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Everything posted by chriswright03

  1. Normally the debt is sold onto the debt management company and if you ignore them they will just keep sending you letters and add admin charges. So I would say speak to them and tell them you are in contact with the Supplier and they are looking into it.
  2. Is there any of your cars that you haven't written off Allan?
  3. Does this help? https://www.aronline.co.uk/facts-and-figures/engines/engines-rover-sd1-six/
  4. Not a problem with your view on my use of the word grateful in the slightest. Maybe I should clarify. When I say grateful I don't mean we should go down on bended knees and bow to the Altar of Hornby. I do think that we should be grateful that there is an alternative as pointed out in your examples. Had Hornby not done that I certainly would not be putting sound in more than one or two locos if I had to pay the price of the other options on the market as I do not see the need 'for me'. Let me also say at this point I have fitted sound before to the Bachmann Class 20's with excellent products from South West Digital at considerable expense. I then did like many do changed my mind sold them and went into O gauge. That time I at great expense put sound in all of my locos with the very excellent services of Pauliebanger so I do know from experience that he does know his stuff and his sound projects are very good. Having been down this route a couple of times I just know that as good as the many products are out there I am under no illusion as to the difference between the Hornby product and the rest of the market. We really do need the prices to come down but whether Hornby will manage to do this is another thing altogether. There was a thread on here recently about why sound decoders are so expensive and I think the general consensus was market forces. If Hornby sort out the issues that they have had with some of their decoders it may well be that a lot more of us would be satisfied with them and then others may bring their prices down a little. I am not holding my breath though.
  5. I do not know what the instructions are for the Class 67 but the instructions for the 37 clearly state that even some Hornby locos will require adapting to fit. Don't forget a lot of these locos were designed and made before sound decoders were even dreamt of and as such it falls on the owner to do the research to find out how best to fit whatever they have. Both Pauliebanger and Richard Croft have spent a considerable amount of time and effort fitting sound to numerous locos from different brands and have even passed their knowledge on to us in some form or another. There is also a vast amount of info out there on the web even with show me videos on Youtube. Yes it would be easier if Hornby put plugs on the decoders but then that is extra expense and yet another place to have a poor connection that can cause trouble. I think we should be grateful for the addition of lower priced options and either learn to live with the compromises that have to be made or spend far more and then maybe even more to have it fitted by someone who knows for certain what they are doing.
  6. I think when you can get nearly three of these for the price of some of the all singing all dancing decoders it should be fairly obvious that compromise will be required. I so far am quite happy with mine and that for me is what is important. Yes I did have to chop the lugs off the enclosure to get it to fit but it is in and it works (for now) so I will see how it goes. Mine is not an exhibition layout and there will only be me seeing or hearing it and rule 1 applies.
  7. At the moment Stephen it literally was fit it and test it on the test track then it is put away safely in it's box until the weather improves so it can be run on the layout in the 'Summer' House! There is a heater in there but I am not inclined to play trains that much at the moment so am spending my modelling time building buildings. Talks of being warmer next week so intend to go and see how it runs on the layout so I will report back then. Having said that it is an end to end so won't be running hard or long.
  8. I have a massive drive and there is certainly the room to store a classic car. I have the option of putting up a car port in one place but I don't want to put a garage there as it would be neither fish nor fowl due to the restricted width so I wouldn't be able to work on the car whilst inside. With a car port I would and that is my best option. We have just gone back to one car because the Porsche Boxster I bought as a toy the year before last did less than 2000 miles in a year. As we still have a motorbike and use that whenever we can the toy car just never got used. I think when the bike gets too much for me (a while longer I hope) I may then put that money into a classic. When I say classic I don't mean exotic. I am more tempted by the mundane family car of the 70's think Triumph 2500, Volvo 144 or even Saab 96. Having said all that I still make a point of viewing this thread whenever something new pops up and for me the stuff that interests me isn't the Sports Exotica so Pete 75C that SDI will do very nicely thank you.
  9. Oh for a garage even. Had to get a shed for my motorbike and that too is full of shelves, freezer and all manner of rubbish. Not had a garage for a number of years now and that maybe is the single most factor that is stopping me getting a classic. Might manage a car port at some point and that would help but my dream classic would be a Stag and seeing that stood outside in all weathers even with a scratchy cover on would be too much to bear.
  10. Just watched an old Wheeler Dealer on Discovery and they did up a Rover P5B. Paid £1600 for a new manifold to boost the power!!!! Must admit it did look nice when it was finished. Want one.
  11. So who was the train nut then did you ever find out? Forgot to mention the horn. Even made it into the Film Sweeney 2 at the beginning. The Mini must be taking up a lot of room then if you can squeeze the barge in where it has been!
  12. So are you actually selling the Mini to finance this or just the one kidney? I think it is worth a kidney by the look of it. Just veering OT for a second although you did bring the subject up Nidge. The Sweeney. Well the Professionals as well I guess. Why was there always or nearly always a train in a shot somewhere?
  13. Indeed they are as I have just found trying to fit one in my Vitrains 37. As luck would have it by cutting off the lugs I have managed to stick it onto the roof with double sided tape. Incidentally I also had to change the Cv's to get it to runs low without jerking and it worked
  14. According to the instructions I have in front of me yes.
  15. Nothing to do with the loose nut behind the wheel!
  16. As there are still drivers at the Depot from the old GCT (Council) days and of course from Roadcar the Terms and Conditions were a nightmare to deal with. GCT drivers had more Annual Leave than the rest which caused problems. Roadcar drivers never had a float which caused problems. I think they have just managed to iron out the T's and C's recently which they were looking at when I left 4 1/2 years ago. I enjoyed working at Grimsby and had I not had a RSI on my right arm from operating the doors and hand brake continually I would still be there. I was saddened to hear that last week they had 17 buses vandalised during the night on the Dockside. As you may imagine that would have a massive affect on the service that morning but I am told that help was called in from all quarters with Depots from elsewhere supplying replacement buses and the damage being repaired very quickly. A credit to the workforce. On and Mike the tramlines are still there.
  17. Just go to your first post and use Full Editor and you should be able to do it there
  18. I started there in 2010 but a recent court case I was involved in from my Union days where a driver tried to sue them was against Lincs Roadcar. Now that may have been because the driver was initially a Roadcar driver.
  19. I am sorry you have lost me there David. I bow to your knowledge of TC productions but I would have liked to have thought that at some point along with all of the experienced Engineers a little common sense was available.
  20. I imagine they were but it isn't beyond the wit of man to have one person travel back to do it and had they done it when it was first finished as opposed to when they actually needed it I am sure they would not have been as far away. Even explaining it at the time to someone who was free to roam as it appears a number of them were would have been better.
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