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chris p bacon

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Everything posted by chris p bacon

  1. Slightly off topic but I sold a house to a chap who worked in TV news, he told me about which character was based on which newsreader in "Drop the dead donkey".....Anna Ford didn't come out well....
  2. Looking forward to seeing this one 'in the flesh' as well as 'Rolvenden' Once the doors open I don't get much time so have to make the most of set up.
  3. Aaaah yes. As a kid I could only spot the different radiator grills.
  4. In pedant mode. Wasn't it a Morris 1100/1300 ?
  5. Didn't Prince Charles mutter something similar to the 2 boys when being photographed skiing.
  6. Does the person at the other end have to use Skype as well ?
  7. Use Mushy peas, they always stick to the plate so shouldn't go anywhere..... This has quickly turned from a 'might' into something tangible.
  8. How about this https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/D-S-Models-DS266-GNR-LNER-4MM-00Scale-Etched-Brass-White-Metal-Kit/292437038350?ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT&_trksid=p2060353.m1438.l2649 I picked one up off the current list from Dan for £31.50 a week ago.
  9. Aaaah plumbers screwdrivers. I use the swan Morton for safety, my chisels are sharper.......
  10. Swan Morton No 10.......just have to remember my glasses..
  11. What is now platform 1 was the arrivals platform, and what is now 8 was departures, it wasn't long before the GN realised they'd need more but persisted with the 2 platforms for quite some time.
  12. It isn't the composting that they're trying to charge for but the recyclables. (We already have reduced green compost waste) CBC is a unitary council and when it comes to council tax time they are capped with what they can charge. So they are looking for services that are supplied and paid for from council tax that can be charged for separately, The reasoning being that as it is 'revenue' it is on top of the council tax and not subject to capping. CBC already have one of the highest council tax charges in the country and they're sill running out of money.
  13. The provision of tanks in the loft is decreasing, but when they are located there, the changing of ball cocks etc does not present a long term problem as the maintenance of them is sporadic. It is the loading of ceiling joists with flooring and the movement of a live load that is the issue. With modern energy efficient sealed system boilers and Megaflow tanks we rarely put storage tanks in lofts now. When I build, if there are any service valves or junction boxes that might need future access, they are placed within arms length of the access hatch so they can be accessed by a stepladder/platform with no need to enter the loft and disturb the 400/450mm thick insulation I place there.
  14. Just to throw a curve ball in about recycling. Our district council is Central Bedfordshire and they are currently consulting over refuse collection, their plan is to take the 'black' bin from fortnightly to 3 weekly and to charge £40 a year for the 'green' bin. This is starting to sound like recycling is optional. We already have a huge problem with fly tipping (residents pay others in good faith to dispose of rubbish, but they fly tip it) and I can't see this improving it. Personally I see having deposits as a good thing, a couple of years ago I went to Finland to watch WRC Rally, the Finns are pretty heavy drinkers but out in the forest stages there was no sign of rubbish or beer cans as the kids pick them up for the deposit money. Whenever an adult finished drinking they would whistle and wave their can in the air and kids would come running for it.
  15. Lovely John. I doubt it's a LRM kit as the D2 is a recent addition. There was a WM kit IIRC, although I've no idea of manufacturer.
  16. It's not. It contravenes Building regs if it's not a designed load floor. Building regs and planning are on the statute book which is the law of the land.
  17. I've never seen or heard of this before. We get told regularly that the drivers won't help to offload or climb on the trailer. I have to remind them that when on site they are bound by my rules, not theirs, as the responsibility stops at my door.
  18. Can you clarify if the model is Great Western.... If yes, I'd help the robbers..
  19. I've had these, they're treated like the "Whats your best price" on an auction and ignored. You might think you're doing them a favour, but as Ebay monitor the messaging system for behaviour such as this, you're both likely to be kicked off. You'd also be unable to send them any of your details, as you've not purchased from them so a waste of time.
  20. Man up and use a Paslode* nail gun. *(Mine died recently but I can't remember the name of the replacement)
  21. 2 non railway items listed recently, 1 was listed for £100 which was about right, offer of £85 which was turned into £93, both happy and I got good feedback so purchaser was satisfied. 2nd item listed for £375 (I expect to get about £330-350 ish) offer comes in for £40, suggested that he try again nearer the listed price and counter with £365, replies with £42 so offer deleted and person blocked. I have no problem with an opening cheeky offer, but the 2nd has to be realistic.
  22. I agree The praise is well deserved Chris, you've a really good product, well thought out and a pleasure to use. Those 2 1420's turned up by the way
  23. Building regs are supposed to be "not for profit' so they just cover their costs, I'm guessing your area has discovered a 'Revenue stream' (as a senior planner let slip at a site consultation a couple of years ago)
  24. I do 'Full plans' submission, there's an application fee then on first visit the inspections fees kicks in. The BI's in this area are really helpful and I don't mind paying it, but I wouldn't be happy if it was concealed.
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