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Everything posted by shortliner

  1. The North wind doth blow, and we have got snow - and a garden full of birds gobbling whatever is thrown out for them!
  2. Possibly remnants of plastic bag melted all over exhaust pipe and silencer - if so, it will be fun to try and get off!
  3. Several Large ones in Alness (22 miles north of Inverness) this morning - though I appreciate that may be rather a long way for people to come!
  4. Ed - I had a feeling that the "top man" might well feel that spontaneous abortion might take place long before a full term delivery - They have undoubtedly made the right decision for themselves and "Pip" - You are helping simply by offering your support, despite feeling helpless - even if you were able to travel there would be nothing else you could do. I look forward to hearing of better news from them in the reasonably near future
  5. John - a possible cure and an alternative use for liner - http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/topic/3354-jacks-in-or-shortliners-shortline/page-9post 207
  6. When my lady learned to drive (some years ago now) There was NO requirement to teach the ability to reverse into a space between two cars in the street! This is apparently why so many people drive round and round until they find a space that is big enough to drive into forwards, and why many vehicles are so appallingly badly parked, frequently across two spaces in supermarket car parks - and for a rant - WHY do so many people insist on walking, or driving, behind cars in the process of reversing out of parking spaces??? It is reaching the point where parking sensors are a requirement and not a luxury - I thanked my guardian angel this afternoon, that I have them, in my local Tesco when two silly tarts walked past with their noses buried in texting on their phones
  7. Somehow there seems to be something appropriate in the body text under the headline BIKIES PROBED AS BULLETS FLY AT STRIP CLUB Fears of tit-for-tat violence have emerged after a bouncer was shot outside a strip club,
  8. Gentlemen & Ladies, I offer this purely for the beautiful Eyecandy, and in no way with any political message so I hope that it doesn't offend Andy, or the Mods sensibilities, or those of anyone else. I found it on the RRL forum https://www.youtube.com/embed/B2AEkfjc6-o?feature=player_detailpage
  9. John - I think the correct description is "Teflon non-stick baking sheet" - I have just looked in the cupboard and my lady has donated a pack - we have plenty - PM me your snail address and I'll put it in the post (no charge)
  10. The Morrison one is as Nearholmer describes - similar thickness to a sheet of paper - I find that a single sheet stuck to the base with the rubbery sort of Evostick seems to work - I have never needed a second sheet on the bottom of the sliding surface
  11. ....and watched auzzie rules football and Neighbours
  12. There is still plenty of time for those of us in the Northern Hemisphere https://www.youtube.com/embed/xKy2lLNQYrI?rel=0&iv_load_policy=3&showinfo=0
  13. I suspect that may well be what it is used for. Provided it has a slippery plasticy coat each side it should remain flat. Non-stick oven liner works well - I only suggested Morrisons because that is where I found mine
  14. Re Tufnol - go look in B+Qs offcut box - they frequently have offcuts of MDF with a formica-like/plasticized printed facing with floor planks printed on it - It works just as well. I usually get charged £1 for about 8 feet of it. Also recommend a trip to Morrisons for a non-stick oven liner which will provide a good slippery surface for it to slide on - I find it can be attached in place with Evostick
  15. ID (Flavio) - just caught up with your post - there was a very interesting program on Radio4 yesterday lunchtime about food for those who run and carbs and protiens - apparently current thinking suggests that man was designed to run, even women and children were long distance runners and could out-run/run down antelope over long distances - and the diet of Kenyan atheletes who get up and run 40km(in two hours!) and then eat , virtually, a bowl of rice EVERY day - and do another 40km run before going to bed. It was part of the Food Program series with Dan Saladino - not sure if you can get it through IPlayer
  16. I wonder how many of these they will sell? http://www.citylab.com/navigator/2015/12/the-intricately-designed-wooden-train-set-you-should-have-gotten-for-christmas/421992/?utm_source=nl__link6_122815
  17. All the fours - page # 4444 - Happy New Year everybody. Had a VERY hard frost here in the Land of the Northern Haggis - front drive is like a skating rink, and the rubbish bins are frozen shut
  18. I was very pleased to see that ITVs "Beowulf" outshines by far in every department that appalling waste-of-space with U-Tread (aka Wooden-top the Viking/Saxon/Dane/Immigrant from somewhere). Uhtred of Bebbanburg is the protagonist and main character of the best selling Saxon Stories novel series by Bernard Cornwell and very poorly adapted for BBC television. "Beowulf" may well may yet well live up to the billing of " a successor to 'Game of Thrones' ", which was erroneously applied to the Bernard Cornwell series I'm looking forward to episode2, and I gather there are already plans for multiple series, with the "village/township set" still in place in Yorkshire, and the Hero having been asked to keep himself available for the next 5 years.. If the BBC quietly "BIN" the other thing I will be very pleased/won't be surprised.
  19. I feel like that after a few .................
  20. Try introducing the Langmyer-Lumreek equation too, or the Canard-Leigh De Witt theorem - those always go down well at Hogmanay parties
  21. Current layout is an HO version of Jordans Portway Terminal - on 2 x boards 8" wide that clamp together in the centre. These boards consist of 2 boards each, that bolt together and are one @ 48" long and one @ 18" long t5herefore a total length of 66" x 2 or 11 ft overall. They sit on a pair of ironing boards (a much more sensible use for the things!) and are currently runnable track only with no scenery (which may well consist mainly of roads and backscene flats). I can't show you a trackplan as the original seems to have disappeared from his post on <TI Forum
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