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Nick Gough

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Everything posted by Nick Gough

  1. In another photo I have seen, in the last couple of days, the gauges have been removed from the cab.
  2. Happy to do that if it works okay. Railway Modeller.xlsx
  3. If you message me your email address I'll let you have a copy.
  4. I have an Excel spreadsheet Railway Modeller index that I created about 15 years ago. It covers from the late 1960s up to the early 2000s (I keep meaning to get it up to date again!). The categories are biased towards my own areas of interest but it may help to start off?
  5. Welsh Highland - or is this just an elongated level crossing? https://www.bing.com/images/search?view=detailV2&ccid=2GXbVtvR&id=D404F464D2886684861078EE6297A612961191AA&thid=OIP.2GXbVtvRvkiYFwBrkpcJjAEsDH&q=welsh+highland+railway+porthmadog&simid=608008710193088207&selectedindex=2&mode=overlay&first=1
  6. http://pre04.deviantart.net/d1fc/th/pre/i/2015/222/a/8/the_first__hogwarts_express__by_brit31-d953v7k.jpg
  7. Network Rail have declared that today's "Royal Duchy" charter train will be diesel hauled due to "gauging issues" in South Devon. DSCN0544.JPG DSCN0545.JPG
  8. I do have this small booklet, obviously aimed at customers, but unfortunately it doesn't go in to the practicalities involved.
  9. Would the bridge girder have been physically attached to the full size Pollens or just rely on its weight to prevent fore and aft movement? In any case I presume there would have to be a severe limit on trailing vehicles?
  10. I'll have a look in my Russell part 1 tomorrow and post if I find anything there.
  11. I'm not sure which one you have but you might find the drawing on this page: http://www.greatwestern.org.uk/coach_draw.htm Have a look at the "Post Office Vans" about halfway down the page. There are a number of photos and drawings of various TPOs in Russell's " Great Western Coaches Part 2 1903-1948". Most seem to have been equipped with the same 7ft bogies used for the 57ft bow ended stock. Photos of Didcot's preserved TPO, 814, may also help http://www.didcotrailwaycentre.org.uk/coaches/814/814.html
  12. One of my current projects is renovating my ancient, battered Triang clerestory brake... At the same time I want to make it more prototypical. Looking in Russell Part 1 I found the Van third D21. Whilst the passenger and guard sections are more or less identical, with the Triang offering, the luggage section is different and longer (cut & shut plasticard). The Triang bogies have been replaced with Hornby Dean 10' from the more recent corridor clerestory models. Also the D21 is wider with the coach ends having a blank 'gangway' panel. I have ditched the original underframe section and built up gas tanks, truss rods, queen posts, etc, from brass rod & plasticard. The roof has been cut & shut, to meet the new width and length, with gas lamp ventilators from plasticard discs and brass rod. Overall a cheap and cheerfull ongoing makeover. I will put any tattyness down to the fact that the coach is getting long in the tooth in my chosen (1930s) period. I could probably could have done a better, quicker and more accurate job starting from scratch but I am loath to part with something I have owned for 45+ years even though the surgery has been fairly drastic!
  13. Before that they filmed an item with one of the presenters riding in the cab of the Warship class "Magpie" over the Royal Albert Bridge.
  14. Some photos from 1971, that may be of interest.
  15. He also visited Didcot for a Blue Peter report on GWR150 back in 1985.
  16. Breaking news of rhino and railway activity in South Devon....... http://www.torquayheraldexpress.co.uk/rhino-makes-grand-entrance/story-29541569-detail/story.html
  17. And, to finish off, some views looking south, from the rear of the railmotor, along the Brentford branch...
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