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Peter Kazmierczak

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Status Updates posted by Peter Kazmierczak

  1. And now for a comment not about RMweb.....


    Was hoping for a day off yesterday due to the snow (yes, we had an inch or so in Wimborne), but our school remained open.


    At least the children liked playing in the white stuff on the field at playtime.



    1. Compound2632


      Snowdays all round with us.

  2. Have finally managed to log in, after resetting my password a few times. Whilst the site was off-line I actually did some modelling!

    Like the clean new look, but I can't seem to find the "New Content" button yet. My "likes" rating also seems to have declined by almost 20,000.

    1. Andy Y

      Andy Y

      The reputation total should rebuild Peter, there is an Unread content link and the Activity streams.

    2. Peter Kazmierczak

      Peter Kazmierczak

      Thanks Andy; much appreciate all your efforts in updating RMweb.

      I have enough problems with the photocopier at school, so doubtless I'll get the hang of all this in due course.

  3. My wife just found, in the coffee table drawer, a camera battery I thought I'd lost last summer.

    1. Hroth


      You lost it in the coffee table drawer.



  4. Our internet connection wasn't working earlier this evening so I thought I'd have a chat with my wife for a change. I was surprised to hear that she no longer works at Woolworths.....

    1. Hroth


      You learn something new each day!

  5. The good people of Ofsted will be arriving tomorrow.....

    1. Compound2632


      Try this: 


    2. BoD


      Good luck.

    3. Hroth


      Always have a fallback position and a sacrificial scapegoat.....


      (Good luck!)


  6. Whilst being Santa at my school's Xmas Fayre yesterday, amazingly two children were hoping to get a train set as a present this Christmas.

    1. Hroth


      There's hope for civilisation yet!

  7. A new addition to the family; Ace, a two-year-old Border Collie from the local dogs rescue. Let the adventures begin...

    1. Hroth


      Lovely dogs.


      Hope you have many happy years together!

    2. Peter Kazmierczak

      Peter Kazmierczak

      Thanks Hroth. Actually, he's not quite two yet. He took me for a long walk down through the fields by the river this morning. Not let him off the lead yet.

      P1190698 (2).JPG

  8. 309 to 300; finally beaten my wife at Scrabble.

  9. 309 to 300; finally beaten my wife at Scrabble.

    1. Mallard60022


      How many years to do that?

  10. 309 to 300; finally beaten my wife at Scrabble.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Horsetan


      Such hollow victory....

    3. big jim

      big jim

      how many points for your surname?

    4. Horsetan


      You can't use names in Scrabble.

  11. Almost reached 10,000 "likes" - thanks guys.

    1. Andy Y

      Andy Y

      Well deserved ones. :)

    2. Allegheny1600


      Agreed! A most helpful chap!!


    3. SHMD
  12. Anexpensive day yesterday. New carpet in the hall and up the stairs, dining room window repaired (after a stone broke a pane whilst I was mowing the grass) and a MOT/service for one of the cars.

  13. Approaching a big "0" birthday.....

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Peter Kazmierczak

      Peter Kazmierczak

      That would be telling. However my mental age remains obstinately at about 15. Got a nice railway picture from colleagues at work though.

    3. Horsetan
    4. kevpeo


      I'm heading for the earlier one!

  14. Ate too much chocolate so now starting to suffer.....

  15. Back in the world of work tomorrow, so just made my sandwiches.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Dave47549
    3. Andrew P

      Andrew P

      All the best Peter, ENJOY.

    4. Mallard60022


      Today is the day.................check out those SR archives. I am sure they need sorting :)

  16. Back to reality later this week when the new school year starts.

    1. andyram




    2. bgman


      Smelly teenagers yuck !

  17. Becoming an expert on letterboxes.....

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. bgman


      Similar to gynaecology?

    3. Huw Griffiths

      Huw Griffiths

      If it's anything to do with the election, I'd imagine that you're also learning to guess if fierce dogs are lying in wait behind doors.


      I can also imagine comments from people stood on their doorsteps:


      "Are you (whatever party)? ... Well we're NOT!!!" - then the door slams.

    4. Peter Kazmierczak

      Peter Kazmierczak

      It helps to be an Independent, even if there's no chance I'll be elected.....

  18. Break up tomorrow for Christmas. Start at another school in the New Year.

    1. Andrew P

      Andrew P

      All the best for the New Job in the New Year Peter.

    2. big jim

      big jim

      our kids dont finish til the 23rd, back on the 3rd jan

  19. Broke-up today. Nice selection of biscuits, chocs, vino and a tea mug from all the children. Seemd funny taking down the Christmas decorations this afternoon.....

  20. Broke-up today. Nice selection of biscuits, chocs, vino and a tea mug from all the children. Seemd funny taking down the Christmas decorations this afternoon.....

    1. Kris


      I took down all the decorations and trees at my school yesterday morning.

  21. Bunged-up with a sore throat and head like it's full of cotton wool.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Tim Dubya
    3. Horsetan


      There's got to be a hit song in that status update somewhere.

    4. Huw Griffiths

      Huw Griffiths

      On reflection, I suspect that those of us with colds might be more likely to opt for the single malt remedy.

  22. Busy making a Lego house with children in Y1 (5-year olds) at school this afternoon.

    1. Andrew P

      Andrew P

      Brave Man.






    2. uax6


      Its a hard life. When are you starting on the railway station?

  23. Busy morning. One daughter passes her driving test at first attempt; another goes to hospital and comes out on crutches. No connection between the two events.....

    1. BoD


      Daa-aaad. Can we borrow the caa-aaar

    2. Peter Kazmierczak

      Peter Kazmierczak

      Car arrives tomorrow.....

  24. Did a talk to some 80 retired Girl Guide leaders this afternoon. Came out unscathed.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Peter Kazmierczak

      Peter Kazmierczak

      They gave me a fish and chip lunch too.

    3. Londontram


      Cooked over a camp fire I hope!

    4. bgman


      Did ya get a badge ?

  25. Distinct possibility that I might be soon having more time on my hands as my employer is trying to save

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