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Everything posted by beast66606

  1. Your last comment sums things up nicely - totally useless information without any context or source material so who knows if it's factual or not - do you mean man(kind), man (adult male human), do you include juveniles in the count as they are male but not strictly a man?, man - as used as a slang term in some dialects ? How many "man" were counted and by whom ? What is the definition of a leg in this context, a leg of a race ? a leg of a chair, a limb ? - perhaps it needs a rider and caution note to go with it ?
  2. I have given up posting facts* in this thread, and they are verifiable as I post links to them - yesterday people challenged them (not sure how you can challenge a published fact unless you have on the spot information) and yet people who admit they are basing their comments on not much more than opinions are not challenged. I will read but I'm leaving the lunatics to comment on the asylum (mostly) * facts as in they are (mainly) published by HMG, ONS or the NHS and are certainly not based on opinion.
  3. Facts ? - how dare you suggest we stick to facts, they are so boring. The NHS did (does ?) not produce bed stat returns frequently enough* for real time data (years ago I used to write software to do such things along, admittedly this was a good few years ago now and things have probably changed. However I suspect even if they do produce the stats more frequently there would be a risk of identifying individuals (low numbers in categories eg. discharge means it's easier to home in on actual people rather than just numbers) so the information would not be made public at such frequency. * Bed occupancy and associated data for a hospital is quite a hefty data cruncher so tended to be updated overnight when I was last involved (early 2000s)
  4. When people post "suspicions" you let them go without comment but when I post an actual official document you try and make out I was hiding something even though it is there for all to see and read ? my mind boggles. There's only 1 footnote, not a and b - the comment a refers to b as a fuller explanation. if there was a hospital with 100 beds, and only 35 people in the world are left unvaccinated and they were all admitted, the other 65 beds were occupied by vaccinated people, then even though there are billions who are vaccinated, the hospital still only has 35% non vaccinated. If the same hospital was in a universe where 400000000 million billion zillion people were not vaccinated and 65 people were, and 35 non vaccinated people were admitted and the 65 people vaccinated were admitted it still only has 35% unvaccinated people. As you are implying there's something wrong with my original comment, I've quoted it above for you - please explain exactly what is wrong with it The footnote to which you refer is shown for several tables, including some which have no admission / occupancy data - it's a generic comment and not relevant to table 9.
  5. What was the doctors name and on which radio station and when was it broadcast - I'd like listen to it so I can know "sod lots"
  6. You mean Dr Anon-y-mous in the Guardian ? - that'll be accurate then. You do know that ICU beds can change by the hour ? - those figures are what we have, I don't but "my feelings" I'm afraid, that just sounds like "I want to find a way to ignore these facts" - or "weasel words" So you say the figures don't show us anything and then claim "<what> needs to be shouted loud and clear, is that younger and middle-aged adults who have declined vaccination are consuming a hugely disproportionate amount of resource, occupying ICU beds for long periods etc.." - how do you know this ? how do you know they've declined vaccinations ? how do you know how much resource they take ? - you note I quote references for my comments, it's about time you started quoting references for yours.
  7. We are being told wrong, Dr Hilary repeated this on Lorraine the other day when he claimed 90% of patients in hospital are not vaccinated (he sort of added "Covid") which is a downright lie, it seems that lies on the "scared" side of the discussion are ok though - the figure is 35%. Table 9 in the linked document https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/1037987/Vaccine-surveillance-report-week-48.pdf
  8. Biden threatens Putin with gas embargo ? - the thought of windy Joe threatening anyone is funny I'll give you that.
  9. Welsh health was devolved in 1999, any complacency in your area (with the highest case rates for several weeks now I believe) is down to Welsh Health and the Labour leader, have you checked the local Welsh health board web site ? - I suspect that will have the information you need - https://bcuhb.nhs.wales/covid-19/covid-19-vaccinations/ Anyone in England want a spare invite for the booster ? , yet again I've had an invite telling me I'm not boosted - so I'm one who will be classified an anti-vaxxer by the judges, I will be counted in the total on the "not boosted" side of the equation, despite being boosted a few weeks ago, I wonder how many more there are in the same position.
  10. Here's a couple of my shots Northwich 27/08/1977 (Saturday) 40122 and 25110 on shed at Northwich Northwich 27/08/1977 (Saturday) 40091 on shed at Northwich
  11. You had very old employees then Care workers have already been sacked if not vaccinated - clap, clap, cl - oops
  12. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-tyne-58330796 - nasty side effect ? The other important difference is none of your employees were forced to vaccinate to work in the UK, I also travelled overseas and had vaccines although non of them were mandatory, but they made sense, who's going to risk hep. or other nasty disease. however I'm sure the employees would have made a lot more noise if they had to be vaccinated just to travel into the office each day
  13. And no hippos present - they won't get vaccinated and refuse to wear masks* https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-59516896 *And are therefore murderers.
  14. This isn't an airport.

    1. truffy


      It’s not a hotel either, no matter what you kids might think 

    2. Mallard60022


      There is actually a FB Group about that....it's crap, like most sarcastic FB Groups. How do I know it exists.....? 

  15. Simon, Roof detail of 37520 taken at Pipers Ash, Chester, on 03/03/2002 - unfortunately due to the bridge I was standing on I was unable to get the rest of the roof
  16. I have this item for sale : I also have some more items, track etc - I was testing the water but it doesn't seem too warm so was going to use Ebay - message me if interested,
  17. Send 'round the bum squad, I've found a weapon on mAss destruction, if it had gone off it would have wrecked um

    1. Metr0Land


      They don't like it up 'em!

  18. That's going to sting in the morning

    1. Mallard60022


      Is Roxanne taking it to him?

    2. beast66606


      Only with a red light present, although not mandatory

  19. Finally managed to get 60055 at Brandon, not very common (not even sure it's worked here before), and to prove my point it was swapped for 60029 a couple of hours later. Brandon 01/12/2021 (Wednesday) 60055, Thomas Barnado, on 6Z28, 05:33, Tunstead Sdgs - Brandon Down Sidings (11:51) - loaded stone (24 blue JNA)
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