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Dan Griffin

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Everything posted by Dan Griffin

  1. won 6 free bags of crisps from walkers, id have preferred the pay packet though!

    1. bgman


      Email Gary Lineker !

  2. Well I must admit, I've been on eBay for about 15 years. and this is a first for me, a seller taking photos of a train out side in the rain, presumably! Maybe its just me, but you'd think he'd wipe the water off the box before taking the pictures! http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Hornby-R3262-DCR-A-I-A-CLASS-31-DIESEL-ELECTRIC-LOCOMOTIVE-31452-MODEL-TRAIN-K8-/112407941136?hash=item1a2c091010:g:Lm4AAOSwlndZGXxX
  3. This feeling of growing frustration doesnt seem to want to go away. house chains. i detest them.

    1. Tangoman69


      Chain breaking caused me no end of pain last year, thankfully all sorted now

  4. Not that bad a repaint to be honest. price is absurd though!
  5. Cosmetic damage only?! who is he trying to kid? some unsuspecting buyer. this 31 has been set to self destruct i'm afraid. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Hornby-OO-GAUGE-R2421-DUTCH-CLASS-31-DIESEL-LOCO-NO-31110-BOXED-844-/252804851868?hash=item3adc57e89c:g:DCEAAOSwWxNYwUrB
  6. I am currently taking my large layout down, use boiling water in a syringe (be very careful) much like when you glue ballast, and the pva should dissolve and the track should lift easily. once all the track is lifted and everything you want to keep is off, use a wallpaper scraper to remove as much detritus as you can, an old hoover works wonders here, and go back to the flat wood. then you can start again. IMO keep the wagon repair facility, as coal hoppers always got knocked about quite a lot, plus it'll give your 08 something to do.
  7. Hi there, I have been following this tread for a long time, I have a couple of questions if I may. firstly who's 08's are you using. I have a couple of Hornby ones and as good as they are, they can be a bit squeaky when running. Secondly I was re-reading the post and came across this image from 2010 (Saved and reposted to save looking back through pages and pages of pics). Can you remember who you managed to get just the marker lights illuminated on the Bachmann 47? its a realistic shot but I cannot seem to be able to get just the marker light lit. many thanks Dan
  8. for two hours last night, me and four 'Bots' were the only inhabitants on the RMweb archive.

    1. NGT6 1315

      NGT6 1315

      The Rise of the Machines!

    2. Captain Kernow

      Captain Kernow

      Nonsense. Those bots are probably quite experienced modellers.

    3. Les le Breton

      Les le Breton

      Clearly a happy easter for some!

  9. New house has been obtained, and a bigger garage, more trains, and i fancy a sea wall section.

    1. NXEA!


      Nice! I have an offer in on a house myself (first time buyer) but I won't have the luxury of a railway room/garage, so it's going to have to be inventive and small for me!

  10. It is by far one of my favourite threads on the forum. The picture quality is good, as are the comments and memories it stirs.
  11. It popped up on my social media this morning. So i started this thread as i couldnt see another. Its exciting times for steam locos, especially if tornado is autherised to 90mph on certain stretches of track.
  12. During secret testing last night between York and Darlington, Tornado was authorised to run at 100mph, the first steam loco to achieve this in over 50 years. The loco was testing at 90mph and had authority to reach the magic 100 during testing. There will be a full write up in the next issue of steam railway magazine.
  13. I knew that is was listed but im 99% certain that when the 'for the fallen' livery was revealed, im sure I read in one of the railway mags that the museum had swapped which 91 it had selected.
  14. The NRM has claimed 91111, due to its livery! which IMHO is absurd as they have sacrificed 91031(131), which is the speed record holding loco. Lets not also forget the other 'forgotten' NRM claimed loco, which is currently languishing out of use, open to vandalism and covered in graffiti in France/Spain (delete as appropriate) 58050. what genuine future does this have with the NRM? If finances for the science museum group are tight, I very much doub they'll begin to stretch to cover any sort of cost of bringing that bone home.
  15. You've completely lost me here, why is it confusing? I read it through ok with no confusion.
  16. And the newest addition will be....... a baby girl! My lads happy he doesnt have to share his trains!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Captain Kernow

      Captain Kernow


    3. Londontram


      Don't count on it my 9 year old granddaughter is train mad

    4. ess1uk



  17. i dont like working lates, cant wait to see the kids tomorrow

  18. they never did appear in black, this is a first, so I believe
  19. I have been reading the article about the return to steam of 35018 British India line at Carnforth under the West coast railway banner. As a fan of all things southern, and Mr Bullieds steam loco's I must admit that the pictures of this loco in the latest heritage railway magazine are great. I have only ever seen Bullieds in shades of green, 35018 standing in black looks stunning. I sincerely hope its released fully lined out in BR Black. Well done to all concerned bringing back this beauty of a ocoo from the deplorable condition it was in when they received it. I know that paint shades cause a lot of heated debate, I am not after an argument, just acknowledging a job well done and that, in my opinion it looks lovely in black.
  20. Seriously? I can just imagine the Euston commuters waiting for this to show up! After spending the time repainting they could have at least bought some waterslide transfers! http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/OO-LIMA-VIRGIN-BLACK-RED-CLASS-52-WESTERN-DIESEL-HYDRAULIC-LOCOMOTIVE-3I/162364149495?_trksid=p2047675.c100011.m1850&_trkparms=aid%3D222007%26algo%3DSIC.MBE%26ao%3D1%26asc%3D41397%26meid%3D6fc6edf8ea6c4db8babcd81906fe2775%26pid%3D100011%26rk%3D2%26rkt%3D12%26sd%3D332130039097
  21. Its a sad day, Dr Beechings axe has fallen upon my railway, impending house sale means southminster has closed, and the tracks torn up, but a double garage beckons!! More room.

    1. Physicsman


      Same thing happened to me, Dan, in early 2014. 3 years on and things are better than previously. So stay positive!!

  22. I do like this advertisement, I especially like the reduction in price, as 12p can clearly be seen underneath the 10p sticker.
  23. Monarch of the glen train set, brand new for £50, bargain?

    1. loickebros


      ok give us a clue.

      should you have posted this in bargain hunters thread or as it should be called lately bargain braggers thread.

    2. Dan Griffin

      Dan Griffin

      no, more of a question really, as I rarely buy steam locos, wondered if it was a bargain? or


    3. Mad McCann

      Mad McCann

      If anybody can spare a pair of the Bachmann Mk2s from the old Highlander set I'd love to know?

  24. Are these missing pieces from the partwork, or are people looking for replacements? I haven't started my build yet but I will collect my last issue next week so would like some heads up if there a piece(s) missing. thanks
  25. Yes i got mine today, seems they either got the published date a week early, or its a week late, deltics next time!
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