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Everything posted by chriswright03

  1. Going off at a tangent again but still GPS. I recall using one when out walking in The Lakes and it would come up with accurate to within 10' or something. In the fog on top of a mountain that can lead into the odd problem or two! In fact I seem to recall reading an article in a walking magazine entitled "Death by GPS".
  2. GPS has also been mentioned in the thread about the Washington rail crash and stated it is not reliable enough. In fairness on most Public Service routes for buses there 'should' be no need as driver knowledge should rule BUT evidence shows it can go wrong. With the skip truck at the start of this thread (oh that is how it started ) the driver would unlikely have local knowledge and maybe was using a Sat Nav not sufficient for his needs or maybe his MkI eyeball needs recalibrating.
  3. You could have copied it from here http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/topic/741-the-forum-jokes-thread/page-244?p=2934786&do=findComment&comment=2934786 Only 4 pages back.
  4. I doubt that you either hit a nerve or that any of them that have replied are employed by MS. I know one personally to be very competent in the Computer World and who has helped me on numerous occasions and I would prefer to take his 'considered' advice than someone who seems to suggest that everything should be perfect first time round every time.
  5. Having driven both Iveco and Sprinter mini buses for some years I can say they both are very comfortable and car like to drive. Pretty much the same as the Transit you know so well. They tend to gallop along if not speed regulated as of course plenty of power to pull weight. Speaking of weight be careful as it is extremely easy to load beyond the legal limit especially if there is a tail lift fitted as that adds a considerable bit which of course comes off the total. You may be surprised how little you can carry in one without going over the top so something to be very careful about. Having said that very unlikely to be stopped by the Police for a weight check these days as there just isn't enough of them to do it but the roadside checks by VOSA or whatever they are called this week are well aware of the issue and will pull them in on sight. Depends how long you intend to keep the vehicle but Sprinters rot like a peach despite the Mercedes (or maybe because of) reputation. Fiat, Peugeot and the Citroen are all the same family with badge engineering and are all quite capable. Thin how many you see as Ambulances.
  6. I know far more about driving buses than how they are built but I can say there isn't a lot of strength in the upper deck. In fact even the slightest of knocks by any of the drivers always left great big damage as the outer skin peals back with ease. I do believe that most bridge strikes with deckers turn into open toppers for the seaside! Tress are, as someone has also mentioned another nightmare and in Grimsby at one point we were instructed not to use one stop as drivers kept taking a top window out on an offending tree. The Company told the Council they would not use the stop until they had the tree chopped. The buses had a bull bar on the front upper deck (tree tw&tter) which helped a little but still upper windows were lost in battles with trees. We did not have any bridge strikes while I was there aside from the near miss described earlier. We did have a driver who as many did stopped at a small petrol station to use the loo. Only difference being he drove onto the forecourt! Managed to damage the bus and write off the canopy in the garage. Sometimes drivers left their brains behind at the depot and while it would be easy to say they are only human some of them there were doubts about. In respect of the driving school bus I can only say that the instructor was negligent in the extreme assuming of course it was being driven by a pupil and not a regular driver or fitter.
  7. An Ex colleague of mine was diverted away from the bus station by the Police one day. I seem to recall there was a 'jumper' on a roof somewhere threatening to descend! So having been told by the officer to go down this road the driver started to think he was going to be late, where to go to get back to the bus station and any number of other things that crop up when you are suddenly removed from a routine. He could hear the passengers moaning about the diversion and about being late getting into town. As he was driving down this road trying to think of all this stuff and approaching a railway bridge he suddenly realised I am in a double decker and it won't go under there! Luckily he stopped without the bus making contact. Questions were asked like should the Police divert a vehicle down a road where it cannot go? Of course in the end it is down to the driver to know what he is driving and to deal with it accordingly taking everything into consideration. It is quite normal to drive both singles and doubles in one shift or even one half of a shift so therefore quite easily to forget momentarily when you are distracted what you are in. From the moment he was diverted to the moment he stopped he would have had literally seconds to sort it all out and luckily in the very last second he did but.............................. As the driver it would have been his fault and an incident like above could well have occurred. It only takes a momentary lapse of concentration to wreak havoc.
  8. I am well aware of Linux and of the thread on here hence I mentioned Linux in an earlier post. Yes I also said I don't want to try it because I don't want to learn it all. Old dogs and new tricks syndrome. It may well be easy to you and many others but I just want something I know how to use to work when I want it without having to go and learn something else. I do not want to learn how to put pictures on there and look or edit them. I do not want to learn how to play music on there and most of all I do not want to learn how to do the multitude of things that I can do with even my limited knowledge on Windows. Don't get me wrong I am not decrying you or anyone from going somewhere else and in fact I think that preferable to just whinging about Windows and doing nothing about it. I am considering replacing this elderly laptop in the coming week and then I may well try Linux on this and see how I get on with it but out of curiosity more than anything. I really cannot be bothered with all the fuss of having to sort out bookmarks, email addresses and anything else when at the moment it is there and can be used most of the time without problem. I have to admit though I did expect you along at some point.
