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Everything posted by 11B

  1. Hi Phil. I am not sure. I will try and have a look next week if I get down there. Thanks Ian
  2. Looks even sadder today... No roof between the cabs now, and big bits of engine removed, but the body sides are still in place!!!! Ian
  3. Has just returned next doors trampoline back over the fence!

    1. Trainshed Terry

      Trainshed Terry

      It will probable bounce back during the night.

  4. Hi David, Looking at the state of it and what is missing (side rods, tender) I am inclined to think not. May be it could be used to keep Tangmere going? Still only time will tell! Today we have some photos from 16 July 2013, Network Rail had a steam ban in force because of the long dry summer. Not sure how WCR managed some of the workings they did on this day! 34046 Braunton and 57315 arrive at Carnforth from Bury ELR. 34046 is serviced in WCR yard prior to working its loaded test run. 37516 crosses Carnforth North Junction with an ECS working to Bo'ness 57315 runs light through Carnforth to join the rear of 34046's stock 47854 and 57316 head into Carnforth D&UGL prior to a light engine movement North over the WCML 34046 departs Carnfoth D&UGL with her loaded test run. Kind regards Ian
  5. Hi All. Having looked at a number of recent threads on here, I thought that I could add some of the photos that I have taken around Carnforth area. Also I am using ImageShack for these photos, its the first time I have used it, so I am not sure just how big these will appear!!!! Any thoughts or comments are most welcome. To start with we have a few taken on 7th February 2014. 47236 in one of the sheds at Carnforth. Work was happening in this shed at the time of the photo, and all other locos in this shed are in WCR Maroon, so weather this loco is been repaired or having parts removed to keep others going in the question? 08485 shunting in the yard 47526 (notice a D number next to the left hand cab) 37710, 37517 and 47776 stand with 2 shunters (unsure of class) a crane and a fireless loco. Now this one surprised me. 34073 Battle of Britain class 249 Squadron stands in a sorry state. I will post some more during the week! Thanks or looking Ian
  6. I found a few sad liking class 47's today at WCR Carnforth.... Sorry chaps, hankies at the ready..... And the last one does seem to be having work done, but I am not sure if it is to get it going again, or taking parts off it? Sorry to distress you with these photos........ Ian
  7. Today I found the remains of 34073 looking in a very sad way!

    1. ozzyo


      In old Carnforth yard by any chance?

    2. 11B


      Yep. Makes Tim's Hall look like a runner!

  8. There is some strange bright thing in the sky, its warm and white/yellow. I think I remember it.... something to do with summer

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. 11B


      It's back again, only putting out more heat!

    3. lyndonsdad1


      Better get the Ducati out then ?

    4. Jawfin
  9. is currently planning a "man shed" at the bottom of the garden, with log burner, bar and green house on the side for SHMBO

    1. SHMD


      May I recommend a "false wall" at the far end? (As in the more ingenious PoW huts during the 2nd WW.)

  10. Carnforth 3rd October 2013. DRS 66424 & 66430 on a RHTT Ian
  11. A bit of a sad looking one... WCRC 33030 in DRS livery A donor to keep the others in WCRC fleet going. Ian
  12. Nice photos Jeff, keep them coming. What happened to the head code box on the nose end of 20163? Kind regards Ian
  13. Apparently it is more important to tidy the house than work on a train set!! Train set, how many times? It is a model railway!!!

    1. Platform 6
    2. trisonic


      Sorry it's definitely a train set... '-) says one-eyed-jock

    3. Sasquatch


      Don't complain. If it's more important to tidy the house than work on the trainset if you don't own. No one's saying it's more important to tidy the house than work on the model railway!

  14. Not sure if this is the best place to ask, but....... What is happening with 70099? I have not heard any mention of it lately. Kind regards Ian
  15. Joy! My winter cough is back, and keeping every one awake.... Wife says if the Doctor can't stop it she will!!!!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Kev_Lewis


      Martyn, It sounds more like a euphemism when you say it like that!

    3. 11B


      I would say she is more of an axe throwing type!!!

    4. 3 link

      3 link

      That's me, I like a bit of both. Just like 0/fine or S7......

  16. has just dropped the new bottle of olive oil on the kitchen floor. Glass everywhere, and the oil on the tiles!!!!

  17. Just for a change..... more wind and rain. May need to rethink my plans for today, going on the roof may not be the best idea. Looks like it could be a railway day!

  18. What a day! I won

    1. Horsetan


      If that includes M&S alcohol, will M&S staff be willing to handle the sale of it?

    2. 11B


      I find the checkout with the oldest operator

  19. Not sure the whys and wherefores, but it seems that I am getting four locos for Christmas!!! 8F, Black 5, Cl 28, and an industrial tank loco. Thanks to wife, mother in law, and my parents...

  20. 11B


    Well........ Lets start with a confession.... I have made the bridge for the industrial line, it is painted, and I have started to weather it. Here ends the good news!!! Ok, now for the confession, I measured the width of the wagons and not the locos... Untill this point when I put a Bachmann Jinty on the bridge and the steps touched the sides, the choice of locos had not crossed my mind. I think I may have found a loco that will fit. It is a Sharpe Stewart tank, so like the exFurness tanks, and will fit the location very well, and it is HO gauge and should fit. I found these on ebay, and the seller has a shop near my parents, so I asked my dad if he could get some sizes, and the same day RJL put in his status update that he had got one, a quick email later (many thanks RJL) I had the sizes. One has been ordered with Santa (via my parents! And dad let it slip " I got you that engine") So hopefully all will be well! Lesson form this, think about the largest item that will cross the main bridge before I cut and stick! Talking of which, I have been working out how to make tha stone arches for this bridge, I then came across the Wills SS69 stone arches, so ordered a pack which should all been well arrive tomorrow and make life easier...... Ian
  21. Today I have seen a snowplough in WCR yard at Carnforth, yet the weather remains unseasonably warm!

  22. Will it ever get light today?

  23. Good news - Step daughter coming home.... Bad news - Good bye railway room! Still at least she's kind and helpful

    1. 3 link

      3 link

      Why don't you just put a hammock in the garden shed for her... : )

  24. Hi Jeff, My mate at work has a son that works for WCR, he sent him to work armed with a camera........... Results look good and have been emailed to you. Hope they help. Ian
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