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Everything posted by chriswright03

  1. I appreciate that Ron but are both passenger and freight being fitted in the same period? If the freight is not expected to be completed until 2022 and the passnger after that then I don't see it being much use for many years. Then once they are all fitted and tested they will start to remove the signals. So not in the foreseeabe future then!
  2. So if the passenger traffic doesn't have it fitted how does that help?
  3. Well I can confirm that the new laptop is rapid in comparison to the old one. I have used the old one this morning to put some music on a memory car for the new one and it akes several minutes before you can do anything at all and once Firefox loads it takes more time to laod on there. The new one is booted and Firefox running in seconds! Another thing I have noticed is that Trainsi works on it. On the old one it ws painfully slow and in fact so bad that I never bothered with it. I could get it to run if I turned all the settings down but even then the laptop would fry my leg. Running this was right down the bottom of my list so if the new one was the same I wouldn't care. I did check on line as to what spec Trainsim needed to run decently and the general answer was that a laptop was a waste of time unless it was a gaming one or one with a dedicated graphics card. Well I tried it yesterday and it was running at 40 plus ffs and loaded virtually instantly as opposed to the 10 minutes for the old one. In trying to keep memory free I am planning on using a flash card for music and pictures and tried that today. OK the music lays on Groove but some didn't. I told groove to look for the music on the card and it found some but not others. Is there a better app that others could suggest? Also does Groove once it has found the stuff onyour memory card load it onto the hard drive? If it does there is no point in using a memory card. I have googled it and to be honest even on the Groove help I cannot find a simple answer.
  4. By which time of course the whole project may have been binned because of a change in direction (trying to avoid the 'P' word).
  5. Not seen this mentioned before so thought I would drop it in here. https://www.networkrail.co.uk/feeds/freight-trains-in-britain-to-be-upgraded-with-delay-busting-digital-technology-in-multi-million-pound-deal/ Not too sure how it helps anyone but at least there is money being spent on the network which shows that growth is anticipated. Long term project though if they are talking about every Loco being fitted with equipment by 2022!
  6. How very interesting. That has happened to me the past few weeks in two visits with the same GP. I must admit my first reaction was why are you asking me but as I did have some concerns it was good to be able to discuss them and him listen then answer them and give an option. I cannot see that working with some people though as 'some' seem to have difficulty understanding the simplest of instructions or conversation.
  7. Yes a very updated version of i5 which still receives good reviews from many sites. If I wanted to pay more I could have gone for an i7 but some of them are dual core and this is quad core so it wins apparently. Security update done on it anyway which was easy enough.
  8. I think that they are in breach of what they advertised no matter what the reason for it. Not sure if Trading Standards would be interested.
  9. Well last night all I did was turn it on and let it set itself up which of course included an update. That took for ever and t rebooted several times. I did notice that it had put Skype on there now which will be coming off. So today I shall have a play about and set up the browser then sort out the security issue with the i5 Processor,
  10. Well I have it with me now and was considering doing a youtube video of me taking it out of the box. So time to boot it up and see what is on it and then set it all up. As advised by my good friend Beast I always run it with two id's one being Admin for when I need to download anything and then another as me with no Admin access so that if I do stumble across anything sinister it cannot gain access to the back room. Once and only once I have done that I will go on line and download Firefox to start with and take it from there. No doubt I will be back with questions at some point but thanks for the replies thus far.
  11. Just recall seeing something in the Windows 10 thread about a security issue with the i5 processors so going to pop and have a look at that now. Isn't the Antivirus bundled usually a trial version? I also read about some software you can download to as if you really need the programmes installed. Loading something else to get rid of seems a bit pointless but some of you may have tried it and found it to work which is why I am asking these questions.
  12. Good point about the warranty. I take it they backed down in the end and sorted the claim for you? Not too sure how they can enforce that if something goes wrong with the machine though. I used to use Live Mail ages ago but seem to recall I could not get it to work properly. Certainly the current email programme on Windows 10 causes the laptop to go haywire and lock up.
