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Everything posted by boxbrownie

  1. You must have seen a caravan after an incident, not much to see at all.....looks like somebody shook out the first floor of IKEA onto the road.
  2. Oh yes, and it’s starting to happen again now.......Covid going, emmets coming
  3. I always thought it was “call a spade a spade”?......Might be different in Lancaster, moot point as we would all get charged with racial slurs now......no idea what it is in Cornish though John
  4. And that’s assuming everyone travelling on rail now can afford a brand new vehicle which has full autonomy because every vehicle on the road now doesn’t have it.
  5. We are not committed enthusiasts, merely drivers who love the way our EV drives compared to other ICE vehicles. There are people for which EV won’t be suitable for a very long time of course. The points in Swanage are in council car parks mostly, not hotels.
  6. A lot of the trains in Japan have either swivelling seats or the reversible backrest type so you can always face forwards.
  7. I hate it when that happens, but I recently bought the genuine Kadee “spike” tool,for the springs, and blow me down it actually works, it has the smallest little “pip” on the point which holds inside the spiral of the spring and makes handling and fitting them so much easier.
  8. He hasn’t driven on the lanes here in Cornwall, I’d love to see how it deals with a single track road confronted with a builders transit coming the other way It'll work fine (mostly) on motorways but around towns in the rush hour and narrow rural lanes......hmm
  9. So is HS2........few years to go there yet
  10. The problem with the stretched limos (especially so in the states) is the number of “specialists” that sprung up years ago modify (stretching) limos, they often know nothing about stress loading and metal strengths and just weld on a couple of beams under the chassis and attach extra doors and panels with no regard to crash worthiness and life cycle strength, I’ve seen pictures of limos that have sheered in half during impacts and of course the occupants are always wearing seat belts....NOT......but they will be boozed up and thinking of getting layed, but the mortuary slab wasn’t the place.
  11. Presumably feeling really proud of the fact they just managed to bulk buy next weeks fuel they lit up a celebratory cigar for the journey home
  12. A lot of people still tend to think of phone battery problems they’ve had when they think of EV traction batteries, but the truth is the tech is years ahead with individual cell monitoring and automatic balancing heated and cooled cell packs to get the best from the stored energy and longevity of the batteries. Obviously some manufacturers have better systems than others but eventually they will all be as good as each other in such a competitive market.
  13. Not going through the whole list but a quick view just in Minehead show 4 at Premier Inn, 2 Pod Points at another location and a single location as well, destination chargers as you would expect (at a destination such as a hotel and pub)......the filters on the ZappMap need to be looked at closely to get the best from the app. edit.....8 in Swanage
  14. Very true, but the three pin plugs were an attempt at getting all the “appliance” use in the houses to be earthed, but people still used to plug their Iron in to a light socket for example.......high load, no earth and possibly damp clothes?
  15. I don’t know, we used to regularly travel from Essex to Frejus in the SoF in a very long day, usually setting off very early morning but always (not withstanding accidents or traffic) made it before sun down at our mates villa, which admittedly in the Summer could be 10 pm......not sure the traffic density would make it quite so easy nowadays though TBH, or my age
  16. Tesla already have done that, Mercedes used Tesla technology in their first B-Class EV, and it worked very well.
  17. Yes, correct.....an early attempt at safety in domestic electricity supply, although there was nothing to stop you wiring a 15 amp appliance to a 2A plug and trying that for fun, but back then people took responsibility for their own actions, now it’s a different story.
  18. We did have for about 20 years they were the standard 2A 5A 15A and even 30A......all different sizes, some people got on alright with them into the 70’s (and I expect there are still some houses still so fitted!) Even when the 13A square 3 pin came in many old house soldiered on with the old standard, they never became illegal to use, just fit new. Anyhoo, that’s a just a casual flippant observation.
  19. Bloomin’ell are they? How much does it cost from Paris to SoF nowadays, last time we went it was about £70.
  20. When was this? The MoD/DoE “move” was about 1976 when it all went pear shaped, I assume the NPL was about the same time then? Was that when NPL was investigated going to RAF St Mawgan when the field was being closed, it never would happen of course as far too remote for the establishment, now of course St Mawgan is Newquay Airport. How long does the OSA last for? I’m shutting up now
  21. Back in another life when I worked for “Her Majesty” there was a lot of rumblings and even advanced plans for the DoE and MoD offices in London to move to Harrogate.......when the actual plans were leaked* an awful lot of quite older employees of these venerable establishments suddenly moved from their dusty desks, got off their piles and stopped it dead in its tracks......where would they lunch, where would they dine before going home? *how strange eh?
  22. I joined when I bought a Giulleitta (the 2Litre TC 4 door type) back in the early 80’s, I got accosted at Beullieu in the car park once by none other than Derek Bell who wanted a chat and look at my very shiney red Alfa, he was apparently a member (or something to do with the club at the time), nice bloke, nice chat.
  23. Or saving an absolute fortune not having to pay for travel.....swings and roundabouts
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