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Everything posted by RhBBob

  1. I have written to the FA suggesting that they restrict the 'Manager of the Month award' to just one club for a whole year..... This will overcome a huge problem at Elland Road
  2. RhBBob

    EBay madness

    Sorry, David, when I added the link the Ebay page was blank except for something like 'SL' and £40 with a promise of more information. Now that the seller has added photos and a description, my joke has fallen flat !!
  3. RhBBob

    EBay madness

    Does this build up the excitement, then ? http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/SL-/291254798755?pt=UK_Trains_Railway_Models&hash=item43d02389a3
  4. No doubt about it ! The Lima rolling stock has been the inspiration for many a first venture into 'O' scale. And loads of it regularly turns up on Ebay in both UK and Germany. And probably Italy as well A lovely layout !!
  5. RhBBob

    EBay madness

    Ah, but he is Janette so maybe has issues already ?
  6. RhBBob

    EBay madness

    He's also has a 'vintage Stylophone' and he's not far from the Thames.........I wonder ?
  7. Happily, I didn't hear the comment but it was the usual one about the catenary. He stood there, supporting his chin on his hand, and his elbow on the other hand; looked around the layout then turned to go, muttering, 'should be working off the overhead wires'.......and walked off ! My fellow operator - a P4 Cornwall steam man - was livid !! I didn't get the chance to ask our friend about his armchair Correction substituting 'hear' for 'here' - Grammar school lad as well !!
  8. RhBBob

    EBay madness

    Are you sure that's not what has happened already, then ?
  9. Just watched repeat of Francesco da Mosto going 'top to toe' in Italy .... DJ on the radio; ' A recent survey says that 50% of Italians are unfaithful ! So, if it's not you, it must be your Wife !'
  10. RhBBob

    EBay madness

    Nah ! These are really over the top....... http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Replacement-Soldering-Iron-Rod-Tips-5-Pack-/200552440435?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_3&hash=item2eb1db6273 Probably gold-plated or maybe a mistake ? Or even an error
  11. RhBBob

    EBay madness

    Only slightly mad..... http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/large-qty-of-pallets-/121373916932?pt=UK_Trains_Railway_Models&hash=item1c4272ff04 Maybe your railway room has a wood burning stove ?
  12. ...thank you for the days..... Sorry, that's like playing a double blank to avoid knocking !
  13. ....the weekend comes, my cycle hums, ready to race to you......
  14. I've Got Rhythm...Judy Garland George and Ira Gershwin
  15. Dirty Old Town....The Spinners 'course you remember them ?
  16. I think the referee had decided that the two 'Tom Daly' dives from Hulk, the second of which earned Brazil a goal from the resulting free kick, ought to be balanced as is the modern way in football
  17. RhBBob

    EBay madness

    I must admit, HT, that my camera dates everything 01/01/2007...... makes searching for downloaded piccys all the more interesting....
  18. RhBBob

    EBay madness

    But it's still there...so well done, my Son
  19. RhBBob

    EBay madness

    Somehow, when dealing with Tri-ang, a collection sounds so much better than a set - as indeed would my teeth
  20. Two '0m' Fama/Utz/Kiss electro-magnet uncouplers off Ebay Germany for a total of £24 inc p&p. Okay, that makes five I have for a layout destined to be 24 feet by 2 feet but I'm not getting any younger
  21. Everybody's lookin' for somebody's arms to fall into....that's what it is
  22. Hangin' upside yo' wall ........... Ooooo
  23. A strolling wandering minstrel, I, a thing of rags and tatters.... Edit for memory loss.....or was it ?
  24. RhBBob

    EBay madness

    Ah, 'custom-made', like 'scratch-built' - in my world that's 'home-made'
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