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Roy L S

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Everything posted by Roy L S

  1. This thread has gone rather quiet of late, and loathe though I am to interrupt all the "announcement" frothing on another, I just wondered if Andy could advise how the tooling of this loco is getting on and when we might get to see an EP? Roy
  2. Are we to assume all announcements will be OO?
  3. I watched the FB Live recording right through. I thought it gave some valuable insight into the considerations involved in producing models of all types. I have a sound fitted 28 on order and am delighted to hear that in terms of pre-orders the model has proved to be so popular, I guess it has the same quirkiness as the EFE (Ex DJM) Clayton which seems to have been an equally savvy choice, proving that poor locos in reality definitely does not mean unpopular in model form. I was another who asked for the Conflat P's just because Cuneo's painting made the Co-Bo synonymous with the Condor service, but as a modeller I am very happy (1) that my 28 and P's will be operating well away from the designated route (diverted - Rule 1 is your friend!) and (2) I do not necessarily need to order a full rake of P's to have the desired effect. I think I have ordered 8 and this (maybe 2 more) with a Stove R at the rear will do nicely. It would be nice to think that someone might do the "Condor" headboard in N too (If Rapido don't provide a nice etched one in the packaging - hint). I was delighted that the popularity of the 28 is likely to mean more N diesels, and clearly from a cost basis this makes sense, there are however only a few as yet untouched RTR ones from the modernisation plan, of which I guess maybe the pretty little Baby Deltic may feature strongly alongside the Class 21/29 (not so sure about the Class 15?). Acknowledging the cost v return issue, I would personally love to see Rapido produce something steam, possibly a simple N Gauge -0-6-0 tender loco design but I suspect they are a long way from that at the moment. Roy
  4. The LNER 8F variant was a real oddball choice and given the very restricted timeframe they operated in it was (in my opinion anyway) never likely to be a strong seller, to be honest a better choice would have been a weathered BR variant alongside the other two BR ones, but here we are. It shouldn't be a difficult job though, using Fox "obliteration patches" to cover the old LNER numbers and lettering to convert it to a BR or even LMS one and I'll be on the lookout for a reasonably cheap one in time to do just that. A fair point re: wagons v's coaches, I am just glad I built up my maroon Mk1 stock when they were more freely available. I know there will be constraints on production capacity, but there would be so much more demand for Mk1s in Maroon and Blue/Grey than in the oddball test train type liveries that the few coaches we do see come through in. In this respect there does need to be a little more joined up thinking in my opinion to leverage the most effective use of such production slots as there are. Oddball liveries do not align to maintaining a credible supply of mainstream items and I feel that priority should instead be given to maintaining supply of a few of the more common Mk1 coaches in the two liveries. Roy
  5. Typically all unfitted agreed, but there were plenty of fitted 16 Tonners around too, and I feel sure prototypical trains can be found. I did happen to wander off and have a look for more info on the various types of 16T wagon and their uses, anything from coal to sand, sugar-beet to scrap and of course mineral ores. A fascinating if long read on this very site: - 16t minerals - Page 92 - Modelling musings & miscellany - RMweb Roy
  6. The four different grey ones alone in sufficient numbers would make up a pretty decent unfitted mineral train, and if the duplicate numbers irked, they can always be re-numbered quite easily. I don't intend to go trawling shops to see who has or has not got them in stock currently, firstly because they are available to order from Barwell and that is the point - they have them, secondly because personally like Zunnan, I have got more of the recent different Farish models than I can ever realistically use on my layout at once already. Running fitted and unfitted together? Very often you would find a "fitted head" of wagons behind the loco on a partially fitted train - not unusual at all. Regards Roy
  7. I have been a pretty vocal critic of the lack of Bachmann products of late, but re: the above, to be fair, best take a look at the Bachmann website to see what is currently in stock at Barwell first. As well as a decent number of very suitable BR vans there are the following mineral wagons: - 377-226B BR16T Mineral Wagon Bauxite - Early 377-227E - BR16T Mineral Wagon Top Flap Doors Grey - Early - Weathered 377-228 - 16T Mineral Wagon NCB 377-250E BR 16T Mineral Wagon Bottom doors Grey - Early 377-275C - BR 27T Iron Ore Tippler Grey - Early 377-450 C BR16T Slope Sided Grey - Early 377-451C BR 16T Slope Sided Bauxite 377-453 BR16T Slope Sided BR Grey Weathered Enough choice available to put together a pretty decent mineral train I'd say. Roy
  8. Mine was like that too I e-mailed Richard Proudman who confirmed that it was an issue that had not impacted all copies, was most apologetic and is arranging for another to be sent. He also apologised for the quality not being as high as normal, there being an unavoidable change of printers from all accounts. I really cannot fault the quick reply, apology and commitment to fix the issue, textbook customer service. What I would have loved to see too is a new Collector's Club 03 in N with maybe a unique running number or quirky livery choice, possibly like the 00 one in NCB black livery - ref 31-367 with the flowerpot chimney, it would go so nicely with recently announced NCB brake van, but maybe that's just me being a bit greedy. Roy
  9. The 8F was completely new from the rails up, nothing revised, nothing carried over and it shows, it is without question the best RTR steam loco you can currently get in British N. Roy
  10. Putting aside any slight disappointment with the Farish announcements (albeit 03 and 04 with new DCC chassis isn't too shabby compared to the last three quarters I guess) I have to say that this Double Fairlie blew me away, what an absolutely mind-blowingly beautiful model, fair play to Bachmann and a massive "well done" from me. Roy
  11. Yes I know which is all the more strange as it is Autumn's that have recently been put up as part of Bachmann's "Latest News" on their website and that was my point.
