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Porcy Mane

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Everything posted by Porcy Mane

  1. Including 24.75mm axles ? 😉 Yep, I know things have changed since the Cemflo. 🙂🙂 🙂
  2. I s'pose it depends to what generation you belong ... and politics is banned on this forum.🧐
  3. As Nigel said, it's under the actions menu in the initial decoder pro start up window. Does this help?
  4. Well, I still like his taste in slippers.
  5. I'd be interested to know how long this full read takes. I've only experience of one ESU V5 chip. Using an ESU decoder tester and decoder pro the full read process took about 90 minutes. Full reads of Zimo chips (MS & MX series) normally take between ten & fifteen minutes. P
  6. I used to subscribe to modelmasters e mailings. I would get about 12 per annum but at irregular intervals, sometimes three different e mails the same day. The emails stopped abruptly on 29th January this year. Sometimes the E mails were information on the business, sometimes special offers, sometimes product news and sometimes the occasional personal rant. Some of the e mails were contradictory and seemed quite bizarre bordering on the surreal. Perhaps I've been lucky but everything I ordered from modelmasters turned up promptly. For those that have had problems or lost monies, you have my sympathies. I wonder if Peco has trouble getting their transfers from modelmasters for the Parkside range? Maybe they've started producing their own? I copy some of the emails below for information purposes. __________________________________ Date:Fri, 31 Dec 2021 22:32 We''re improving customer communication - but we need YOUR help as well. From:Modelmaster Jackson Evans <Jim@modelmaster.uk> 07795 499 405 Phone MODELMASTER 13.30-15.30 Monday - Friday 07795 499 405 Currently, if you wish to contact MODELMASTER UK, you have two choices. You can send an email to our webmail address, or you can 'phone 01292 289770, our Crown Street Office Landline Number. Neither is satisfactory for different reasons. If you email Modelmaster, it can take a long time to read, understand and reply to the points raised. Then, in SIXTY % of replies sent, another email comes back in reply raising other points - therefore one email inquiry CAN take up to an hour to deal with, whereas a 'phone call can be dealt with in less than five minutes in many cases - but that's only if Elspeth or I are there to receive the calls, and that's what this new number 07795 499 405 is designed to radically improve! Landlines like 01292 289770 are tied to Answering Machines if the recipient can't answer the 'phone, and although our answering machine is an expensive machine capable of answering and reecording a lot of calls, a few lengthy messages can soon fill the machine, the machine can't take any more messages, and complaints go flying to Social Media, RM Webb, and anybody else that listens. It's not good for you, and it's not good for Modelmaster! THE SOLUTION - is that a mobile phone dedicated to YOUR questions, YOUR concerns and YOUR orders even, will go live on Wednesday 3rd January 2022 to accept YOUR calls between 13.30 and 15,30 every weekday. If for any reason I cant answer your call at that time, just hang up, don't leave a message - in fact, don't even leave your name!, and I'll phone you back AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. Because I'm working the rest of the day and quite often can't talk on a phone while I'm spray painting models or nameplates for instance, I'll reply to these calls as and when I can no later than 8pm I WANT your business, but most of all I WANT you to be happy enough with us to come back and to recommend us to others. There have been a lot of delays this year (2021 I mean) because of shortages, lockdowns and Brexit, but 2022 I'm sure will be a better year for us all, which is why I'm investing in new products and new product ranges for 2022, including a flat out effort to get the long awaited Locomotive kits into production. Best regards to you all for a Happy and Prosperous New Year. The 30% Discount will come off sometine in the next two or three days, I've run out of time to do it just now! 07795 499 405 Faster contact, faster service & faster solutions at 07795 499 405 © 2021 Modelmaster Jackson Evans _________________________________ Date: Tue, 16 Mar 2021 9:52 Subject:Good news from Modelmaster.......but I also need your help! From: Modelmaster Jackson Evans <Jim@modelmaster.uk> THE GOOD NEWS IS THAT LARGE STOCKS OF REPRINTED AND NEW TRANSFERS ARE ARRIVING TOMORROW, WITH A FOLLOW UP ORDER IN ANOTHER TWO WEEKS! NAMEPLATES WILL ALSO FOLLOW IN TWO - THREE WEEKS! Now, this is why I need your help - Understandably, some customers get frustrated, but what has caused me REAL problems recently was the replacement of our oinline Email system, which had to be completely reinstalled with greater security after attempts to 'hack' into my emails. Some customers will STILL only communicate with me by email. (phone calls average three minutes, reading and answering emails averages twenty minutes), but the job took longer than expected, and I could not read emails for about three weeks between 18th February and 11th March. When I could read emails again, all of the 'missing' ones appeared, but there are too many to answer individually. (just under five hundred) Since I don't use Facebook, Twitter, etc., could someone please help me to spread the word about why I didn't reply? I would be grateful, as I really DO want to get all orders fulfilled as soon as possible, but am being hampered by complaints to Paypal and Ebay, replies to which take about thirty minutes per 'case' and are holding back the real work of getting you all supplied as quickly as possible. I'm in the office (still alone) most days between 10am and 9pm and am sending out between 20 - 35 orders per day, so I expect to have