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chris p bacon

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Everything posted by chris p bacon

  1. The above replies are what p!sses me off about so many threads, if you hold a different opinion you are treated as an idiot. Pathetic
  2. Clink the link......go on you know you want to...Hello Boys..
  3. A cocktail party in the borders probably involves a sheep somewhere along the line....Thanks but I think I'll avoid ...
  4. Thanks for the reply Eric. I didn't get hung up on the 'B' word but the writer obviously did. It was obvious that the couple liked living in Spain and their time spent there was obviously curtailed with the 90/180 day time limit. I don't intend travelling abroad for some time, but several that work for and with me have taken a trip abroad to France and Spain in the last few weeks and nearly all had problems going but only 1 had them coming back. The writer claimed that all was well when in reality all countries have got issues. I do agree that the media don't actually give information for around the world, but luckily those overseas members here do give the situation where they are, and without a political spin.
  5. Eeerrr he already does paid work for Warners/BRM
  6. That's exactly how I read it. It compares the UK to another country from a perspective which is clear from the start is not a balanced one. Your posts have read in much the same way to me, but after reading many I'm able to see which viewpoint you're coming from.
  7. In a small village in Scotland (where I am) I have a 50 yr old female neighbour, she is a keen supporter of, and proudly displays her SNP poster and picture of the FM in her window* but is vehemently anti vax. she has a group of friends who are of the same opinion and ignore all and any rules to protect others. She has in the last week returned from 10 days in Spain, she was able to travel without being jabbed as she took a test before travelling in either direction. She has intimated that the return test was purchased rather than actually being taken, but I suspect that to be Bollo.... For a village with a small population just one such person can completely skew the figures. * I mention this not as a political point but because the FM has been lauded for her 'presidential' style of daily addresses to the nation along, with daily public information films. (it's like a nanny state!)
  8. For those that don't have time to read the link - In summary. The first part is a Brexit rant as the couple live part time in Spain. Spain has done wonderfully (and better) because it caught up with the UK's vaccination programme. The Mayor of the Spanish Town is a great guy even though he arranged a small festival that increased the C19 infection rate and the festival fireworks irritated a British Ex Pat (How dare he complain). Coming back to the UK was irritating even though the same forms were required to enter Spain. EU wonderful, UK Bad. The End.
  9. It isn't. There is another thread if you search detailing its demise.
  10. An accommodating chap....whats his name ?
  11. For the second question I would put 'either' but that option isn't available.
  12. I always thought that the idea of RMWeb was a place where people could exchange information and opinions on modelling and what was available. Are you're saying that you can only express an opinion if you've purchased a model ?
  13. How am I embarrassed? I'm happy with my decision not to purchase. What I get fed up with is the constant sniping with comments such as this If you bothered to read the thread all the way back to the beginning you would find that I was questioning but generally supportive, I spoke to KR at Warley , I even sent information to possibly help make it a better model but heard nothing. So reading cr@p posts such as that deserve a response. I would say that The Fell was another model I intended to make some years ago and collected and sought out as much information as possible (photographs of both sides on one day) but decided not to bother sharing this information to better it, if it brought the same response as this thread.
  14. Did I suggest fraud was committed in the vote? HM gave it a somewhat glowing revue and promoted it with video of the EP running on the test track without any mention of its shortcomings but lots of info about how to order and pay for it. That's not what I would call an impartial revue, but an unhealthy relationship between an unknown commissioner and magazine. I've now seen (and been sent clips) of several of these models and the tendency is to run like a bag of nails, model of the year it certainly isn't unless we've gone back to the 1970's
  15. Give it a rest. GT3 was a model I was interested in but I’m glad I did not purchase it as I would have been unhappy with the mistakes and lack of attention to detail. I have handled and run one and noted problems with the pick ups which have also been noted noted by a poster in the last few days and I think this is an issue which will not go away. If purchasers are happy to put money up front for many undelivered products that’s their choice, but to expect those that questioned why an unknown person in another country wanted money up front for a model with no clear delivery date, a complete misunderstanding of distance selling and gdpr then you need to stroll on. Hornby naming the GT3 as model of the year with its issues and mistakes says more about HM and it’s relationship with KR.
