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Everything posted by beast66606

  1. There's no evidence to suggest Omicron is more severe than Delta BUT more research needed to confirm / deny.
  2. The loop didn't open until 1977, I think prior to that the units had to be dragged the long way around via Edge Hill, Warrington etc., Southport units were not common at North, probably because of the drag requirement. Hall Road was the maintenance depot for the Southport line stock iirc.
  3. It was a requirement for the loop which opened in 1977, so they were converted prior to then.
  4. You shake it to the left
    You shake it to the right
    You do the hippy shake shake
    With all of your might, whoa baby

    1. 69843


      For goodness sake.....

    2. Captain Kernow

      Captain Kernow

      Can I have some of what he's having, please?

    3. Mallard60022


      and you still get a crap Cabinet! 


  5. ID checking for voting is not racist, it doesn't differentiate skin colour, it checks validity to vote - surely a true democracy would welcome exactly that, every person entitled to vote gets their vote, but only their vote. I wondered who would mention assault rifles - perhaps this will dispel that rumour * Any lefties in the US ? - are you serious ? - jeez, really ? * not that I disagree with the general sentiment.
  6. I reported this post as it's low on fact < 1 fact found and high on opinion and very political, but it's been allowed to stand so I'll reply to correct the deliberately misleading rantnarrative. Google the below info for verification, I've carefully used lefty sites so confirmation bias should be on your side. (Figures are rounded and ball parked to keep it simple) In the US the New York Times (so a lefty publication) reckons around 95million people could have the vaccine but haven't. Trump polled around 75 million votes, assuming every single Trump voter is anti vax that still leaves 20 million non Trump voters, I suspect the number who are both anti vax and pro Trump will be a lot lower, but let's assume a high number of say 60 million Trump voters are anti vax - that means around 35 million Biden voters are also into national populist movements (or are they just plain stupid ?) which begs the question why they didn't vote for Trump for POTUS (<conspiracy theory> or maybe they did ... </conspiracy theory>) 35% of the US is armed, if guns were banned overnight, do you think that all the bad guys would hand in their guns and gun deaths would instantly drop to 0, in the UK it was 30 in 2020 ? (and therefore do you think all the good guys will hand in theirs knowing all the bad guys are still armed ? ) According to https://www.gunviolencearchive.org/ (which is also left leaning ) there have been some 41k deaths due to guns so far this year, of which over half were suicides, 19k deaths were due to homicides and accidental death - twice as many people died in RTAs in 2019, the figure is reasonably stable so will probably be around the same this year) , so banning cars would save more lives and would also mean Greta would give you a gold star - win, win for you. Interested to see the sources for your claims - but I guess there aren't any, it's just a "tolerant left" view of others.
  7. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/live/world-59426277 My bold etc. It's not like the virus is spread by travel, my mind boggles, err on the safe side and then wind back if not necessary surely ?
  8. Exactly - it was inevitable this would happen, it's how it's dealt with that matters
  9. We (Walton and Anfield, predessors to the WFRM) had the priviledge of being awarded "Best LMS" (for Stockton Heath) by Bob many years ago, at Derby I think, much frivolity followed in the pub later. A nice guy who will be missed by many.
  10. Not sure if you've seen this link, lots of interesting data on here - not what you muse but some interesting data nonetheless. Anonymous mentions NHS staff being forced to take the vaccine, that's recent - 10 Nov - so we are talking recent data - take a look at the various spreadsheets on the page especially the one which shows critical care bed occupancy for both Covid and Non-Covid. https://www.england.nhs.uk/statistics/statistical-work-areas/covid-19-hospital-activity/
  11. I notice the article doesn't mention HAI which seems strange given that the NHS itself thinks these could amount to around 10-20% of Covid cases in hospital, I would expect a consultant to acknowledge this as a cause of some of the cases as the figure is reasonably high.
  12. What I actually said was 35% of people in hospital are double jabbed so blaming the non-vaccinated for NHS delays (iwhich is what the post I was commenting on claimed) is wrong as precautions are still needed even for jabbed people (I'm not going to repost the whole context here, you must have read that already to comment although I'm not sure you have as your comment doesn't actually connect with what I posted) - nothing to do with efficacy, nothing to do with whether people should be vaccinated or not, nothing to do with crash test dummies. I'm fully vaccinated, flu and Covid, I'm taking part in several research projects for the ONS - to help all - and I'm currently working at a school facilitating mock GCSE for the students so they can become our future - I'm very happy with what I'm doing to help beat the virus and maintain as much normality as possible, I don't need - or accept - people accusing me of things I haven't said or done thank you.
  13. I'll try and make it easier for those who heard a whoosh as my point went over their heads ** The GP is not taking precautions solely because of the unvaccinated as the vaccinated can carry and/or catch Covid too - and even though (a later point you made) the effect will almost certainly be lessened that reduced effect cannot be guaranteed for everyone and so precautions still need to be taken. So what is the level when your GP will stop precautions ? 95% vaccinated ? 99% vaccinated ? 141% ? (Gibraltar anyone ? - I mentioned it once but got away with it as it doesn't fit the narrative), for which age group ? all ? some ? - those under 12 aren't being offered the vaccine but could still carry it, so no treatment for them ? PCR test for all first ? This - to me - is why the last comment in the bit I've quoted is wrong and this is the point I made (or thought I had, probably badly) in my first post, nothing to do with 35% of the 18% of the 23% of the 47% who expressed a preference and there was no denial of anything in my comment other than "it's solely down to the unvaccinated" that extra precautions need to be (currently*) taken. * like others - I hope - I also wish for the day when things are a lot closer to the old normal, maybe one day.
  14. Interesting full fact look at an article in the Gruniard (and others) regarding mask wearing and it's effectiveness https://fullfact.org/health/mask-wearing-study-edinburgh-guardian/
  15. Given that being vaccinated does NOT remove the risk of spreading the virus, not does it 100% prevent anyone catching it - what would your GP friend do differently ? - after all, people can prove they are vaccinated so why don't they (for example) run clinics for vaccinated one day - and have a free for all - and run clinics for non-vaccinated the next day - and have a tightly controlled regime. 35% of people in hospital are double jabbed (source -full fact) so presumably they are very-selfish too. PS - I'm fully jabbed for both Covid and flu, so I'm not anti-vax
  16. I've been working in school - exams - all week with (on most days) 100 kids packed into a hall, for several hours at a time - life has to continue, I test frequently.
  17. I think if that was the case there would be a lot more deaths, it's not only people you dislike who riot ...
  18. Shooting protestors seems to be somewhat at odds to trying to reduce ICU bed occupancy, the world is on fire - and I'm not talking blah blah blah.
  19. I'm double jabbed, boosted and had the flu jab back in September, the Mrs is double jabbed, flu jabbed and will be boosted a week today - for the last few days we have been plagued with NHS reminders to get the booster, both by text and email - for example I've had 2 texts and an email today, she's had 3 texts and hasn't checked her emails yet.
  20. Anyone know what the current restrictions are in Wales ? - is it what Drakeford dictates or what he does at parties ? - strangely silent in the West wing on this
  21. Eric : https://www.realtimetrains.co.uk/service/gb-nr:H13190/2021-11-15/detailed or if Jim starts from Bescot https://www.realtimetrains.co.uk/service/gb-nr:79171/2021-11-15/detailed check the links tomorrow, they will update if the train is running.
  22. Indeed and on the forum there are stories of how Type 1 sufferers have been affected by the vaccination, altering their blood sugar levels and insulin requirements which doesn't seem to have made it into anything "official" - I look at that site as I have naturally high blood sugars and one day I'll (probably) be a sufferer too.
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