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Status Updates posted by SouthernRegionSteam

  1. What a wild 9 days - unexpectedly winning both 'Modeller of the Year 2022' and with Sandy Shores winning the  'Chairman's Choice' at Basingstoke. I couldn't be happier! My thanks to all who voted for me in the BRMA's, and I hope to continue producing interesting content both for BRM and for personal projects. ❤️ Jamie

    1. Huw Griffiths

      Huw Griffiths

      There's a reason why you've won these awards.


      Some of us also like the fact that you're not one of those noxious individuals who go round saying: "Hey, look at me!"


      You've earned your awards - please enjoy them.

    2. SouthernRegionSteam


      That's very kind, thank you, Huw. I'm just fortunate to be able to do what I love; whilst also hopefully offering advice from my experimentation - both successes and failures!

      The fact that people enjoy my work is humbling, and whilst it's of course amazing to be recognised for the hard work I put into it, it's always been about sharing passion for the hobby and any knowledge gained; often helped by those willing to also share their advice on the forum and elsewhere.

      I'm indebted to a lot of people, not least BRM; who have pretty much taken me under their wings and not only guided me, but also allowed me free reign to be creative. As someone who is very introverted, I've often needed quite a bit of persuasion and encouragement!

      I'll probably get a gentle ribbing for being so soppy, but it is all true!

    3. Captain Kernow

      Captain Kernow

      Well done Jamie, well deserved!


  2. Why have I not used the 'Expanded' view in 'Unread content' before? It's so much better!

    1. john new

      john new

      Interesting observation. These things are obviously very much a personal decision on what you like/dislike but I tried it and quickly went back to condensed. 

    2. SouthernRegionSteam


      Fair enough!
      No idea what device you are using, but I like it on desktop/PC because of the ability to preview content and images without leaving Unread Content. Means more time saved as I can instantly see if it's a post that may interest me. Similarly, I now visit threads I wouldn't have before; because of what I've seen in the expanded view.

  3. My latest layout plan has accidentally formed into the shape of a teapot. It must be a sign that I'm onto a good idea! 🫖 😆

    1. SouthernRegionSteam


      See, told ya!:



      Note the hastily scrawled annotation when I realised what I had created. 😆 All it needs now is a bobbly lid-shaped bit on top...

    2. Huw Griffiths

      Huw Griffiths

      Now if it had only formed into the shape of a Stein ... .


      Seriously though, I'm sure it'll work out well.



  4. Deciding to write my RMweb username on a video for the BigWORshow made me realise just how much I regret chosing that name! Who else regrets their choice of username? 

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. truffy


      I sometimes think that my username doesn't lend enough gravitas


    3. Huw Griffiths

      Huw Griffiths

      To be honest, I don't think my name's ever added much in the way of gravitas.


      Unfortunately, though, it just happens to be my real name ... .


      Saying that, if you're not too keen on your board name, there's nothing to stop you sending a PM to Andy. A number of people on this site have done this in the past.

    4. SouthernRegionSteam


      Thanks for the thoughts everyone!
      I'm still on the fence about it, particularly as I've done some videos for BRM lately where I've referenced my RMweb name at the beginning (as well as my real name, of course).
      That said, I am more at ease with the knowledge that if I do change it, it will not be the huge problem I originally envisaged!

  5. Just how many signal boxes have NR demolished/will demolish? Absolutely appalling... I have no words.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. SouthernRegionSteam


      You're quite right of course, BR having demolished an estimated 100 signal boxes per year (although it doesn't say for how many years, though in 1900 there were around 10k, and by the end of Beeching it was said to be around half that figure left. That said, NR is on course for 50/year I believe. So whilst not quite as monumental as BR, I still feel to leave 26 of only "the most significant" is a tragic waste of history and beautiful architecture (for the most part!).


      So yes, there is a precedence, but to practically decimate 100+ years of history overnight (literally!) is something I can't comprehend.

      Maybe I'll start a topic, as I think it is something that should be talked about. I do agree that sentimentalism is something that is both subjective and hard to justify expense, but to leave little trace of history is, to me at least, very sad indeed.

    3. St. Simon

      St. Simon

      The fact is that I need a good majority of cases, the Mechanical Lever Frame is entirely unsuitable for the amount of traffic it controls and other types of locking (RRI / CBI) are much more versatile, efficient and cost effective than a mechanical frame.


      The problem is that a lot of Lever frames were an integral part of the construction of a signal box, meaning in a some cases, you can't simply remove the frame and keep the signal in place.


      But if you could leave the signal box in place, you then have to maintain the building or risk it being vandalised, used as a home by squatters or other illegal uses. 


      Yes, some could be used for other uses, but most are in places which you can't access without having authority from the railway, so they aren't useful.


      Im sorry, but the signal box as it was in steam is not suited to the railway of today in most cases and there's no business sense in keeping redundant assets going.

