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Everything posted by chriswright03

  1. Here you go. http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/topic/128215-firefox-quantum-bookmarks-arrgh-what-were-they-thinking/
  2. There was a discussion on here the other day about how to find the bookmarks since the update. Mine are back to how I want them now. I suspect if you use Firefox to remember your passwords then it may well have deleted them. I don't know because sometime ago I stopped it from doing that as it made the laptop vulnerable if it were stolen or accessed while on line by someone. I agree the changes they have made aren't for the better for me and I also find it irritating when changes seem to be made for change sake. I liken it to supermarkets changing everything round so that you can't just go to where you know the bread or cakes are any more and you have to go hunting. OK in that case it is because then whilst hunting we 'may' see something else we wouldn't normally see and buy that but a browser? Why?
  3. I was going to predict this response but thought I would just wait for the appearance. It was as quick as I expected. It is 'light' entertainment and not aimed at us 'experts'. I thought the cows were cute.
  4. Must admit that when I first noticed them I thought why do they have to have that on there. I never notice now.
  5. Indeed Russ and I am sure that of the jobs could be much easier inside. I suspect that is more to do with profits for shareholders than stepping forward but that is the way in work these days really. Everyone is expected to do more for less and pressure in the workplace has increased over the years in a lot (if not most) jobs.
  6. So does that reliable traction include the 60's plus the odd 56, 37 and of course ancient 20 running round hard on the RHTT yet again this year? I am a little surprised about the reliability issue though as coming from the bus world until I packed up two years ago I know the new buses are fragile in the extreme with computers seeming to make things worse rather than better. I still have friends driving locally and the newest buses running round are still very capable of choosing their moments to pack up en route. Thanks for the replies though. Interesting to hear what happens these days. Busy man with a van is what I reckon then.
  7. Some interesting replies there thanks. I did wonder about a man with a van because a couple of months ago at Barnetby one turned up to service a DRS Special that had to come back from Cleethorpes to the sidings so it could be serviced. Allegedly he was going to do it at Cleethorpes but H & S said they couldn't. Cannot verify that one way or the other. The point about increased time in between services due to less maintenance required now didn't occur to me though. I am assuming they are done on a time basis i.e. 21 days or something rather than mileage. Am I right in saying that Immingham was closed some years ago for maintenance but still kept open for signing on? I know it is closed even for that now so how long before it is demolished? I would also assume that a lot of staff are actually travelling a lot further to work now rather than being based somewhere near the TMD. I recall my 'spotting' days as a kid in Lincoln and there would be locos all over the place at the weekend. There would be some at the DMU depot and more down at Holmes yard. In fact looking at pictures of Buxton from the 90's there was 30 - 40 plus locos stabled there at weekends. Have most of them gone now or are they just parked up elsewhere? May have to have a look at the Rail Express mag and see what is says.
  8. I see a fair few discussions/questions at the moment about TMD's and as I am in the process of doing a layout for home of Buxton I have been taking a fair bit of interest in them. I can hear moans already of people saying "Oh not another TMD'! My knowledge is fairly limited to what I read on here really so I was wondering with so many TMD shut down and or demolished what happens to the locos for servicing and repairs now? There seems to have been so many closed in recent years, Buxton obviously but Immingham and Froddingham in this area along with many others such as Thorganby and no doubt many more I do not know about. I realise the various TOC will have their own facilities and that the flow of traffic is much reduced now but even then there is still a lot of traffic about and nowhere near as many places for routine maintenance as there used to be. So what happens now? In one of the threads Clive Mortimore wrote. With that in mind how on earth did Immingham not need one? Again going back to the different TOC involved I was at Barnetby the other week and discussing with another man there as to why all of a sudden Colas have started to stable there. He told me that DBS still have the contract for Immingham docs/refinery so Colas cannot stable there and have to run back to Barnetby light engine to wait for the return journey. Now I do not know if that is the real reason but it is just seem crackers to me.
  9. You watch there will be another one along in a minute.
  10. Maybe the problems they have come across has led to the delay in releasing some of the others 37 for example. As I have one on pre-order I hope they sort them as although they may not have all the functions of some of the bespoke ones on offer they will certainly fulfil my needs.
  11. On my tablet it changed the power setting for faster startup which means that it does not shut down properly so runs the battery down. Reset it now but why change default settings that the user has set for their own benefit? Charged the tablet fully last night, turned it off and it was so flat tonight the battery could not boot it up!