  13. Or maybe because of their natural good looks one always averts one's eyes!
  14. First of all I will say I have bought and will pick up this today. https://www.currys.co.uk/gbuk/computing/laptops/laptops/lenovo-ideapad-320s-14ikb-14-laptop-grey-10169401-pdt.html I did plenty of research and for me I consider it the best option I could find for what I intend to use it for. Having said that I am not interested in any opinions about Apple products or Linux so would ask from the outset that any discussion could leave them out please. So having made my decision I realise that the storage on it isn't as big as my current laptop 126GB SSD as opposed to 250GB HDD at the moment. With that in mind and being over 126GB on here I know I need to store some stuff on external hard drives. I have two which are in use and the photos and music that is taking up the most room 26GB and 12GB respectively are backed up on both of them anyway. I neither look at all of my photos or listen to all of my music on a daily or even weekly basis so can live with serious pruning on the laptop keeping the originals stored externally or invest in a flash card if need be. So that would release a huge amount of storage space to start with. What I am also concerned about is the bloatware that comes with a new machine. So what can I safely delete and what should I keep is the question really? I have googled the subject and countless opinions tell me different things. There is even a suggestion of doing a clean Windows 10 install from the start to get rid of a lot of crap. I would be interested to hear opinions and advice about the best way to make sure that the space taken up is with stuff that is needed as opposed to stuff that companies have paid Lenovo to include in their package. In respect of software I have now which I would most likely use again unless someone can offer a better alternative I use Avast Anti Virus free version and Malwarebytes. Is Windows defender good enough to do without those two? I have two email addresses that I use one being AOL which I have had from day one on a computer and the other a BT one which I use less. Both of these are accessed via their own pages rather than the Windows mail programme. Is there a better way? So a few questions really and I am just trying to get second (and third) opinions on what I am reading currently.
  15. I seem to recall someone mentioned Red Bull (other drinks that rot your teeth are available) A lot of the drivers at our depot used to live on the stuff because they said it kept them awake. Well try sleeping at night instead of being on your bloody phone or Xbox then. Without exception the ones that drank it were the larger drivers and the ones who would catch a bus to the bus station from the depot (1/4 of a mile) rather than walk.
  16. Possibly the one captured with another 60 and a 70 going through Lincoln Central then. 002 leading with 70806 bringing up the rear. Sadly not seen by me as I have still yet to see a 70 in real life actually moving. Only seen the roof of one in the sidings at Barnetby. Elusive things they are!
  17. Last time I went to the gym they had a new machine. I naturally had a go on it but after a few minutes I felt quite sick. It had Snickers, Mars bars, Twix and loads of crisps and stuff.
  18. I seem to recall them (Haflinger's) when watching Rally Cross on Grandstand
  19. Vanessa Feltz summed it up very well I thought when she had shacked up with her personal trainer and lost loads of weight. 'There are only two ways to lose weight. 1. Move more and 2. Eat less.' There are loads of fad diets that are probably as harmful to the individual as obesity. In the end it is up to the individual to control what they eat and what shape they are. All the stories of heavy bones and it's not for what I eat just don't work because the individual actually gets into the position where they believe it. Having spent a fair bit of time in the bus industry the sedentary nature of the job leads to overweight drivers. There is actually a weight limit for the driver's seats and at times I knew drivers taken off duties because they were too heavy. One such driver whose weight fluctuated over the years recently passed away from a heart attack at the age of 45. I spoke to someone the other day who is also obese and they say that this shocked them but I just now they will do nothing about it. Has anyone else noticed that 'some' of the health service staff that tell you that you are overweight are not exactly good role models?
  20. I recall back in the day (way back) there was someone who chopped two minis and welded them together so they could be driven from either end. Not too sure of how well that was done but I suspect not very.
  21. Also heard of them done with big bike engines like Yamaha R1 and the like. Certainly scream then. I wouldn't even want to thin of the price of the Insurance even for a wrinkly like me.
  22. I think it would help people to help you if you supply a bit more information i.e. brands and models. It may well be that known issues exist with certain models and when you talk about recent purchases are you talking about decoders or locos?
  23. Already discussed here. http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/topic/60321-severn-valley-railway/page-20?p=2974919&do=findComment&comment=2974919
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