    4. SouthernRegionSteam


      I've got no problem understanding that there will be no need for them on the modern railways, and that everything in business is done to "save money" and if something doesn't make "business sense" then you get rid of it. But that doesn't mean all of them should be demolished, nor important history should be tossed away overnight in the hope no-one notices that all that's left by morning is a concrete slab :D


      I also find NRs approach to it... somewhat bullish and secretive. Maybe that's just me though...

      Granted, you do raise an interesting point about the lever frames being an integral part of the box; I had not realised this was the case, but it does make sense and I can see how lever frames would be particularly difficult to remove, but equally it has been done in some cases.

  6. Currently trying to work out why my PC CPU temperature is at 100 degrees C, but there is no impact on performance... very odd!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Ian J.

      Ian J.

      Sounds like it might be. That, or your PC case suddenly isn't getting any air flow?

    3. pheaton


      IF its an AMD they don't throttle like and intel cpu hence the no hit on performance, I would say the heatsink fans are clogged with dust

    4. SouthernRegionSteam


      Interesting, thanks Pheaton, that might be worth checking out, although I did clean it out not long ago.

      PC case has loads of airflow, loads of space and all the fans are working in the correct directions.

  7. Has only just found the "Layout Articles" section of RMweb - superb photography there!

    1. Mallard60022


      Where's that then?

    2. SouthernRegionSteam


      Under "Articles & Reviews" at the top of the page, then click on Layout Articles

  8. And so the mince pie scoffing has begun! (And I don't care that it's nowhere near Christmas)

  9. How is it that every time I say "I'll try to be on more frequently", life gets in the way?

    1. davefrk


      For some people RMweb gets in the way of life.

    2. SouthernRegionSteam


      Haha yeah, that used to be my problem!

  10. I've discovered the secret to getting a layout built - small boards! (Oh and being able to have the layout put up quickly for modelmaking sessions. Wish I'd learnt this a couple years ago!

  11. I'm finally feeling the joy of model-making again! About bl**dy time!

  12. I'm making a mess again!

  13. Do you ever get that moment when you realise you probably shouldn't post an opinion on here... but do it anyway...yeah I just did that. Oops.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. SouthernRegionSteam


      Something like that! Or like at school when someone used to cellotape a bit of paper to your back saying "Kick me!"

    3. SouthernRegionSteam


      Except.. I'm doing it to myself :D

    4. bgman


      Tee hee hee !

  14. I'm confused... is it OO9 or 009 narrow gauge?! I thought it was OO9 (after OO scale) but apparently not...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. 28XX


      Gauge 2, gauge 1, gauge 0, gauge 00. therefore 009

    3. SouthernRegionSteam
    4. Horsetan


      Maybe O-16.5 should have been called "Double-O Seven"?

  15. Has plans to make my AGWI Oil Refinery challenge entry from 3 years ago into a proper layout... The big layout is going on an indefinite back-burner!

  16. I'm worried I took on too big a layout project...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. 3 link

      3 link

      I know the feeling,I'm on my own with a space of 15'x19' to play with.

    3. Horsetan


      Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try Again. Fail again. Fail better. (Samuel Beckett)

    4. class"66"


      Just start on one corner 1st...

  17. Buying a property is so sodding stressful!!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. bgman


      I bought loads last night, Monopoly is brilliant!

    3. Mickey


      trust me selling em is worse!!

    4. SouthernRegionSteam


      Thanks for your thoughts everyone! Best of luck to you Fenway, too. I'm trying to buy a property with the community in mind, but they seem more focused on the money...

  18. Just had a thought - RMweb has gallery, why not have a place for videos too? I'm guessing too costly for the server space?

  19. I'm excited about the prospect of quitting my job. That's pretty sad that i'd rather be unemployed than be earning. Still, needs must

  20. I'm determined to get something done... perhaps time I got the woodworking tools out!

  21. I'm composing music since I have an unexpected day off! Maybe I'll find some time for some model-making, too!

  22. What I have never understood - why do most manufacturers charge you for their own catalogue? I get the printing costs, but still, it seems odd to me...

    1. Michael Delamar

      Michael Delamar

      i dont understand why people buy them, and at something like 8quid!

    2. 28XX


      Th Argos catalogue is free.

    3. ian


      A loy of people would have a free catalogue who then wouldn't buy anything - thus the costs would have to be added on to the product price.

      Anyone up for paying more for your RTR models?

  23. Had a great birthday in Bath, but scary when my handbrake didn't hold on one of the really steep roads. So not only could I not do a hill start, but my car rolled down the hill a couple meters!

  24. Remind me not to ever grow up! Life's so much simpler when you're young...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. NGT6 1315

      NGT6 1315

      I hear you, Jam!

    3. SouthernRegionSteam


      Ha well, I guess I'll never grow up then!

    4. JohnDMJ


      Nicely put, Horsetan!

  25. HURRAY! Exams are over. Now the long summer hols begins :D

    1. SouthernRegionSteam


      Thank you Simon! Looking forward to months of model making now!

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