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Pete Harvey

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Everything posted by Pete Harvey

  1. Phil The roof needs to look like this? Pete P.S. This was before I produced the radio pods.
  2. The cab fronts on the 158's make them look sad like they have failed the audition for a Thomas the Tank film. Great paint job.
  3. Your idea is still a valid method to get the shape though.
  4. Lee Lee is building the 4mm fan and grill which is why you did not have the single ring.
  5. I have fitted several there is no easy way to fit them: 1. Ring use tamiya tape along and across with a pin apply a drop of super glue in the open areas to fix it to the plastic body, leave for at least two hours before removing the tape. 2. Fix the mesh grill in the same way, leave two hours before removing the tape. 3. Now the cross Ring same way, including the waiting time. 4. Nut ring same as the other three stages. If you are lucky it won't ping off over night, only use little amounts of glue as it will stick out when you paint it. Forget the Fan on a sound loco there is no room for it. Hope that helps?
  6. Hi Phil Fine detail radio pods are available for the 33. http://www.phd-design-etchings.co.uk/index.php?route=product/product&path=25_28_63&product_id=126
  7. Give the roof a wash of ink to darken it that will give it a more natural look than repainting it.
  8. Thinking about it I recon Atlas have done this on per pose as far as I can tell the people they have shipped the unimog to have all cancelled after getting them so they are making everyone else wait so they can make as much from everyone as possible.
  9. Gordon Have you worked out what sort of track length you will have if or when it's finished? Pete
  10. Ian I would certanly sell the frames as a seperate kit I can think of several wagon types that the frames could be used for as in real life. I'm exhibiting Peters Street 4mm Layout at the Stafford show 6th & 7th and I will have the wagon with me if anyone wants a look? Pete
  11. Very interesting I'm starting to get a good overall idea of the layout now thank you. The last set of pictures should help.
  12. Well I have just logged on to the Atlas website and checked I have two out standing payments for models that were never on the World of Stobart models list I have never received them so I'm not paying for them as they are not parts of the series.
  13. I have two possibly three models outstanding Sammy, Unimog & fire tender. I'm glad I did not set up DD as payment as I don't think I would trust them again.
  14. Thank you Graham I look forward to the next set of pictures.
  15. Graham Could you post a genral track plan of the layout or series pictures showing the layout in genral rather than just sections please?
  16. Brian If you don't need to permanently fix the roof in place wrap it in cling film before you fit it and add the glue.
  17. Id love to see the big Allen key they used to fix those wheels on with? What a great cash of ref images you have there I'm sure that it will be a much easier build now you are using Nicks parts.
  18. It's a nice kit to build and when built it will go around set track point work mine dose. The hardest part is doing the tender roof properly.
  19. Here is another engine I have been working on. It could be used I guess for either 57, 66, or 67 there maybe slight differences between the types but the basic is the same. I have hear of one Class 37 operator looking at shoe horning one in a 37, no idea if that will ever be done though. Pete
  20. Over the New Year period during a short Dry time I managed to add some colour to the Vix kit when I get chance if the weather allows I will try to get some gloss varnish on the model ready for the decals. Pete
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