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Everything posted by chriswright03

  1. I have searched the forum for up to date information as I am looking to buy decoders for a pair of DMU's that I have bought. Sadly most of the information is ages old and as such probably no longer a true reflection of the current (no pun intended) situation. My search so far in an effort to find out what to buy has revealed the following:- Bachmann appear to have replaced their decoder with a new one but it has the same number and apparently is not as good. Plus I see on Youtube that the Emergency stop doesn't work unless that has since changed. DCC Concepts decoders seem to have serious issues with stopping and starting again so unless that has changed not viable. Zimo appear to be in trouble financially. There are others mentioned but rather than bore everyone with them all I would just ask what is now considered to be a decent quality decoder (non sound). I am looking at both 8 and 21 pin and also a function only decoder. A name that has cropped up that I have not seen before is LaisDCC that Digitrains are advertising. Other than that if I look at the usual sellers as in Rails, Hattons, Derails and so forth there seems to be very little choice other than those mentioned that it would appear are all known to have issues. So without looking at threads that started in 2013 or not far off it is difficult to know what is the pick of the crop currently. Any ideas would be much appreciated and no doubt by others as well in the weeks and months to come.
  2. Nidge it was indeed Poppy. So what was the LHD American sports car? Corvette?
  3. Watched yesterdays Sweeney and Carter was in a Mk1 Triumph 2500PI which I thought was a bit unusual. Of course it got smashed to bits at the end so that was why I guess. Thanks for correcting me about the S type Jag Nidge. I sort of knew there was something wrong with it. Didn't they also have a Mk10 at one point? That restoration of NHK is something else. Very good work but I guess it won't be used very much and certainly not a daily driver. Great it has been saved though.
  4. As alluded too in your earlier posts Martin and as you say will be fixed in due course. However in the meantime I am not bothering faffing about with Edge as I have used Firefox for years and am happy with it. Oh and Stuart no feathers ruffled here. You use what you want and what you are happy with and I will do the same for me.
  5. 20 year restoration? Blimey a full nut and bolt job then. What happened to the Mk II Jag that was smashed up in every early episode?
  6. I agree entirely but from early days on RMWeb and yes I know Andy has changed servers on more than one occasion it worked better with a browser other than IE. I really cannot be messing about with pressing this button and that button just to get the words to be typed properly so if it doesn't work I will use something that does. I have little doubt that in time Edge will work correctly but it isn't at the moment so I will use something that works. It is the same with the Mail programme with Windows 10. It will pick up one of my email addresses but not a different one and no matter what I try it doesn't work. Having said all of that on the whole I find Windows 10 to be far better than 8. I would have stayed with 7 but then sooner or later support for that will end so go with the flow.
  7. They probably all pay the contractors as well and no one will have picked up on it.
  8. Without falling out which is refreshing for this place. I always think the phrase 'Customer Service' is a joke anyway so don't even get me started on that one.
  9. John the happy bit is my bad but he has stated he would wait which we should let him do. I don't disagree with you about the way some of these companies work but I am still a firm believer that there is a way to deal with things and the retaliate first option isn't my way. If the Company are wrong and it certainly appears that they are then they have to sort it out. They have told the OP they will get back to him in 48 hours and he has a record of that. If they do not then it just adds more evidence to any complaint he makes and all companies have complaints procedures so he will have good grounds to press forward in his own time. What happens in the food industry while interesting has little relevance here. I agree that the companies and their procedures are dire but I do not think that going on the offensive from the outset is always the best option and for some doesn't come naturally.
  10. As the OP has stated he is happy to wait then perhaps we should be happy to let him. In respect of what ifs and actuals I think the suggestion below is just pie in the sky and not helpful at all. In fact I don't even know why I have mentioned it as it is that unrealistic. Yes the company are in the wrong but comments like this in no way assist the OP. Perhaps if they are fined £1000 per hour after the first 2 hours the mistake has been brought to their attention until they rectify it would give them the impetus to take these matters seriously.
