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chris p bacon

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Everything posted by chris p bacon

  1. Just coming back to this. A quick look at a couple of books and I've picked out this as an example. The Great British Railway Station. Kings Cross - Paul Anderson (Irwell) Page 31. Tunnels were delved in the 1860's to connect with the East-West running lines of the Met rlwy, Down trains leaving the Met tunnels emerged from the widened lines on the West side of the station - The 'Hotel Curve' and for some years simply set back into the terminus for passengers to board or alight. Page 36 Trains off the Met continued to set back into the Departure platforms until Hotel Curve was given its own platform on 1st February 1878 I've read it in other GN history but haven't looked those out (might be society publications)
  2. It's 'Part P' for electrical. Re the bold. I'm not a DIY-er but a time served Carpenter of 39 years (as well as a joinery shop foreman for 2 years with several apprenticed carpenters ) I've worked on many projects and for the last 16 years have been building my own houses to a very high standard (The architects use them as their show pieces) I work alongside structural engineers and technicians and keep apace of the standards of todays building regulations. I'm proud of what I've achieved and it irks me when DIY-ers think that they know it all after watching an episode of changing rooms. Re the text in red' In the post above you say the Building inspector was happy, and yet in your post of the 5th you advocate misleading the BI as to the purpose of the conversion. It's no wonder that BI's don't trust householders to tell the truth. In all seriousness please don't advise people to ignore the correct procedure for conversions and building works, the rules and guidance is there to improve our housing stock not make it worse.
  3. Could have been worse. He could have written his number down and posted it somewhere......
  4. There is a misapprehension that a centre wall is load bearing. This is actually the case in very few houses, and you would only know if you dug out to reveal the depth of footing. Because of this loft conversions are joisted to the exterior walls as they are the only ones that can be calculated to take the load. That sounds like a really scientific approach.......... Seriously are you suggesting that because you can bounce up and down on a joist and you couldn't see, or feel movement then it's all fine. Please...I'll put this as politely as I can...If you don't know what you are talking about....then Don't.. ....Someone may well believe that you actually have some knowledge when you clearly don't.
  5. Battle bridge went across just in front of the train shed. (IIRC) there was a second bridge across where York road was.
  6. What Met platforms ? Initially there weren't any so trains from Moorgate/widened lines would climb hotel curve then set back. What is now suburban 9,10,11 was a carriage repair shed with the loco being on the outside where the later suburban platforms were added. Edited to add that there were the original Met platforms which ended up being used as part of Thameslink, IIRC they came some time after.
  7. I'm a skinflint so made my own from strip connectors and bits of scrap brass rod. They only need to come apart when there is a repair (spin the board over) which so far has been once in 3 years for 3 boards out of 8.
  8. It was definitely slum/poor housing, KX was a very poor area as it was on the edge of London (at the time). Before platform 16 was constructed (after the clearance) suburban trains had to set back into KX station for passengers to alight/join.
  9. I'll just pick up on one point in this post as it's repeated further down the page. Adding something like 2"x 2" to an existing ceiling joist doesn't add any strength, if for example the existing joist is 3" x 2" (or 3"x 1 1/2" for modern trusses) and a 2x2 is added it doesn't give it the strength of a 5x2 but merely adds to the height and makes it a 3x2 and a 2x2 in the same plane. calculating joists is not straight forward and is subject to how they are fixed at the ends as well as spacing and loading. To give an idea, I am presently making a bedsit from an office, this has no large loads such as a bath but is merely a 'habitable space', The existing joists are 9"x 1 1/2" and spaced at 16" centres. For fire proofing and loading I am installing new joists inbetween the originals which are a JJI ( like an 'I' section) they are 245mm high and the top and bottoms are made of 90mm (wide) by 45mm (high) timber and they have a sterling board web between them. these are laid at just 12" (300mm) centres. Why the difference ? The length of them is 6M, and the originals have a deflection in the middle of the room of 3 1/4 inches(85mm), they have dropped so much they are coming out of the walls. When walking across the original floor it bounced and had started to push the brickwork out at the rear of the property, the loading wasn't carried downwards but had started to push against the wall. The more the joists bowed the further the wall was being pushed out. We calculated that one person standing in the middle of the room and rocking back and forth on their heels was able to move 4 tons of brickwork and you could see it moving. The previous owner had no idea, he thought his carpet was shrinking as the gap around the edge increased. I can see the attraction of a big space, but it can come at a very heavy price.