  12. Is there definitely going to be an announcement? The latest news on the Bachmann website is now plugging the Autumn announcements and not a peep about tomorrow. Similarly no e-mail from Collectors' Club which I thought preceded it with a link to the presentation. Roy
  13. I would be very happy if a V2 of that standard was put through the "Shrink Ray" and made into an N Gauge model, sure there seem to be a few small discrepancies on this 00 one but I guess things like the chunkier valve gear are more of a a necessity in N. Anyway, and not wishing to be flippant, just bring some perspective here, isn't the biggest discrepancy of all a gauge which is about a scale 7 ins too narrow? Just sayin'.... Roy
  14. I am sure Andy mentioned it in a reply to me but for the life of me I cannot now find it . does anyone know when the next quarter's announcements will be made? I thought it was to be some time in early November, but I haven't seen a notification from Collectors' Club so am wondering if I am wrong. I am not sure if I will break off this quarter to watch it, based on the dismal performance as far as new N is concerned in recent times I may not, but like a moth drawn to a flame, in an act of what may be self inflicted pain I just might... Roy
  15. The point of the card machines was not about how much cash people did or did not have on them to pay, it was to give people the choice of paying contactless should they wish to in order to avoid having to use cash which gets handled repeatedly thus increasing the risk of transfer of Covid by contact. Again a choice and not something we made mandatory, although I did happen to notice that the bar/canteen at GETS on Saturday was contactless only for all transactions regardless of value. As I mentioned previously it had the added benefit as it transpired of facilitating impulse purchases when people did nor have enough cash too. Roy
  16. In terms of popularity my understanding is that the N Market is reckoned to be in the region of 20-30% that of OO. Sadly, if you consider the investment in the OO class 20, Class 24, V2, Class 47 (Said to be £1m alone) new investment in new N has been miniscule by comparison in the last 2 years, and I would be surprised if it has been even 20-30% of the Class 47 alone. The Class 69 is so niche that I can see it having only limited appeal. No use to anyone modelling earlier epochs than current and what is it 10 locos with an option for another 5? I can understand that it might make it in the OO world, but I fear a lot N ones will end up heavily discounted over time. I know we are told that N has not been forgotten, but every indication over the last 12 months especially is that while that may be true, it is not where the priority for spend on new tool items is. Even the partial retool of the 5MT (which is basically just the tender to accommodate sound) I was told at TINGS is likely to still be 18 months away. I have one on order but given (if this is accurate) it will go through another two price increases before release (having had one hike already) I am seriously considering cancelling it. I am of course aware of the production issues in China, but even allowing for these, other things with much closer delivery dates are now attracting my attention. Roy
  17. Not really I wouldn't say, it simply means that they are out of stock at Barwell. It would be lovely to think some will follow in BR lined maroon, but judging by Bachmann's current glacial progress of getting anything done in N, I suspect that if they happen at all it will not be for many years. Roy
  18. Exactly right, and that is the whole point, it is not exactly difficult to do and hardly has a huge impact on "civil liberties" where people are physically able to and circumstances make it prudent. My own position is simply this, if wearing a mask affords even a small degree of protection to others it is worth doing, it isn't about me. Roy Roy
  19. I think there is a need to be more respectful of other people's opinions. I am double-jabbed like most but that doesn't make me immune and it also does not stop me unknowingly carrying the virus asymptomatically. This isn't just about you it is about other people too. Roy
  20. For the first time at our small "Beacon Rail" show last weekend we had Sum Up card readers at the front desk, catering and club second-hand, offering contactless payment. They are relatively cheap (£29 or less each) easy to set up and transaction charge only 1.69%. Cash was still very much in evidence (and on catering especially covered the majority of transactions) but the alternative was well received and may have actually had a positive impact on second-hand sales we think, where impulse buys were no longer constrained by cash in pocket. Roy
  21. Indeed and the very last thing I wanted to do was open up any kind of slanging match either with my comments yesterday. Every individual is entirely at liberty to choose, my only reflection was that even according to current guidelines organisers still have a responsibility. What I had not appreciated at the time when I made my comments was that there was still a cap on tickets and that explains why after what I considered a very uncomfortable period crowd wise when I joined the show at 11.00 things thinned out as the day progressed. My hope is that showing that management of Covid risk can be effective at exhibitions will encourage more clubs to do them and for people to go. I think we are all over the moon to be able to go again whatever difference of opinion there may be about mask wearing. Roy
  22. It is now a personal choice I accept but the point of a mask is not to keep the wearer safe but much more that it helps prevent infecting others, that is the issue and in a crowded space like today's show why it is important.
  23. Understandable. I went along today and was amongst probably only 15% or so of people who were wearing a mask, I was surprised by this and would have hoped/expected it to be higher. I could see no signage even asking people to wear masks if possible, or publicly available hand sanitiser (although there was some available on stands). I personally feel the organisers could have tried a little harder in this respect to be honest as it was quite crowded when I first arrived shortly before 11.00. That aside, a good show with some top quality layouts and a very good selection of traders. I didn't buy much, but I did get hold of a few useful bits and pieces I had been after for a while. Roy
  24. Pleased for everyone who was able to attend that they had the chance to get some decent bargains. I had hoped to go, but was just too knackered after our exhibition yesterday . Personally I have got the message loud and clear re: announcements, were we to have seen any N related TINGS would have been the place. Incidentally when is the next quarterly announcement set for? Not saying I will dial into it, just curious. Roy
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