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Everything posted by PenrithBeacon

  1. I had the impression that the Ship Canal was at sea level throughout its length. Clearly that impression is wrong, thanks for the correction. The map doesn't work on my computer. The general thrust of my post that rising sea levels will be an issue in the UK too is still valid. We, or rather our grandchildren, will not be immune to its effect. Regards Regards
  2. It would be best to remember that rising sea levels will not just impact in far away places. Most British cities have a river flowing through them and the water level of rivers is by definition at sea level. The centre of Manchester, for example, is almost all pretty well at sea level and much of Lancashire would end up under water. Here at Harrow I'm a comfortable 300' above sea level, but I tremble at the thought of all those bedraggled gorillas in suits from Canary Wharf migrating. Regards
  3. The castings look just fine too me. But then they would be the least of my problems if I attempted to reproduce that tender! Regards
  4. 2025 gives plenty of time for alternatives to be brought on line and coal is truly nasty stuff. We should be going for nuclear and renewables. I know that nuclear brings with it it's very own issues, but there are a lot more manageable than the consequences of global warming. Regards
  5. I certainly don't think the loco is ugly, form is following function very nicely. I see that the photo was taken in the original York Railway Museum; does the building still exist? I was in York last August and parked up in a car park not far from the station that was clearly made up of NER buildings dating from the mid 1800s, but I think they are later than the original Y&NMR building the museum was in.
  6. Thanks for that, Jol. IIRC there is an example of one of these at Pickering on the NYMR and I have often wondered what it was used for. Now I know, thanks. Presumably they were used for the larger items that wouldn't fit into the passenger brake or were too heavy for the passenger brake but needed the enhanced protection that a van afforded. Regards
  7. It would be nice if one of the 'Northern Model Shops' did a Kernow and sponsored some RTR of the LNW (and MR, NER, GCR) prototypes. Doubt if it will happen though. Regards
  8. http://www.rail-online.co.uk/p359108933/hEDCA55F#h17473df http://www.rail-online.co.uk/p259291432 No photos of the BR period unfortunately Regards
  9. So you watched two rugby matches and worked on the loco in between Don't know what to make of this I think I'd be making an appointment with my GP! The engine looks wonderful Regards
  10. With respect, I didn't say they were profiteering, but that they were inefficient. The reason they're inefficient of course is that there isn't a functioning market in RTR. This is because of the 'pre-announcement' concept. The different manufacturers make an announcement that it is their intention to produce a model and this has the effect of scaring everybody else off. They can then stand back and wait for a response from the enthusiast community before getting to work or not on the model. Some announced models have never been produced, not at all. This is exacerbated by a lack of industrial capacity in China to actually produce the goods in sufficient quantity. The factory owners (basically the Chinese State, nothing ever happens in China without the State giving its approval. This not an open and free society) find themselves in the delightful situation of demand exceeding supply; so the price goes up. Prices will continue to go up unless and until the RTR manufacturers start to use and exploit different sources of supply either in Asia or elsewhere. Bachmann aren't going to do this, they are owned in China and appear to be vertically integrated with the factories. The other RTR manufacturers might though. Just might ... Regards
  11. The colour looks to me to be a green turquoise, but then there are so many issues with colour temperature on photos that are taken in less than ideal lighting. I think I'll wait until I see one in the flesh (!). Regards
  12. http://www.squirestools.com/maintenance.html
  13. Like this thread although it's something I would never attempt myself. It is surely one of the most peculiar aspects of the RTR business that a satisfactory Class 24/25 has never been introduced. All the modern technology and neither Hornby nor Bachmann have got it right. Regards
  14. Nasty, but could have been a lot worse. A private and informal H&S review is perhaps in the offing? As to the second sentence, buy a dishwasher! All the best
  15. The blue is correct. I believe the car still exists.
  16. The OS map indicates that the trackbed is complete as far as the Trent. The north side of the river seems to have been built on.
  17. Yet more froth! I'm just only too pleased that a 59 is being produced, although it must feel a bit strange to DJM. Perhaps the advent of the 59 will persuade that nice Mr Penbits to release his bogie kit for the Bachmann 66 and then go on modify it to suit the 59. Regards
  18. I'm not going order one of these, not my cup of tea at all, but ... With the truly extravagant delays in this project I do wonder when design and production of RTR models are going to be repatriated. There must be significant reputational damage to a company when matters get this far. Regards
  19. I appreciate that some of the railway companies had trans-shipment sheds at appropriate points, but trans-ship vans? When, where and how were they used, please. Regards
  20. I had rather got the impression that the Hornby HST has some weaknesses. Is this true and will they be fixed?
  21. A very welcome addition! When I saw Kilmersden in 1965 it was in malachite green and red not the olive green of its preserved years. Regards
  22. The enormous backlog of models that have been announced but are no where close to delivery suggest to me that Bachmann are non too efficient. The sudden , and very large, increase in prices could be a reflection of inefficiency rather than profiteering . Regards
  23. Clearly you spent a great deal of time compiling the list but many of the books are photo albums which tends to illustrate the point I was making as does your remark concerning drawings.
  24. One of the features of pre-group and pre-nationalisation modelling is the plethora of history books on locos, coaches and wagons which include informative text, photos, diagrams and scale drawings. The contrast with the post 1948 is really stark. There are history books (not simply pictorial books) on the BR standard locos and coaches but next to nothing on the wagons and absolutely nothing, nothing at all, post de-nationalisation. This a great shame in my view as the last 20 years has seen a massive change in rolling stock and it must inhibit those who don't want to rely on the RTR manufacturers in their modelling. Regards
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