  10. But looking at the website you have no idea of the extended delays or personal issues. We are, but a small part of the modelling world.
  11. I get loads of these all the time. I'm not even with BT, they're just scamming b*stards so I string them along for ages. They get quite irate.....
  12. I often wonder what peoples thoughts would be if these were sold through somewhere like Amazon or Ebay. Would they be so considerate of delays ?
  13. Can you provide some evidence of the "Thousands" to back up your statement of fact. And you know for a fact that there aren't problems. Most certainly not, I am pointing out that with no knowledge you are advocating the use of a loft for a purpose it was never intended for. You are also advocating that people ignore laws of the land which are laid down as part of Building relations. You may have been, but the use of steel is not the same as suggesting fitting flooring over ceiling joists which were never intended for the purpose of loading. You certainly can have an opinion, I'm also at liberty to point out that it comes from naivety and ignorance of the subject.
  14. You want to do my job then, I've made some good money putting right the c*ck ups that people have done in their houses because they didn't think building regs applied to them. As for Youtube being the place to get educated I suggest you look at Russian Drivers for the highway code. I'll state this again for the hard of understanding. Any use of the loft space means it is a habitable space and must conform to Building Regs The loft space is the void between the ceiling and the underside of the roof, it is not meant to be load bearing in any way and should be kept clear for ventilation, where there are tanks these have been calculated into the loading. These calcs don't allow for a large person to be moving about over undersized joists covered in heavyweight flooring. Modern lofts especially were never intended for the volume of moisture that comes from our breath and so ignoring the ventilation will come at a cost in the long run. ​I get a bit cheesed off when some think that with no knowledge they can give what they think is an informed opinion. Stick to what you know , not what you think you know.
  15. But surely wherever you order a kit from carries wheels etc anyway. My preference is no wheels, I can choose what to use.
  16. Whilst I agree to an extent with your sentiment, a modeller who does not frequent this forum will have no idea of this. They might well think it is an arm of Dart with 4 people running it, so a few changes to the website with ordering timelines would be prefered.
  17. Are you suggesting that those that read and post here are the sum total of all the customers the would use Falcon ? I wouldn't suggest to a business owner that they ignore personal communication in favour of just one avenue, that could be very costly.
  18. What you were quoted several years ago is £1 more than I paid for a iMac 5 months ago. Just looking at the quotes the nearest using windows was £1890. I just gave a spec of what I wanted to do and presumed the windows version would be cheapest but it wasn't. I watch this thread as I have a small laptop using W7 that I use for committee notes and some spreadsheets, I update it when it asks but I don't want it to update to W10.
  19. Google translate gives that as. "Have you had an accident that wasn't your fault recently"
  20. My Dad returned home from working abroad in 1994, he put the TV on for some national news and sat through various presenters with regional accents, after about 10 minutes of quizzical looks he looked at me and said "What language are they speaking"
  21. Having to update recently I gave a spec of what I wanted to do to various companies and what Windows specs that came back were more expensive than an iMac. To me a computer is just a tool to do a job.
  22. You can post a link as it was in the public domain.
  23. You are both correct, but unfortunately with the acceptance of payment but no further communication the business is drifting towards Coopercraft territory. With the investment that would have been made in purchasing the phototools, it seems very odd that the other 3 listed on the website seemingly play no part. While I have sympathy in peoples personal situations, business is business.
  24. I have very sympathy, and agree her first priority is to her family. The website though states that there are 4 owners Falcon Brassworks now has new owners - Nigel, Jackie, Peter and Sam. Some of you will recognise Nigel as one of the owners of Dart Castings/MJT Scale Components. Falcon will continue to be operated as a separate company and will not be integrated into Dart Castings, but there will be a trading relationship. What this means to customers is that both companies will be sharing a stand at shows. I would have thought that one of the others has the ability to reply to simple emails.
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