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Everything posted by 11B

  1. I see as I passed Hest Bank yesterday that the house by the level crossing (under the foot bridge, same side as the signal box), is now a pile of bricks!!! Something else gone of ever....... Ian
  2. Death by heat and hay fever! Dehydration due to sneezing and eyes streaming!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Horsetan


      I've had good results standing next to the freezer cabinets in Sainsbury's...

    3. Captain Kernow

      Captain Kernow

      Be careful, some hayfever medication can have unwanted and unpleasant side effects....

    4. 11B


      Horsetan has the right idea. My local Tesco is one big freezer, grate in hot weather, but winter is another story...

  3. 34046 seems to be heading for Carnforth, must pop down and see her arrive subject to Network Rail steam ban!!!

  4. Whilst waiting for this today at Carnforth I do believe Jim sneaked up behind be...... Not the best photo in the world...... but Ian
  5. Whats going on? Sunshine on all my days off this week!

  6. What days you passing through Carnforth next week? Or is it just Sunday? I may head down and take a few photos? Ian
  7. Nice photos Mark. Jim, any chance you might get a go with the class 86? Kind regards Ian
  8. Hi Jim, Was it you turn on 6J37 today........ From www.prestonstation.org.uk web site ..... Colas 56094 has disgraced itself just past Oxheys Loop, to the north of Preston, whilst hauling the 6J37 Carlisle - Chirk logs. 57304 has been dispatched from Preston to drag it into the station, whilst 4M44 has been put into the loop at Oxheys to allow passenger traffic to pass. Rescue loco and failed train proceeding very slowly back to Preston, as at 15.00. Kind regards Ian
  9. Not sure about the "not to be moved" sign Kingmoor open day Ian
  10. DRS Kingmoor open day, just can't remember the year!!!!
  11. 11B

    Loch Dour

    Hi Kev, I have managed to make contact, he's now off searching his collection to see what he can find! Fingers crossed. Kind regards Ian
  12. Hi, Slightly off topic (sorry), I assume that this happened to Bare Lane box at the same time? Ian
  13. 11B

    Loch Dour

    Hi Kev, I have tried to PM you a photo...... Not sure if I have managed to do it correctly? Hope it helps Ian
  14. 11B

    Loch Dour

    Hi Kev, I know a man at work that may have a good photo of it (or he may know someone else that has), I will try and find him tomorrow, but I can go for a few weeks without seeing him, and I'm off next week to add to it!!!! But I will do my best Kind regards Ian
  15. Hi. Trains and Transport was on Charnley Street Preston. my parents went to Preston most weekends, and I got dragged along so they could use the family railcard, It was always the first and last stop of the day! I also remember a train shop upstairs in a shop on King Street in Lancaster which is long gone (and the name escapes me). Likewise its two predecessors in Lancaster have long gone, firstly Cheltenham Bagnall Ltd, then Lancaster City Models. In Ulverston we had Keith Graytrex how kept making come backs, first a fire, then ill health. He sold it on, but the new owner did not last to long as I recall. And there was two shops in Barrow Maurice Roberts and another on which got knocked down to make way for the new shopping centre. My dad and I did trot off to London every now and then, and he always took me into W&H, but I think this shut down as well? This is bring back a few memories..... Kind regards Ian
  16. Got the plan, even got the track.. Now just need payday to get the wood!

  17. Got the plan, even got the track.... Now just need the cash to get the wood!

  18. Got the plan, even got the track.... Now just need the cash to get the wood!!!!

  19. 11B

    Loch Dour

    Hi Kev, I trust your kepping well as I have not seen an update for a wee while? How is "Ethel the unready" getting on? And did your Ian ever get the transfers? If so, were they any good? Kind regards Ian
  20. Hi Beast 66606, Sorry yes it was, I seem to have forgotton/missed that...... Thanks for the reminder Kind regards Ian
  21. Hi Terry, Looking good. Strangely I thought of you (well your layout) as I drove home down Morecambe prom looking at the embankment with the houses on it. At the risk of starting all out war (tin hat and flack jacket on, running to the door!!!) in your last photo, should the signal on the up main be upper quadrants instead of lower quadrants? I am quite (well very) envious of the comit coaches. A stunning layout. Kind regards Ian
  22. 11B

    Loch Dour

    No problem... Hope they work out well for you Ian
  23. 11B

    Loch Dour

    Hi Kev, I've never used them befor, but http://www.precisionlabels.com/d25.html Not sure if they even the ones you are looking for but I hope this helps Kind regards Ian
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