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Blog Comments posted by halfwit

  1. I also started blog just to see how it works and if it was for me. (I now have 2 on here...)

    I woudn't worry about a lack of feedback, sometimes it takes a while for a blog to get established or find its audience, if that makes any sense.

    I'll be reading anyway!



  2. ...just out of interest what is the haulage capacity of the little chap?




    If I ever find out Nick I'll let you know! Adam's right, I haven't the space, or enough wagons, to find out.


    Perhaps when it finished I'll try and persuade Paul (Worsdell forever) to let me loose with it on his EM layout at an exhibition... not that this one is really good enough to appear in public.



  3. Lets not forget some of the nerks behind the layouts. The loud, bigheaded ones that think that their layout is the best thing ever 'cos its been in a magazine. The ones that are too arrogant to answer polite questions, believing that we should all be expert modellers and can recognise, for example, Smiths couplings when we see them. The ones that seem suprised that someone under 50 or who doesn't fit into the modeller stereotype could ask an intelligent question or show some knowledge about, well, anything. The ones that are too busy chatting to their mates to run anything, even though there's a crowd in front of their layout wanting to see trains move. And the ones who insist on boring you to death, usually unprompted, when all you want to do is move on and grab a brew.

    Posted in the interest of balance!



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  4. Thanks guys.


    That's given me a good starting point on painting. I had a feeling that the chocks would be wooden, when I worked as a turner I had various wooden blocks next to my lathe to stand jobs on.

    I'm a bit wary of painting the rolls in 'new' condition as the paintwork and finish would need to be extremely smooth to look even close to a freshly turned or ground roll. And I reckon getting the colour close to freshly turned steel would be rather difficult.


    12CSVT, the photos in your thread are certainly very usefull, thanks for posting them.



  5. Thanks Arthur,


    I used Araldite throughout assembly apart from some small detail items which are superglued. Mine is an early kit before Robert redesigned it with etched parts.


    One day I'll build a whole rake of them, although I doubt that I'll ever have the room for a steelworks layout.


    The photo that you've linked to is indeed usefull (I had noticed it), good colour photos of slag wagons are seemingly rare.


    Hopefully I'll be starting some of RT Models Skinningrove wagons soon.



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