motors in them but nah......
  2. It just shows how importatant qualifying is .Some drivers are famous for poor qualififying and racing through the pack but in the end you never know what is round the bend or in the future .Getting soaking wet spectating on a race track is part of the fun and money well spent .The fans will forever dine out on how they endured Spa 2021 and watched Russell win a magnificent podium ,the first of many .I would charge the ticket holders an extra 100 quid for the privilage ....I was driven round Spa circuit in 1963 at 100 MPH in a Vauxhall Victor by a Belgian uncle .I was impressed but later realised it was 100 KPH.
  3. probably Lando..only half joking .He is the real hot shot of the grid.
  4. Does Russell let Hamilton through at the start ? Of course not ,who could suggest such a thing .
  5. I read somewhere that after WW2 anti semitism was high as the Palestine issue had Jews killing British troops .Didnt go down well.
  6. Once Jagger and Keef go the 60's is finally over and we will know that a lifetime of substance use doesnt make one immortal .
  7. R IP I owe him a lot. I learnt the Everly songs as they came out .I was cycling back from school in Chigwell with a friend .He had started a pop band but I played trumpet badly.We started singing Everly stuff and he realised I was singing the harmonies.It just sorta came out without thinking.I joined their band straight away and played rythym guitar which was a bit odd as I couldn't play guitar .Luckily Bert Weedons 'play in day" the universal bible of all British wannabees came to the rescue and lets face it in those daay it was lt pretty basic (still is) so cheers Don .I still rock at pub jams and after learning some proper chords even dare to have ago at jazz singing and playing .Who would ever believe i would still be belting out Heartbreak Hotel ,no Elvis impersonation allowed at my age .
  8. LEDS seem fine ,not the same as Grolux tubes and you can turn it all to night at the flick of a switch and it has built in brackets .My layout is California sunny .I have just bought an LED garage light 4ft as replacement for a fluro tube so I will rig it up and compare colours.
  9. Mine is OK under LED lights ,shows up in fluro and a bit better under tungsten.My layout has fish tank LED lighing .nice model .
  10. After reading about his imminent demise he has taken the law into his own hands and done a runner to Love Island
  11. Maye its Bottas that sets the car up for the champ .I have said this before on here that teams retain drivers as they can set a car up and identify issues that the team hot shot ignores or in some cases not bright enough to know .Hakkinnen was the hot shot but not the set up guy.Barichello was a set up wizard for several teams.Brawn and Stewart at least .A top dog at Stewart told me grumpily ,when I congratulated him on Herberts win,(I can crawl like the best of them ) that the wrong driver won .It was Barichello that did all the work .It really surprised me that he said it to me.Barichello was very quick driver but lacked that final killer speed that the hot shots have .Button had it ,not sure Herbert did .He had trouble braking with his damaged feet.Its that quick lap when the team ask for it .Bottas doesnt ,Hamilton does. Perhaps some one at Red Bull has finally said "get me a f&*%$£@g set up guy " in a German accent .Who knows? maybe Max is losing a sector or two because of a failing dynamic spring rate or its equivelent .Maybe Bottas can find it for him .It could of course ,and probably is ,bowlacks , part of F1"s summer break fun . When the racing stops but the gamesmanship doesnt .
  12. I'll get the ball rolling 1 .wrong gauge , 2 its 2 hours out of my time period 3 linings wrong and badge poorly defined 4 too expensive 5 why have they made this when I need something else 6 why produce this when I can scratch build it in a few years anyway . 7 etc 8 blah blah 9 Vertappen never drove it
  13. Might be some races lost down the road when grid position drops are enforced because replacement bits and pieces are used .This is what Red Bull are worried about maybe .Merc havnt had to replace much so are in the clear but replacing engines ,gearboxes etc ,monocoques ,Max's ego etc ,all cost grid places and may well penalise them .The championship was looking good for Max but maybe RB know they have lost it already . Maybe Max will have to reign in as any more damage will wipe out their chances as Merc can hold the line . Poor old Christine won be able to keep his wife in union jack nighties at this rate.
  14. Shame for Vettel .Wasnt there a race a few years ago when someone got a radio call to STOP NOW,STOP NOW after the race for a similar reason .Its been arøund a long time probably to stop teams topping up after the race before scrutiny to hide assorted misdemeanors to get the weight up .
  15. My son in law (again sorry ! ) ran him at the Macao GP F3 and found him a really likable nutcase besotted with English comedy shows like The Fast show.He used to run around saying "suit you sir " etc .
  16. I think the Ricard circuit has sprinklers for wet testing ...or did . Bernie owned it or still does I think .
  17. I am slightly worried aout a Giles Villeneuve situation where he was so incensed with Pironi breaking the unwritten rule about staying on station for the last laps and not overtaking his team mate that he overcooked it qualifying and died . My son in law told my daughter that he was surprised how many former racing fathers bully their kids racing in the junior formulas.He was quite shocked at its heavy handedness and at least verbal violence , and it takes a lot to shock him .I gather its getting even worse .Many fathers take the 'its costing me half a million to get you racing in this series so win blah blah". I mention no names of course but Lando and Carlos were not on the list I hasten to add. .Maybe that in its self says something .You can probably guess the ones.
  18. Sorry, realised I had already told the tale as alfsboy about the origins of the masters.
  19. Maybe they are on their last chassis before they lose grid pisitions
  20. Perhaps I could make a request on this H0 extraveganza.It is for an Alco S6 switcher .Mainly used on the SP but lots of private roads and industries bought them usewd .A tiger stripe finish and grey /scarlet and lots of lights. put my name down for a shay .
  21. Max and Christine are doing their job as ordered from above .Just how many times has Red Bull appeared in various media since the event .Great advertising for a fairly lethal drink.Its why they are there .
  22. It was true as far as I know from memory.Senna was badly affected by Ratzenbergers death and nearly didnt race .Not sure he had ever faced a death before on track as the last driver to die was Paletti ,not sure when , but years before.A hasty wiki will reveal all but I am lazy.Senna was the first" carbon "racer who realised that crashes were no longer fatal...hard way to find out your wrong .
  23. The car was criminally defective and the tub needed 50kilos of carbon fibre added to the centre section which you can see on later 102's.It didnt help that the team didnt get a penny of Camel sponsorship even though it was plastered all over the cars and team .
  24. The teams used to have a " T car " as the spare was called.It may also have been a means of abuse setting one car legally and the suddenly needed T car having every illegal mod known to man ,swapping chassis plates before scrutineering etc .Lotus used to fill their big rearwings with water for weighing then swap them over .
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