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Porcy Mane

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Everything posted by Porcy Mane

  1. Wot, like the important bits? I'll chuck in the bent lever guide for free. P
  2. And The Ship booza in the background. During the 1980's always full of tottie on a Frida neet and half decent Yorkie puds for free on a Sunday lunchtime. The NCB test track and training track built on the Bowes incline was a grand failure and resulted in the building of the Loco Training facility as part of the centralised training centre at Seaham.
  3. That's about the same as the running in advice in my 1960's BMC owners manuals. Did Borgis also supply "Running In - Please Pass" stickers to display inside the rear window? Anybody remember them? I bet they would go down a treat on todays motorways. 30 grade oil for the first 500 miles then back to the dealers for a change to 20 visco if it was winter or 40 visco for the British Summer. 50 viscosity if you were in the tropics. Ahhhh, back to the days of ignorance, back to the days when the Esso sign meant happy motoring, back to the days when it was healthy to sniff Castrol R. Them were the days... <iframe width="420" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/dyZ62oFDwcs" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> P
  4. Might have used a similar Archimedes system to these grain wagons? http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/blog/186/entry-16209-Bachmann-grain-wagon/ (Towards the bottom of the page). Interestingly modellable.
  5. Hmmmm... Girder rail. Something that I always thought an entrepreneurial railway modeller (with a white-metal casting machine) might look at producing. >?) Still a lot of it about to take measurements from and I think there's a few published drawings. Here's a ribbed type in Yorkshire (North) < That's a poor attempt to remain remotely on topic. P
  6. Possibly Sodium carbonate if it was a wool mill. Sodium hydroxide in a cotton mill. I'm trying to remember back to O level geography. Something to do with lanolin removal from fibres rings a bell? I suppose it depend on how advanced in production methods, your particular mill is. P
  7. Smashing pics of the Girder Rail. Looks like one of the fishplates has cracked clean through in the second phot. P
  8. The Airfix/Dapol 16 tonners really do titivate up well. Thin the sides and a new plasticard floor so the sides prototypically bow out at the centre instead of in as on the model and the jobs a goodun. P
  9. ...and both Conlat L diagrams. Miller's Dale for Tideswell ...
  10. Whilst looking For Pecketts. I think it's new to the thread. Peckett Loco Vanguard at Brereton Sidings after pit closure by John, on Flickr P
  11. Ugly but necessary for independent wheelchair users. Supposedly safer and much cheaper in the long term than a lift. P
  12. I'm sure I've read recently (probably on a forum) that ultrascale will not be developing any new products or taking on any special commissions in the foreseeable future so as to concentrate on reducing delivery times. I hope I'm wrong on that. Same at Alan Gibson. As discussed recently on another thread Mr Seymours time is taken up just satisfying normal and trade demand. I suppose the situation could change if there was sufficient financial inducement. Regarding 3D printed wheel centres, has anybody seen any spoked examples successfully fitted and running? I have seen examples listed on Bill Bedfords website but note that shrinkage and stability over time may be a problem. Things may have moved on since this posting. http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/topic/78382-fud-what-is-it/&do=findComment&comment=1219965 P
  13. Ha. We could always modify the Hornby originals when they arrive. Can you tell I've started playing with a lathe? (Smug) P
  14. Why? There's probably far more traffic generated on RMweb and there's nothing to stop Hornby contributing on here as well. P
  15. Would that be right up your alley? Wheels might need a bit of thought? You could always shoot up the ECML and measure the one that's dumped in someone's back garden near to the level crossing at Beal P
  16. Actually its in a filing cabinet in a BMW Isetta. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=niK4I98hB-g P
  17. At last. A 00 RTR loco that shows the advantage of P4 or EM track. Well done Hornby. P (Sprinting for cover whilst looking for tin hat AND gas mask).
  18. Thanks, Nikon Coolpix 7700, in manual, manual focus, ISO 80, 8 seconds @ F4.5. Taken at 04:02 BST. It really isn't that good. Zooming into the moon on the originals show how much movement there is in the moon during 8 seconds. I took about six pixs prior to establish exposure but even those I took at high ISO's and short shutter times are very soft due to the heavy mist that was developing. I knew the plane was due and it's approximate approach profile and fortunately it turned up bang on time. P
  19. We know it's not really weather but it's still worth a snap so I took my compact out into the garden about 45 mins ago and snapped G-TAWU (PMI > NCL) approaching Newcastle. It landed six minutes later. I forgot about the washing line. A pretty crap effort but it's a little bit misty outside. P Edit: Well I was going to go out and have an attempt to take another few pics but it's developed into a right pea souper out there so bu**er it. To bed. The Stellarium Free programme for PC gives pretty accurate screen shots I'll make do with that.
  20. One of the strange shaped Scottish rarities. Note where the builders plate is and the foot boards. Might even be this one: https://flic.kr/p/dEkyjk P
  21. There was a time in the North East and not that long ago, when ill children were marched by the battalion up on to the top of Coke Retorts to breath in the "Atmosphere" it supposedly being a cure for many ailments. The worlds pharmaceutical industry had many of its origins in coal bye products. P
  22. On my visits, Monkton had D2099 from Fishburn Coke ovens and D2193 that transferred from a coke works in Wales. Shortly after the strike they had 08's on hire from BR. They worked between the Coke Works and Wardley Exchange. Monkton Cokeworks had a starring role in the opening sequences of the feature Film Stormy Monday. Traffic Lights being set up on the bridge over the NCB rail line for a few days shooting if my memory serves me correctly. P
  23. If I had to guess at anyone lowering the tone by bringing the Karma Sutra in to it... P
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