  16. I’m sure I’d posted that there were plenty of other garages. some had caps and 1 was hgv only, but the A1 has a succession of garages where it’s a dual carriageway. I went from Bedfordshire to Morpeth and there were plenty of garages with fuel. As an aside, when I arrived in the village I asked the local garage what their fuel situation was and they said they’d not had a problem, but were they to see someone unknown go beyond £30 on the pumps they would switch it off.
  17. I note you’re Back to your usual trolling. It’s not a rant all. If you can’t see the danger in queuing on a dual carriageway on a slow left hand bend, then you shouldn’t comment as you look like an apologist for poor driving. Prior to the garage in question the same drivers had passed several garages with fuel.
  18. So all 20 cars would run out at 1 mile intervals….. yeh right, it’s more likely the queue would be shortened when 30+ tons hit the back of it. there have been wall to wall stories about petrol queues and garage closures for several days. if you can’t make the journey on what you have you don’t start it.
  19. For reasons not applicable to this thread I still have gold membership, it’s less than I used to contribute when the hat got passed around* and I actually have access to several magazines as well as rmweb. it was too much time and cost for one person to bear so Warner’s taking it on was a good thing. * I remember those that said they shouldn’t need to contribute as they’re posts were given freely, quite why they’d be paid for a wish list must have made sense to them.
  20. I always find it amusing that stupid behaviour is excused. To have a traffic queue long enough to fill a slip road and be out on the A1 there were in excess of 20 cars, some may well have been looking at a red light on the dashboard but It was more likely that it was just panic buying that blinded the drivers to the danger they were putting themselves and their passengers in.
  21. Then maybe they shouldn’t have started a journey they couldn’t finish if it meant they were stopped in a live lane of a dual carriageway on a long left hand bend. I was in the right hand lane overtaking 2 lorries, the first saw the queue and indicated to move over, the second probably had no idea why he was moving but I braked to let the first move over and stuck the truck up his exhaust so the 2nd could get over behind me. Between Peterborough and Grantham there are several garages, why risk your life at the first.
  22. On a trip north on the A1 yesterday I saw queues at many petrol stations with those near Peterborough having queues that stretched back onto the A1, quite why you’d think it a good idea to be stationary on a dual carriageway beggared belief. The queues seemed to recede the further north I went until I got North of Newcastle where there were none. Garages seemed to have fuel and there was no cones. comedy element for the day was a pick up truck in a garage near black cat roundabout that was filling a water butt on the back!…. Good luck on the first corner
  23. My Daughter in Law told me of a girl in the office who went out late on Friday night to fill up as she heard there was a shortage (Facebook). When she got to the garage they were out of diesel so she put £30 of unleaded in. The following day when the car expired she was asked why put petrol in it, her reply "I thought something was better than nothing".... A £30 panic has just cost her an engine.....and yes she's blonde...
  24. I stopped at a local garage to pick up some red diesel for the digger, as I filled my container a couple of cars pulled up behind me and waited. When I'd finished I spoke to the first driver and said "It's red diesel for off road" to which the driver replied "f off I don't care and it's none of your business" I went in, paid and spoke to the attendant who said, I've seen them and turned the pump off. As I walked back to the truck I couldn't help but laugh at him stood there clicking the pump handle trying to make it work.
  25. Thanks, I've never signed up to FB so was unable to read it. I agree with part of what was written and that drivers had become 2nd class citizens on the road network. In the 80's a joinery firm I worked for had a small lorry we used for deliveries, only 2 of us had clean licences to be able to drive it and even then finding somewhere to park and eat was a trial. Just on the outskirts of town several laybys used as overnight stops by trucks were double yellow lined to stop the practice. The morning clean up by local council staff yeilded an average of 3-5 empty vodka bottles filled with 'P' and carrier bags with <insert turd emoji here> so the double yellows were painted to curb what was becoming a health hazard.
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