  11. Well as that looks like a Fiat Tipo I think the answer is the latter.
  12. If I could only remember who it was I would be back to them straight away with that. As it is my memory is so bad that I can't remember even what I went into the kitchen for. Thanks for the information though and it is true that every day is a school day. Now about Railway Station versus Train Station!
  13. I agree with you in principle but also am realistic to know that mistakes are made and believe that as long as they are rectified in a timescale that is practicable then they should have the opportunity to do so. It doesn't mean that you cannot then ask to be compensated for the anxiety and grief. It is always easier to turn up the tempo then have to climb down from going off on one in the first place. Whoever the OP was talking to is highly unlikely to be the person responsible for making the mistake and just a person at work being paid to do a job. They should be given the opportunity to do that and then if they do not do as promised the complaint can be escalated. Having a go at someone on the end of a phone when they are saying they will sort it and get back to you is counter productive and in no way would affect the real culprits.
  14. Not seen this mentioned before and if it has I apologise but does anyone else get fed up of them calling it a train when it is in fact a locomotive? Picky? Maybe but when I first became interested in the hobby I had my head ripped off for calling a loco a train! Apart from that it was good to see some thought going into the bridge building and the cutting down of maintenance time. Shame it is let down so often by the thing just falling over so often but I guess the time between the track being laid and the loco passing over is enough to cause movement of the ground underneath especially with the weather.
  15. They have said they will get back to the OP within 48 hours so whilst your suggestion is reasonable advice should they not I would suggest he needs to give them chance to come back first.
  16. It is another skill set to add to the countless others that we have (should have) as modellers though isn't it? Any fool can open up a loco plug a plug into a socket rest a speaker somewhere and say they have installed DCC sound. I know because I did last week! Trick is of course knowing where to mount it and how for the best result. That is where the threads like this and the help from people like yourself and pauliebanger is are invaluable and we can learn better ways of doing something. Like for instance the business about using two speakers wired in series as opposed to the huge thing that comes as standard with the TTS. I neither need nor want high volume but of course still need it to sound as authentic as possible even if I will turn it off after five minutes in the shed.
  17. It isn't just about volume though is it Richard? If it just sounds tinny then it sounds awful. Some sounds seem to travel and get irritating. I remember when the Class 20 sounds came out I loved them and had a pair but every show you walked into you could hear one whistling away from the entrance door no matter how far away it was. Mind you that was mainly because they were turned up to ear bleeding MkII!
  18. Just a point and quickly checked but not seen it. Do you feel comfortable naming and shaming this supplier? May stop others from falling foul of them.
  19. Whilst the difference is undoubtedly massive the place where it will be used surely has some relevance. For use in an exhibition hall I am sure the better sound would be advantageous but in my 12' by 8' shed even the sound of the TTS as delivered is loud enough and to my ears good enough. I know there was a thread recently about to have sound or not and I know it is a topic that has a massive divide in opinion. For me I like it BUT by the same token in my shed it will not be on very long and I certainly would not want the 5 or 6 locos I will have on the layout all throbbing away at any one time as it would become intrusive and just a cacophony rather than the sound of any one loco,
  20. You are obviously dealing with it but just make sure that you do keep records of times and dates of conversations and 'if' they will give you it the name of the person you speak to. In any event most of these calls are recorded hence the importance of time and date should you need to take it further. Whilst I accept other views that you should not contact the debt agency I would still say it is worth doing it just so you can tell them that you are dealing direct with the supplier and then make sure you make notes of that call and once again who you speak to. That way they have been informed so can have no excuse for chasing further and adding admin charges. I know the amount is small at the moment but ignoring stuff like this can turn into an expensive problem and can affect your credit history if not dealt with. The fact that the money has been paid is currently not accepted by the Debt company as they were informed by the supplier that is the case. So the fact that it has been paid needs to be acknowdleged by both companies.
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