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Everything posted by Nile

  1. I'm also getting a distant memory of the traction of some locos improving with age. Something to do with the surface of new wheels being slippery, and when that wears away grip improves. Just a thought.
  2. Must be a weight or drag issue. The four wheelers are very free running.
  3. Nile

    EFE Gate Stock

    Nothing to stop it pulling it. Pushing would be more of a problem.
  4. I've now got mine running round a test track (an oval with R3 curves) hauling 20 Hornby 4 wheelers, the new ones not the silly shorties. I don't think I've reached its limit yet, but I'm running out of coaches and the train is occupying half the oval already. That's about 8 feet of coaches.
  5. If lots of people are doing this it's no wonder the site is slow at times. Seems a bit like kicking a man while he's down to me.
  6. That's a nice recreation of the current operation there.
  7. Thanks, that would explain why they want all trunks emptied before stocktaking. I've been pipped at the post a few times, but before I got to pay for them.
  8. That was my point. And I did say trunk picking could happen between normal picking if spare time was available. It comes down to resource management. It may be that if normal orders are keeping everyone busy then it doesn't happen.
  9. Yes it does. The items are all in one place, rather than spread over a large warehouse.
  10. Last year I received an email informing me that when someone went to 'pick' an item to put in my trunk they found that it wasn't there. They gave me a refund instead. This was before I had decided to ship anything in my trunk. This indicates to me that items do get 'picked' and placed in a 'trunk' in advance of any decision to ship, probably using spare time between normal 'picking'. This would save time overall as it means items in your trunk are ready to ship straight away. It also prevents those items being accidentally picked by someone else. I expect this is all managed by a clever computer system, with the flesh-bots doing what it says, including stocktaking.
  11. I've never had to do it, but from what I've seen stocktaking is a right PITA. The less stuff there is to count, the better. The sooner it's done, the sooner we can get back to 'normal'.
  12. Not in this country . Maybe an Autumn update soon. Or was you actually after a "Fell" update?
  13. Cost may be an issue to some, with BH points costing twice that of FB ones.
  14. Just noticed that #182 is missing some lamp irons from the smokebox, unless this was a feature of the real thing.
  15. In industrial use yes. A preserved one could have two or three on the footplate.
  16. You want wire with PTFE insulation instead of PVC if running it through polystyrene.
  17. Did you make these yourself, or buy them?
  18. Not something I'd noticed before. Just looked in the box of my Liliput diesel and found a bag with 10 of them in it. Bachmann 009 stock have the same couplings, so they should work them. I don't think any of the Bachmann wagons came with these things.
  19. Yep, I can see the difference when viewed under a fluorescent light and a tungsten light bulb, but not under LED lighting which is what I mainly use. If the sun ever comes out here I'll check it in sunlight. In all cases it looks worse in the photo than in reality.
  20. Probably Green Scene , that's what he was using last time I saw him.
  21. Have you got a reply in the past? Does your email address end with .co.uk or .com ?
  22. The pick-ups that I can see look quite dirty and could do with a clean.
  23. Does it look like that to your eyes ?
  24. From the Trunk FAQ: "We reserve the right to charge a re-stocking fee for this"
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