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Everything posted by boxbrownie

  1. I know Ford use the ICE system as a noise cancelling system, works amazingly well also.....Porsche and Audi have available a “sport” noise generator within the exhaust system itself, just in case the real thing isn’t enough
  2. No doubt my Dearborn colleagues will have thought of that and provided the option of a meaty V8 burble through the ICE* System *as opposed to through the exhaust system of the ICE system.......obviously one being In Car Entertainment and t’other Internal Combustion Engine......how very conveniently confusing
  3. That’s the one I was thinking about, well done. I actually think the locust type had wooden panels as well! I stuck to a nice Westfield 7.....the very first with a long pedal box fitted.....I needed it being a lanky
  4. Keep the Beef Jerky in its packet......
  5. Is that a 2CV based “7” behind it? Long time ago now, was it called a Locust or something like that?
  6. Problem is if they made it against the law then those that really do have a genuine reason to travel would need to go through a process of allowance to be able to travel, and as most of the reasons might well be very urgent it might not be a fast process, this time the GOV are trying to give the responsibility to the public.......wadda’mistaka’to’make as they say. As for the travel companies like Easy Jet (with the advert “Jab and Go”) it seems pretty obvious why they are saying people can travel, maybe that’s the bit the GOV should make illegal?
  7. I’ve long given up on R4 being the bastion of neutral reporting, this morning they banged on for over half an hour interviewing various MP, Travel officials and general naysayers about the “traffic light system” and how confusing and ambiguous it is (where have we heard this before?) it was just pure lazy journalism looking for a story that doesn’t exist, as I see it GREEN you can go depending upon the country letting you in, AMBER you cannot go there on holiday but if you have a genuine reason like a death in the family or hospital visit, or even urgent work that cannot be done over the “wires” you can go but you have to quarantine/test upon your return, RED stay at home, the piece was about how no one understood the AMBER meaning, they even said it’s like road traffic lights, no one knows whether it means stop or go....WTF? That’s the level of journalism now on R4...... So I would definitely take that piece on quarantine hotels with a pinch sack of salt.
  8. Depends whether she is moaning or had Brussel sprouts for dinner
  9. Our best friends next door neighbour (the husband) caught Covid last March very early on its path, the wife nursed him for a week before the coughing became so bad his breathing was critically low and she called an ambulance, he died before the ambulance arrived (by all accounts only about 30 minutes) she had been with him all week properly “nursing” him and even still slept in the same bed, she never had any symptoms at all and I believe she was tested late last year and didn’t have antibodies so wasn’t even asymptomatic.
  10. Are you sure they didn’t send you for a long weight?
  11. Ooooo, that might be a set of mag wheels as well.....serious stuff.
  12. Oh my Lord......that is far too good for anyone but myself to drive, what a beauty.
  13. It amazes me they don't realise it just lessons their authority when they act like that.
  14. We had a clever dick of an apprentice once who was told to go to the stores and get a box of assorted holes...............he came back with a set of drills, he made tea for a week.
  15. From the picture I saw shown briefly on TV news (not to say they were given the correct picture, but looked convincing) it appeared to be a crack on the beam/box section to which the yaw damper bracket bolts, it was a heavy bit of ally section to which FSW is not so suited being rather more difficult to access both sides without completely dismantling the whole frame, needed more of a seam weld along the crack propagation. That is only my opinion of a brief view of what might have been not even the correct section being shown, as has been said above, not very much actual information so far. TBH it’s all guess work here anyway.
  16. Middle left of the bushes I see a crack there......oh no, just a hiker taken short.....
  17. I thought about that a while ago, and today it would be even easier/better implemented to have a flashing blue lamp and siren......and maybe even an ‘ello, ‘ello, ‘ello wot’ s going on’ere then? while passing every station
  18. We get it completely, this last year (or slightly more) has been lovely for us and a great excuse not to have to (discourage being too harsh a word) welcome friends down here for visits, we moved to Cornwall 7 years ago and bought a nice big house on the coastal path with a separate holiday bungalow on the land but of course before the pandemic we had quite a few friends visit and stay and although we liked seeing them we don’t like seeing them for quite so long , well we didn’t buy into a “Holiday business” (although our neighbours think we are mad to turn down what was a lucrative income for the previous owner, but we just can’t be arsed).....we like seeing friends and (some) relatives but I have really enjoyed having the bungalow as my modelling spray/painting hobby house with its own toilet, shower, kitchen for tea and biscuits Unfortunately now already in the past week we have had three heavy “hints” from friends that they would love to see us again.....hmm....OK, bring your own surf board mateys!
  19. People will still be owners of vehicles in the foreseeable future, it’ll take a major shift in private vehicle ownership patterns, it could happen in the future but it’s going to be a long way in the future, just like HS2 and Jet Packs.....there....almost got back on thread
  20. OK then, major conurbations like London and Birmingham
  21. That’ll never catch on anywhere outside of London......a bit too Metrocentric that idea.
  22. C’mon......you can’t leave it there....
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