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Peter Kazmierczak

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Everything posted by Peter Kazmierczak

  1. The above is the perfect example of how a manufacturer should interact with their customers. So well done Accurascale. NB I don't have any connection with Accurascale and don't have any YouTube videos, so am not looking for "clicks" to gain influence/££.
  2. And Why Do They Start Each Word With A Capital Letter? But, it's quite clever really; I especially like #5 and #10...
  3. I went to grammer school, but maybe I should of listerned more in lesson's so as to get my grammer better. I was terible at spellings', may be I didnt try hard enuff.
  4. Feeling rubbish today. Was coughing/spluttering throughout the night. Head fuzzy, feel queasy, gippy tum, etc... etc... Had Lem Sip Max. Wife suggests I sleep in spare room tonight so she can get her (much-needed) beauty sleep. At least the sun is shining. Am still feeling angry after watching Mr Bates vs The Post Office. If you've not seen it you can catch-up on ITVX. Thoroughly recommended.
  5. To be honest, I've not read this whole thread. BUT, I thought I'd enter the 21st century and try using static grass on my Shardlow layout, instead of ye olde flock powder/coloured sawdust. What's the best way to begin? I've looked at various YouTube videos, but am none the wiser. Is it worth buying a Woodland Scenics starter kit, and taking it from there?
  6. I was wondering why the main road, not too far from us, seemed quiet this evening...
  7. Is this historical stuff to do with the notion of County Palatines, such as Durham, Chester and Lancaster?
  8. While it's still the Christmas Season, liturgically anyway, it's reminded me of this... Many decades ago we had in our school quite a "challenging" little chap. Anyway, time comes for the Nativity Play and, for some reason lost in the mists of time, this fellow was cast as one of the Angels. So he was standing on a bench at the back (probably to keep him out of trouble...). I was videoing it and one minute he was there, the next he'd gone. He'd fallen off the bench but nobody noticed - I only saw it when playing back the video the next day. Karma was a word the staff mentioned...
  9. You did if you went to any of the schools I worked at...
  10. Yesterday afternoonI drove up to Bristol. Quite a "lively" ride in parts, especially down the hill after Blandford where I could feel the wind buffeting the car. Stopped off at Westbury on the way back to see how the things that run on parallel bits of steel were doing; not very well due to trees down/flooding etc. Lots of folks milling around going nowhere. This morning fixed a fence panel that had detached itself. Had to go next door to screw some brackets to hold panel to post. Neighbour appears in dressing gown, to unlock their back gate so I can get through to their garden. I suppose the full milk bottles on their step should've told me they hadn't got up yet - but it was after 10am... Drove wife into Wimborne and stopped off to take some photos of the Stour in full flood. The usual course of the river is left to right in front of the fence. Just taken the Christmas decs and tree down. The Three Kings/Wise Men/Whatever never quiet made it to the manger this year.
  11. We walked down to the river near us this afternoon. It's overflowed onto the footpath - good job I wore my wellies.
  12. PECO announces a new range of Broad Gauge track to complement the period GWR steam locos from Accurascale, coaches from Hornby and wagons from Dapol, whilst Bachmann produce a set of suitable buildings and Heljan do whatever...
  13. Can't beat a Jubilee at Stanton Gate, David. I've given this a little tweak...
  14. Re-ride height. If I recall, the old Tri-ang/Hornby Mk1s bogies were riveted to the underframe. Remove said rivet and file the raised "dimple" that the bogie rests on. This'll lower it to a better height. Must be 40 years since I did that, so hopefully I've remembered correctly...
  15. Just back from the Badlands of Poole visiting B&Q and Tesco. Neither were too busy, to be honest. Going back to Honours, when I used to work in a primary school, some of the children called me "Sir K"; though whether the little monkeys were trying to wind me up I don't know...
  16. Yet again I've been omitted from the New Year's Honours List. Would it help if I gave a couple of ££ to a political party? Just a wondering... It's almost 1 am, so off to bed.
  17. "Let's walk to the shop before it rains", says the wife. Of course, the heavens open before we get there. "Got any Easter eggs?", I jokingly ask the assistant. "Yes, we've got some in the back..." Wait at the shop until said rain subsides. Start walking home when the heavens open up again. Now having a coffee to dry out as I type this, and outside there are blue skies and the sun is shining.
  18. Our (black) bins are due to be emptied tomorrow - two days later than normal. Must remember to put out one of our neighbours' bins too as they're in New Zealand for three months. Allows me to put some of our rubbish in theirs... (I didn't really say that...) Amazed that nobody put out their bin on the normal collection day, so missed any "lemming effect" when everyone else wonders if they should too.
  19. Did the exact same walk to the local shop this evening, so can add some 3,000 steps to the ones I missed this morning. Folks near us seem to like their Christmas lights...
  20. Today was the day that never got light. Will go out for a walk after tea with my Fitbit on this time...
  21. As Clive wrote in his comprehensive post, BRCW Type 3s worked freights via Snow Hill, though how regularly I don't know. There is a photo of one such working heading past the loco yard at KX in (I think) an old Locospotters' Annual.
  22. Like Hroth (above), just walked to the local shop for bread and milk. But I forgot to put on my Fitbit this morning, so don't know how many steps I've done...
  23. Finally allowed to open Simon's book on the Peaks yesterday; was really looking forward to it. Definitely worth getting, but one or two reservations that I've noted in my review on Amazon. Hope it's a fair review...
  24. Santa brought three Mainline cattle wagons in his sack for me this Christmas. One of his little helpers told me he'd got that for £5 each off eBay. Just the thing for Shardlow.
  25. Probably appropriate, but the only model railway (I'm sure we can mention the "R" word at Christmas) items I got were three Mainline cattle wagons. Although without boxes, they are all in excellent condition and Santa tells me he got them off eBay for only £5 each (plus p&p). The number on them all is M12098, so will have to do a bit of digging to find the prototype. And why appropriate? Ate like pigs yesterday...
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