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Captain Kernow

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Everything posted by Captain Kernow

  1. 'Let her go, you ba*tard, it's me that you want!'.....

    1. Tim Hale

      Tim Hale

      Another Prince Philip gaffe?

  2. Rod - D6356 is shown in all-over green with split headcodes on 12/9/62 on a test train at Dumfries, this on page 43 of 'The Western's Hydraulics' (Book Law Publications).
  3. Quite. Harrap is a marked man! (got our own back - sort of - at Aldershot, posing Stationmaster's Beattie on Quai 87.... (but Baron Harrap was too busy adjusting his backscene-cummerbund to notice).
  4. I fear that you may have to invent a little local traffic, Chris, to justify putting a couple of box vans or similar in the siding. I'm sure that Farmer Miggin's wife of Lower Twinhoe Lane Farm had a bit of sideline making raspberry jam.....
  5. Reading this thread, I'm wondering if if would be easier if we produced a list of locos that definitely didn't run on the S&D... The thing about odd and obscure examples for me is precisely that it makes operating the layout more interesting, so I'll happily re-invent a bit of history, geography etc. to make that fit... At shows, I do have the occasional moment, when I try to enforce a 'pure' S&D roster, but you do have to go to the lavatory from time to time, and I can't always guarantee that certain 'trusted members of my operating team' won't slip a Thomas or a Duck into the mix...
  6. Same sentiments from me, met Tony at RailWells one year, very nice gent. Best wishes for a full and lasting recovery.
  7. Hugely envious - what a fantastic and fascinating area! I hope to visit some day, not sure when...
  8. More proxy shopping, but without the pleasure this time - today I plan to hand over the Beattie Well tank that I picked up last Thursday, but didn't open the box because it was wrapped in tissue and I want it's recipient to have that pleasure...

  9. Some good work there by both of you and it looks like you had a lot of fun in the process. You are very lucky, a whole uninterrupted weekend! - time is that most precious of modelling resource (coming only a close second, IMO, to having a fully functioning mojo...)
  10. I'm happy to say that the Special Limited Edition of the Cotswolds book will now happen, as we have achieved the 'magic number' for minimum orders. There is still time to order one and thus also make a contribution to the charity I am supporting (Alzheimers Society) - click here: http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/topic/44507-new-book-on-the-cotswold-line-–-’past-and-present’/page__pid__506392&do=findComment&comment=506392

    1. ian


      And for all those of you who haven't put your name down - DO IT NOW!

    2. DonB


      Must lead a sheltered life, first I've heard of it! Will look to see if likely to be interesting addition to bookshelf.

  11. This is the last week for people to be able to register their interest in the possible Subscribers Special Edition of the new Cotswold 'Then & Now' book - more information here: http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/topic/44507-new-book-on-the-cotswold-line-–-’past-and-present’/

  12. Part of my back garden is still rather damp, despite the very warm weather of late, seemingly just because it doesn't get much sun in the afternoon. I'd have thought it would have dried out nevertheless! Anyway, it looks as if the warm spell is coming to an end from around Tuesday next week...

    1. mozzer models

      mozzer models

      its rained on & off all day here

    2. keefer


      the warm spell here came to an end yesterday, of last week and today it rained on and on all day! hahaha

  13. Very happy to report that the new book on the Cotswold Line that I have co-authored was published last weekend! - http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/topic/44507-new-book-on-the-cotswold-line-%E2%80%93-%E2%80%99past-and-present%E2%80%99/ - however, if you would like an enhanced edition - please check out the thread regarding the Special Edition!

  14. I wonder how many of us have inadvertantly (or perhaps by design, even? ) found ourselves taking photos of railway subjects, only to find that some celebrity or other well-known person has found their way into the picture. I'll start this one off, with a photo of who I believe to be the actor Keith Allen, standing next to 5043 'Earl of Mount Edgecombe' at Paddington yesterday: Clearly, I am only advocating non-intrusive type photos taken in public places.... Anyone else out there with photos combining famous people and railways?
  15. I believe there was a model railway club associated with the Hydrographic Office at Taunton, and some of the people from there were supposed to be building a 7mm model of Edington Jct. One of them who I know assured me (this was 6 - 7 years ago at least), that it would be completed 'within a year'. I never heard any more.
  16. That's some local shop, Julian - most generous of them!
  17. Is it not possible to visit the site and measure it, Rich? http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Cheddar_station_goods_shed.jpg
  18. With Andy's approval, I've put a post up advising of the forthcoming new 'Then & Now' book on the Cotswolds Line that I am co-authoring: http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/topic/44507-new-book-on-the-cotswold-line-–-’past-and-present’/

    1. Stubby47


      Will there be any pasties in the book ?

    2. Captain Kernow

      Captain Kernow

      Only if you most regrettably spill your dinner on the book, Stu - I am, of course, assuming that you will be ordering a copy?! ;-)



    3. Stubby47


      Are the Cotswolds in Cornwall (or Wales) ???

  19. The Hornby resin boxes don't seem to feature interior detail, but I would have thought that the price reflects this. It should be easy enough to cut out a piece of thick card or plasticard to fit, and then (when you've established a nice, easy fit from beneath) add detailing from a Wills or Springside signalbox interior detailing kit?
  20. I've started work on scratchbuilding a model of a small brick farm access underbridge, which is located on the north (London) side of the Ouse Valley Viaduct. I will be assisting Rod (10800), John (Re6/6) and a couple of Rod's colleagues from the Eridge project at Scaleforum in a couple of weeks time, demonstrating on the theme of B.R. Southern Region. My contribution to all of this, besides helping run trains up and down the viaduct, (no doubt), will be to continue construction of this farm bridge, which will be incorporated in the first part of this huge project, the viaduct itself. I may also be working on one of the smaller buildings on the platform at Balcombe station, depending on time etc. After getting to a 'natural break' with Callow Lane goods shed, I started work on the farm bridge today, so that I would have something to start demonstrating on at Scaleforum. Here is the prototype: Here is the limited progress I've made so far - both elevations of the arch cut out, and the four course of edging bricks attached (Slaters brick cut into strips): I plan to have more done before we go up to Scaleforum.
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