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Everything posted by RhBBob

  1. RhBBob

    EBay madness

    http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/O-Scale-Gauge-Exhibition-layout-/291420004125?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_3&hash=item43d9fc5f1d To be honest, a few more photos might have encouraged some interest
  2. RhBBob

    EBay madness

    And while they were converting it to 2-rail, they might have considered flanged wheels on all drivers ! But the price is rubbish
  3. Sorry, I'm giving my age away .......
  4. RhBBob

    EBay madness

    Ah but ! With Poland on the eastern side and France/Benelux on the western side, Germany counts as the Midlands.................... Some green SR coaches next for RhB Zeilende, then ?
  5. RhBBob

    EBay madness

    Sorry, not madness, but I couldn't resist this fully accurate description http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/7mm-scale-for-O-gauge-Pile-of-junk-for-the-corner-of-the-layout-/311306752883?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_3&hash=item487b541373 Described as 'used' but then it would have to be, wouldn't it ?
  6. May I have a second go ?! 'War March of the Priests' - an incidental piece of music by (Jakob Ludwig) Felix Mendelssohn (Bartholdy), from an opera called Athalie. Played on the organ of the Royal Albert Hall by Nicolas Kynaston to the arrangement by William Thomas Best - link being that Best first 'opened' the organ back in 18 hundred and frozen..... I have the recording on 12" vinyl - I think it must be a record
  7. Cavalleria Rusticana - Intermezzo Sinfonico..... Such a lovely title for such a devastatingly evil plot ...... Oh....and about five hundred other pieces of classical music !
  8. I must confess that I tried on the third incarnation of 'Surava' to make the scenic bit go halfway round the ends but the resulting strange shaped baseboard bits gave my co-operators (and me) nightmares in setting up and transporting in general. Mind you, we are talking about a small 1/45th scale layout 18 ft by 6 ft and we eventually 'solved' the problem by having rectangular boards at the ends ! Much better than some strange curved quadrants at each end ! Live and learn? Errrmmmm.....possibly
  9. RhBBob

    EBay madness

    But it is 'HO' scale so no good to me, then ?
  10. RhBBob

    EBay madness

    Ideal for a train ? Surely ideal for under a train http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/A-LEAD-RAILWAY-PORTER-NEEDING-ARM-HEAD-IDEAL-4-A-TRAIN-LAYOUT-OLD-SEE-THE-PHOTOS-/151570592905?pt=UK_Trains_Railway_Models&hash=item234a4fb489 Ah well, it's 'armless, I suppose !
  11. RhBBob

    EBay madness

    So what's the point ? I know, it's the sharp bit on the end Sorry, I'm just in a very flippant mood, ce soir.....
  12. RhBBob

    EBay madness

    Accurate description, I suppose, as it has no 'head'........ I'll get me coat
  13. Well done, Neil, I think the words 'determined' and 'undeterred' definitely apply to you !!
  14. RhBBob

    EBay madness

    Vehicle ? Don't vehicles have wheels, anymore, then ?
  15. I used to love automatics.........but then I discovered 64+ mpg .....
  16. RhBBob

    EBay madness

    I realise that I'm going to regret asking this but.....what would you do with them ?
  17. RhBBob

    EBay madness

    Is that a weak camera flash, a match or has he not paid the electricity bill ? And are the strange plastic (!) sheets under the box included in the sale ?
  18. RhBBob

    EBay madness

    Oh thanks - I thought it was the first print from Sh+pe+w+ys..........coat off hook and on shoulders......
  19. RhBBob

    EBay madness

    Arrrggggghhhh ! It's HM if you are referring to Lilibet. Sorry, rant over and I'm not a particular fan of the Buck House crew
  20. RhBBob

    EBay madness

    "THIS LOCO HAS HAD A COMPLETE RE-BUILD INSIDE AND OUT." Bit like Trigger's broom, then ( it has had 17 new heads and 14 new handles....but..... insists it is still the same broom.)
  21. RhBBob

    EBay madness

    Reminds me of the problem I had before I took the chewable probiotics from Holland & Barrett
  22. RhBBob

    EBay madness

    I think the one on the right is probably illegal, for what some may have in mind.....if only I could remember........
  23. RhBBob

    EBay madness

    Love the description which carefully avoids guessing the scale/gauge. Still they are supposed to be collectors items not working models
  24. RhBBob

    EBay madness

    Oh heck ! http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/LMS-7573-Railway-Train-Model-1970-circa-Vintage-toy-collectible-48-/360859443370?pt=UK_Trains_Railway_Models&hash=item5404e620aa
  25. RhBBob

    EBay madness

    Oh please, just put it in the bin ..... http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Rosebud-Kitmaster-SNCF-24IP29-Railway-Train-Model-1970-circa-Vintage-toy-49-/390771744866?pt=UK_Trains_Railway_Models&hash=item5afbcfa062
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