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rob D2

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Everything posted by rob D2

  1. I hope Dapol make a good job of this - they don't really have any pedigree in OO diesels I don't think and have now been entrusted with several important prototypes
  2. Super tractors ! 222 is on my list as well, but then again I could do 100 from that period
  3. Liking the military train very much! Is that the new Dutch 37 ? How's the sound ?
  4. I agree, 5 ' of plank of reckon is going to be £500 total inc scenery . But it's my only do at home hobby so I guess I don't resent it
  5. Vacant space at the back is going to be an ASDA distribution facility, just like the one you see in all the photos of discotheque stabling point. I've used plasticard, scored, and then the gaps highlighted by crushed pastel. This will be over a foam board base. One panel done so far. The military vehicle depot doors continue to take shape. 40 mins a door to get to this. 8 to do ! Continue to buy stock. This 37 cost me a fortune on eBay as they are rare now ( I remember buying two in 2008 for £60 each ! Those were the days ). But this was still in the tissue when it arrived this week. I had to have a Dutch 37, but I don't have the will to mess it up as per EWS, so this will be in early 96 condition, and re numbered ultimately. That's it for now, hoping to make some more progress on Monday
  6. I agree. It was and is one of the most authentic depot layouts. A trailblazer really.
  7. It's a fantastic looking layout ! If I had one piece of constructive criticism - I'd get those BR yellow vehicles toned down to suit the rest of the weathered look
  8. That's very neat work, Always pays to have diagrams of the ' lectrics
  9. Not necessarily, I use insulfrog on my plank with DCC with no problems.
  10. Hi, I'm trying to put some buffers on a Bachmann 37. It appears the old sources are no longer available , ie A1 and craftsman. Are there any other or are Bachmann packs of buffers suitable ? The buffers on my other 37s seem pretty basic Thanks in advance if anyone has gen
  11. Looking forward to it.... I'm betting that chap has a layout called ' Dunelm Mill '. Moving on...
  12. Slow progress, but I finished the portacabin more or less Military vehicle shed is coming on, I'm waiting for a delivery of plastic strip to do the framing on the doors hopefully a bit more subtly than before On rolling stock, I'm hoping I can make this into 37116 in BR blue with transrail logo.its taking more work than I thought though
  13. He was spurred on by England being knocked out ? Is he Welsh ?
  14. Nice work, I can't stand model trees. They are either cheap bog brushes or far too expensive hand made generally - yours are fantastic though mal, Can you transplant them ??
  15. All very good, but it takes seconds to look at a photo and avoid these problems in the first place !
  16. They smoke some seriously strange s.... In Brisbane.
  17. No, I wasn't accusing you fenman. However the EWS beasties were applied to 250 brand new class 66s so they must have liked it. One of the design houses did correctly say the name EWS didn't really portray what they did at all. But then again look at RES, that blue flash livery didn't really convey much to me - were those parcels travelling at light speed or something ?
  18. Ah but the three beasties must have taken longer than gWr ! I think there was an element of snobbery with EWS that the design houses didn't like an amateur thinking up a logo as was the case with this competition
  19. It's a nice green , but it needs more contrast - maybe like the 1997 original great western ! The GWR logo just looks old fashioned rather than retro. And to think this probably cost them a couple of million to get some chap in red braces and silly glasses to think this up. I could have done it in two minutes with juniors lidl pen set.
  20. Cut the outline for the military vehicle store Tried a ' test shot ' of a door panel. The details a bit chunky. These ribs are 2mm painfully cut from styrene sheet. I think I'll have to get thinner, and in strip form as this will test my sanity otherwise
  21. Got some of these today for the military depot Another VGA arriving tomorrow as well
  22. Ah now that's good to know, I might go for it. A lump of wood painted grey doesn't make a filing cabinet as I found out. Shame our printer is on the blink I wanted some posters for the walls
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