  9. I am very much a layman in respect of computers so my knowledge is the very bare minimum, I know Windows 10 has problems and the updates seem to come thick and fast which seem to trigger issues with some but what is the alternative? Would we be happy if they did nothing to update it and left it with bugs and security glitches? It cannot be easy sorting all of the software for millions of users and constantly having to keep an ey on the ball in case there is a security issue that would leave users vulnerable. On another forum I used to use one member constantly referred to Microsoft as M$ and took every opportunity to knock them and spout his bile. He like many others I have seen do so was quick to knock but had no solution as to what they should do to solve issues. If it were that easy we could all do it ourselves. It is easy saying what should be done but knowing how to do it isn't easy and one always has a choice to use the systems or not. OK it isn't perfect but then what in life is?
  10. To be fair I have had very few issues at all. Yesterday was easy to sort out in the end and despite the laptop being upgraded from 7 to 10 when I could the old thing keeps plodding on and hasn't fallen over........................yet. It would seem some of us are luckier than others. For me there is little choice. I won't pay the high price of Apple products and be tied into them and am not interested in learning how to use Linux or whatever else so for me this will do.
  11. Just to confirm changing from Photo Gallery to Photos has done the trick.
  12. Mine was used when I bought it and I have had it for over 3 years. I think they came out in 2005 so a bit ancient now.
  13. Hi Ray it is quite an old Lenovo Thinkpad SL510 and it maybe is struggling to keep up with all the changes it is having thrown at it. Considering updating come the New Year sales. This is what MS said about ti. I have since changed my default picture viewer from Photo Gallery to Photos and will see if that works as it would appear it is a problem with Photo Gallery.
  14. Since the update tonight the computer will not wake up from screensaver. Researched it and it would appear to be a problem with using Photo Gallery but MS offer no solution.
  15. To be honest I prefer the pictures of the more mundane above to the supercars but each to their own. Apart from the E type I can say I have driven all of the above at some point over the years/ Learnt in an Imp.
  16. Mate of mine had a Fuego and it was very smart looking. He never had any problems with it at all.........................................................apart from his wife tried to run him down with it after he got caught out! Don't think you can blame Renault for that.
  17. Indeed but sometime self unloading. https://www.aol.co.uk/cars/2017/12/07/terrified-motorist-films-a-body-bag-flying-out-of-hearse/?icid=maing-grid7%7Cmain5%7Cdl1%7Cdl-headline&pLid=45127426_uk Apologies for anyone who does not have a dark sense of humour.
  18. Not at all OT Chris. I would much rather have a kit or scratch built Donald Trump than a RTR one then I could just leave it in the box where it could do no harm.
  19. https://www.ebay.co.uk/sch/i.html?_odkw=1%3A45+unpainted+figures&_osacat=0&_from=R40&_trksid=p2045573.m570.l1313.TR0.TRC0.H0.X1%3A75+unpainted+figures.TRS0&_nkw=1%3A75+unpainted+figures&_sacat=0
  20. See now you have posted that Chris people will be worrying about being hacked.
  21. Must admit you did pop into my mind when I saw it. Some serious modelling tools there though.
  22. Came across this today via Facebook. Yes I know some of you hate it with a vengeance but one of my friends keeps flagging up stuff like this and I find it fascinating. It has to be viewed through FB as I can't find another link but worth it I think. https://www.facebook.com/DIYCraftsTV/videos/584729778552841/
  23. Which is why I no longer drive PCV's having been diagnosed with Glaucoma. I miss it and had I not had to surrender my PCV licence I would still be doing it. My job was basically taking kids of all ages via a mini bus to schools in Alford, Lincs. Odd occasions I would be on a different run but the Alford one would be my normal one. It showed me that the saying about old dogs and new tricks was wrong though. I learnt to filter out the inane dribble spouting from the same kids on the same journey every day so even though it was like Groundhog day I was in a little world of my own. I did a number of coach day trips and whilst some tips were received it certainly would not be sufficient to boost poor earnings. When I left the bus world after a boring time doing nothing I found a job in Funeral Services. So still transporting people about but they moaned less (thankfully).
  24. There was. Must admit I have a fondness for the Volvo 144/244 and any Saab I did actually own a 340 for a while but don't admit to it often. It actually was a very capable second car/mobile dog kennel.
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