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Everything posted by Dagworth

  1. "And, and, we'll play each other at cricket! Listen, maybe one day we'll capture a fighting machine, eh? Learn how to make 'em ourselves and then..."
  2. Maybe not surveys, but they do do consultations here’s the one I mentioned https://www.gov.uk/government/consultations/choice-on-units-of-measurement-markings-and-sales/outcome/choice-on-units-of-measurement-consultation-response and a screenshot from it showing the 98.7% happy to keep metric measure nothing to do with yougov. Andi
  3. yep, chicken wire and papier mache! Andi
  4. [hypothetical] I'm a wine bottler Currently my bottling plant is set up to fill 750ml bottles which I can sell in Britain and all over the world I'm offered the opportunity to spend a lot of extra money to set it up to fill 568ml bottles that I can only sell in Britain Nothing is saying that I can't still sell my 750ml bottles in Britain Am I going to spend a fortune changing it to restrict my market to one country or keep it as is to sell to the whole world? Not on your Nelly [/hypothetical] I doubt Pint bottles of wine will ever hit the shops except as a novelty. Look behind the headlines and see what you are being distracted from, that the demetrication of Britain post Brexit is NOT wanted, 98.7% of respondents in a govt survey wanted to keep metric measures. Andi
  5. https://www.google.com/maps/@52.719916,-4.0512535,3a,75y,198.97h,90.55t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1subWPRlk2dx-NV5xOybbrow!2e0!6shttps:%2F%2Fstreetviewpixels-pa.googleapis.com%2Fv1%2Fthumbnail%3Fpanoid%3DubWPRlk2dx-NV5xOybbrow%26cb_client%3Dmaps_sv.tactile.gps%26w%3D203%26h%3D100%26yaw%3D202.83739%26pitch%3D0%26thumbfov%3D100!7i16384!8i8192?entry=ttu
  6. Dagworth

    On Cats

    Jareth and Jessica had to investigate the Playmobil train set!
  7. Dagworth

    On Cats

    Trying to watch the traditional Christmas Eve movie but Jessica objected. Andi
  8. Laserglaze looks a lot better than the old SE finecast stuff if it is available for your particular locos. https://www.shawplan.com/extreme_Loco_Laserglaze_4mm.html Andi
  9. I'm guessing, in line with tradition, that the shed code for the layout will be π? Known to its friends as Piggin Hill? Do you need a "Wingman" for Lincoln? 😁 Andi
  10. it does rather look as if that transistor has let its magic smoke out. Very possibly due to a short circuit on that cut wire you mentioned up thread. Andi
  11. Especially the ones with the red noses oh no, that's reindeer isn't it? Andi
  12. Beware of using the drawings as gospel though, I found measurement errors on the 85. Andi
  13. It was the day I got my transfer to the Southern Region as a driver at Charing Cross having previously been a secondman at Ipswich. We were in the offices at London Bridge when the news came through. Andi
  14. The last page has left me feeling distinctly like Lister on Red Dwarf! Andi
  15. Dagworth

    On Cats

    Many cats have eight Andi
  16. Toys For Alice - Sleeping Dogs Wake
  17. Yep, I know that one very well, I ballasted a joint that had never been completed about a week before Dagworth’s first show. As per all my large layouts the signalling is fully interlocked with track circuits. When we got to the show the constant occupancy of that circuit meant I was unable to change points at one end of the station. I can’t remember exactly how I solved it but it involved bypassing that particular track circuit until it dried fully. Andi
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