  12. Whilst I can understand the frustration/annoyance of those that have subscribed/paid full price if this simple but effective marketing ploy entices more people to buy the magazine then the Company have a good chance of keeping some of those so enticed. All companies use marketing to build up their customer base and that is part of life. I bought it as to me it is a bargain and I have enjoyed the content. Why 'some' have to be so negative beats me. If it isn't for you then don't buy it but don't cite that you prefer a different product as that is about as much use to most people as saying you don't buy baked beans from A because you prefer them from elsewhere. How it can be said the issue is poor if you haven't read it confuses me. Constructive criticism is always useful but just slating something without any reason and apparently not having read it smacks of sour grapes for some reason. We have all no doubt heard the expression "if you haven't got anything nice to say then say nothing". Why do a tiny minority have to be so negative?
  13. Just found the same Neil. If you go into bookmarks and then 'Show all bookmarks they seem to be in the same order of where I left them. Hope that helps.
  14. I had to for many years John and loved it. Double time and not have to be in the house with all that stuff! My wife still has to work on Christmas Day. The fact that it is my birthday on Christmas Even and my wife's on Boxing Day doesn't make it any better as we have to think about what to buy twice as much. Fully paid up member of the Bah Humbug club.
  15. You are quite correct Ian and but then again that is another pointer to research is needed to decide what is best for an individual as there are so any different products out there now. I used the search function when I decided to get back into it all and just trawled through the many and varied threads in the DCC section. One of the problems I came across is that a lot of the threads are now quite old and the game has moved on in leaps and bounds in recent times. So, what was really great and the 'thing' to have in 2010 has probably long been surpassed now. In reality as good as a research the forum is and if you Google stuff the forum usually comes up on the top of the list of replies there is no substitute for looking at products in real life and discussing them with those that know them well. You may find that a dealer pushes one particular product more than another and then a decision needs to be made as to whether that suits you as an individual more than suits them because they favour it for whatever reason. As I said before it isn't an easy journey but certainly interesting.
  16. If we are talking politically correct. Happy Holiday. Tin hat on already heading for the bunker.
  17. I was about to reply and then saw that JohnB had and pretty much said what I was going to. There is a very good section on DCC in here which I have little doubt you have had a look at. The question about which is best is asked so often but in truth that doesn't help because the best for someone else will not also automatically be the best for you. You will also get people who will tell you that there system is the best and others are rubbish. It really is a case of do the research (which includes asking the question like you have), try and visit a shop or show where you can discuss with people who sell them for a living at length and try different makes. It looks like whichever you decide on you will need some sort of computer control as well and some systems are better at that than others. At the moment having just returned to the hobby I am lucky enough to be in the position of having a Bachmann Dynamis Ultima with the Rail Contoller software to try. I know just saying that will have some saying it is rubbish because of this and because of that but, for me it is working and does what I want very well indeed. Both Phil Parker and Andy York have done short videos about the system. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ivuQOXBCos8 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5nL-VcPkYpM I had in the past used the NCE set up and was happy with it but found it clunky to set routes and it offered no degree of automation. With the Dynamis you would have the two options for control in as much as the computer would be static and the handset is indeed a wireless unit that you can walk about with. True it does rely on line of sight for connection to the base set but you can sort that out with very little problem. If you look at the Youtube video with Andy it shows how you can automate running and carry on with running other trains whilst that is going on. You can control four on screen at any one time but whilst you are doing that you can also control others with the handset. If you are running several locos at the same time you will need something better than a basic system for the power output. I think the answer is read up as much as you can about the different options available and make a short list of what fills your needs best then come back and discuss options again.
  18. I think a lot of you have missed something here. People need to have it rammed into their brains that it is Christmas so they don't forget to go out on Christmas Eve and stock up with bread, milk and everything else they can cram into a trolley because the shops are going to be shut for weeks!
  19. For every story telling one side there will be another telling the other. Like the one I read two days ago (can't find it now) about the women who used a drone to loo for her caravan on a travellers site because the Police wouldn't go on there. She did find it. Drones will have their uses and if used correctly why should we be stopped from the benefit of that? There are always some who are irresponsible and cannot stick within guidelines/laws/riules. Let's be honest some people shouldn't be allowed a keyboard!
  20. Quick search on here found this. http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/topic/38075-boc-tankers/&do=findComment&comment=2781618 I recall reading about them somewhere ages ago in respect of them being moved/sold but Google isn't coming up with it.
  21. Interesting...................but wrong. Obviously a very old satellite picture much like the one I was looking at earlier this year of Buxton TMD and I thought it was still standing so planned a trip across to take pictures only to find out a few days later that the image had been updated and a pi;e of rubble was there instead. Taken in June this year.
  22. In 2008 at Barnetby these had been there for years. They have gone now for years as well. They were part of the landscape as they had been there for so long and could be seen for miles.
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