most orders completed by the end of the month. Some of the earlier ones not delivered are waiting for new transfers / nameplates to arrive, so hopefully there'll be a more rapid 'catch up' with them when the new transfers & nameplates arrive. Remember, I still have a dedicated two hour 'phone slot' between 11 and 1 every weekday to answer your questions or take telephone orders. Best regards to you all, _____________________________________________________ According to a well known website, we're out of business! From: Modelmaster Jackson Evans <Jim@modelmaster.uk> Date: Sat, 9 Jan 2021 17:57 According to RM Web, MODELMASTER JACKSON EVANS LTD. has been closed down by HMRC Companies House. I asked for it to be done, as I'm splitting the company into two other Limited Companies, but unfortunately the 'sensational' announcement has been presented in such a way that I've had quite a few messages of disbelief, sympathy, and offers of financial help. What a difference between the way it was reported by RM Web (why DID they report a perfectly normal event like this in any case?), and the kind, concerned, helpful response of my customers. Nothing worse than gossip! ____________________________________________ Over 3000 Etched N Gauge 2mm Nameplates just arrived ! From: Modelmaster Jackson Evans <Jim@modelmaster.uk> Date: Sat, 31 Oct 2020 19:37 We've just received over 3,000 MODELMASTER N Gauge nameplates ordered a few months ago! It will take at least a couple of months to prime, paint and pack them, but we'll send out back orders as soon as possible, and relist them on our online catalogue. We'll be working during the just announced English Lockdown (we've no choice, because we get no British or Scottish Government help if we close because I receive a State Pension!) ________________________ We're not producing any more nameplates or transfers From: Modelmaster Jackson Evans <Jim@modelmaster.uk> Date: Sun, 4 Oct 2020 11:58 I'm standing as an official candidate at the Scottish Parliamentary Election early in 2021, so whether or not I become an M.S.P., (50/50!!) Elspeth and I will NOT be producing any new or restocking any existing, decals or etched nameplates from now on. It's a good time to stop. Neither will there be any huge discount offers in order to 'get rid of what we have - it'll sell out in its own time. All outstanding orders will be fulfilled, and MODELMASTER and our website at modelmaster.uk is certainly NOT closing down! ___________________________
  7. You mean he's never shown you what's under the show display??? 😉
  8. Are they missing from the decoder definition you are using? Have you try using the Single CV programmer in Decoder pro to read CV's #51 & 52? Can CV's #51 & 52 be read using the CV reader under the CV tab? Just wondering?
  9. Ooooh! A Head Wrightson Coffee Pot or the Lewin then??? ... and then some Conflat L's. Victorian 0-4-0VB Steam Locomotive by Terry Pinnegar, on Flickr
  10. If you'd have taken the time to read back through this thread or even done some "pretty basic" (to use your terminology) research you would know why Hornby used; then you emphasised this statement. To save troubling yourself, previous Hornby, Bachmann and at least one etched frame manufacturer used incorrect axle/wheel spacing's to cater for oversize OO flanges. I hope the electric light bulb above your head has now illuminated.
  11. That rad. grill and what's behind it looks rather splendid.
  12. Practice some breathing exercises first & be philosophical about breakages. Either that or do it while you're pi$$ed! (inebriated pi$$ed not angry pi$$ed). 🙂 P
  13. If a blue Deltic can steam like a kettle and haul PCA's then anything goes... Whitening the sky by RobT653, on Flickr
  14. Modern technology has made it incredible easy for the individual to "soapbox" but equally it is our responsibility to sort the wheat from the chaff. So putting you-tube "influencers" to one side, it would appear that the new Hornby 9F seems to be more corn than husk but quite expensive corn.
  15. I suspect you were one of the exceptions to general rule. Because of today's ease of access to information, the RTR buyer of today may be more knowledgeable about nuances the prototype (or not as the case maybe) but as regards the electrical/mechanicals of RTR locos I am always surprised at how naive the average rtr buyer is. I get quite a lot of "rough" running or failed RTR locos brought to to have a look at. It's amazing that in the main, these locos require no more than carpet fibres/dog hairs removing from pickups or unwinding from motions. Maybe the current crop of RTR locos are more reliable due to the popularity of laminate floors? 😗
  16. I'll repeat myself...😇 Controversy/contentiousness, garners views = youchube income. He still needs new slippers though and perhaps, a puff on a pipe (St Bruno). Reality probably is; his carpet layout is probably where the majority of us started out and although we may be loathe to admit it, where most of us and the larger part of the RTR buying public, still are. P
  17. Was that the same fairly momentous event (and subsequent consequences/restrictions) that lead to the leapfrogging and accelerating delivery of the 9F over the 78xx. 🙂
  18. I've just had a message from a Mate who's on holiday. (There's dedication for you!) He knows a thing or two about BR standards. He confirms that the removable plate was there on Brits & 9F's from new. Just makes me wonder why Hornby, who has a bit of a reputation for replicating fine detail, has made it so prominent. Maybe it was the same far eastern engineer that was responsible for the imaginary strip along the top of the Q6 boiler?
  19. A mere blink of an eye in the bigger picture. Here's me still waiting on delivery of the Wrenn 6 wheeled stove. 😮
  20. The more relevant date being the quoted "expected delivery date" of Dec. 2020.
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