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Everything posted by Bristol_Rich

  1. Its just been realised the planned pumping station to prevent the brook flooding the road won’t cope with the peak volumes of water...another delay to completion is being reported.
  2. It might not help resolve the issue, but it looks like the coupled wheelset has been inserted upside down. The raised points on the coupling should point upwards.
  3. The height adjustable kits are surprising not ‘that’ expensive - relative to buying the desk. https://www.amazon.co.uk/FLEXISPOT-Adjustable-Electric-Two-Stage-Automatic/dp/B07HFZP1Q3/ref=pd_lpo_196_t_0/258-9988496-2069329?_encoding=UTF8&pd_rd_i=B07HFZP1Q3&pd_rd_r=c5f0c7c1-a1b6-4f1a-964c-a6ff01303511&pd_rd_w=tlbIp&pd_rd_wg=52NfY&pf_rd_p=da0677f5-a47b-4543-8b54-10be576b8f26&pf_rd_r=PRQETYEV0M3CXC3X39HT&psc=1&refRID=PRQETYEV0M3CXC3X39HT I’ve been thinking about this as I suffer the same as the OP. My concern with the kits are what there lateral support is like when apply pressure when cutting/filling etc... not a fan of a wobbly desk!
  4. If you search “Lincolnshire potato railways” on google, lots of images of sacks (including logos) loaded onto NG wagons during the 30’s...
  5. Any good? https://www.polishingjewellery.co.uk/product/abrasive-diamond-coated-strip-files/
  6. I use a “Uni Paint White” marker as https://www.amazon.co.uk/Uni-ball-Paint-Marker-Extra-White/dp/B001ARZBRY or Molotow white paint pen. Both are supplied with 0.5mm nibs (possibly even 0.3) and are suitable for hand scribed chalk markings. Being “paint” it’s permanent and withstand handling.
  7. The Stoke Brook runs adjacent to the railway from South Wales and follows the chord to Bristol Parkway, crossing the road less than 10m from the new bridge on the non Rolls Royce side. As the road surface is being lowered you would hope that it will be rediverted or at least culverted beneath...it does have history of flooding...
  8. I'm surprised there are no posts on the status of the bridge which is (still) ‘stuck in mud’ - all 4260 tonnes of it - some many meters away from its final location...
  9. There are plenty of drawings available via various forums, websites and members willing to share info, as well as much trawling through online images for specific details. As niche as it may seem, the narrow gauge network across Sweden both - 891mm and 1098mm - were (in comparison to standard gauge) extensive.
  10. I model Swedish Narrow gauge (891mm gauge/ Swedish 3 foot) which conveniently converts to 25.4mm (1 inch) gauge in 1/35 scale. As a result I can exploit 7mm scale wheels and 1/35 scale military (civilian) kits...and scratchbuild the rest....
  11. Sorry, just noticed this post... There has been some discussion recently to modify the bridge but not replace it. There was a plan to incorporate an ‘avoiding portal bore’ through the embankment to allow for cyclists and pedestrians, keeping them away from the road. Then the road could be ‘widened’ but no mention of what was going to be done with the arch of the original brick built bridge which remains to be the pinch point. I don’t think think this ever got much further than an initial proposal (or even an idea!) and then COVID hit.
  12. Not sure if you’ve seen this or helps answer the question...
  13. Hold the fob against your head when pressing the lock/unlock button. Your skull acts as an ‘amplifier’ and might be enough to over come the interference... My suggestion - Battery powered doorbell push button?
  14. Not sure if it’s an issue For the OP application but every time I’ve used this, it doesn’t dry clear leaving a white bloom.
  15. The following link provides some background... https://windcutter.wordpress.com/category/mineral-wagons/
  16. For applying the dust scatter, instead of using a tea strainer why not load some into an old stocking/tights and scatter appropriately. Would be controllable and limit waste?
  17. I unfortunately bailed out before the event on Saturday as I didn’t fancy my chances getting across the Severn and the route up the Wye valley very early Sunday morning... A real shame as it’s a great show...looking forward to 2021...
  18. Yes, a very narrow and focused beam. They also cast a very warm yellow light.
  19. On the assumption I can get over the Severn on Sunday, I’ll be there with Frampton.
  20. You need to either adjust your web browser extensions settings or remove Ghostery if it’s bothering you too much.
  21. Been using the bike brake cable method for years on Frampton...just the right amount of friction to operate to and fro...
  22. To date I’ve held off having a smart meter installed on the principle that if it’s not compatible when I change suppliers, then what’s the point. My supplier - SSE - have recently been in contact via a strongly worded and what you could consider a scaremongering tone stating that my 10year old meter now requires ‘immediate replacement’ and that it will be ‘upgraded to the latest SMART meter technology’... A possible change of tact?...
  23. Thanks for sharing the pics....I’ll update the thread with some more that I managed to grab during a quiet spell this afternoon...and will grab some more tomorrow. At the moment no confirmed plans for exhibiting yet. I’ve just been invited to attend the Monmouth exhibition early in 2020 and more than likely be taking it along.
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