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Everything posted by Kylestrome

  1. You've made an excellent job of the landscape. If I may be allowed one small (constructive) criticism? The deer should be a much darker shade of brown. In reality, they would blend in much more with the background. Everything else looks just right! David
  2. I'd guess it has something to do with the tube tunnel. David
  3. I use a fairly basic 'AS186' type compressor (available under different names) which has a reservoir tank, watertrap and variable pressure control. It's relatively quiet, doesn't cost the eath and is more than adaquate for hobby use. Review: https://www.tapatalk.com/groups/dmadoomad/as-186-compressor-review-t8.html David
  4. Consider also whether want something cheap & cheerful, just to get started with, that you will end up replacing with something better/more expensive or whether you want to jump straight in with a decent double-action airbrush and take a while learning how to use it properly. If the latter, I can fully recommend the Neo for Iwata CN with the 0.5mm nozzle and needle. It's gone up a bit in price, since I bought mine, but it is still good value for money IMHO. David
  5. CAD is just another tool and requires a certain amount of knowledge, skill and experience – much like any other modelling tool. (yet another) David
  6. And that they don't issue certificates. It seems like someone at the bank is talking through their kilt.
  7. Proving that something doesn't exist is very much harder than proving that it does. However, I think it's safe to say that this is pure fiction.
  8. "The colorized and slowed-down-to-normal film segments make you realize that all the people you see in them were all real and alive once!" This comment on the YouTube page pretty much says what I think about these restored films. They almost look like they were filmed more recently.
  9. Hi all, Has anyone had a go at 'finescaling' the N Gauge Society's Hunslet loco? Wheel replacement or turning down the wheels ...? David
  10. Batteries can be replaced, battery technology is advancing and there will probably be an alternative to lithium one day. But of course, the future is really hydrogen ... All of which has little to do with door-slamming neighbours.
  11. You're going to make a lot of modellers unhappy with these wagons. You haven't left off any details that they can add! David
  12. Just be thankful it's not one of these (1:30):
  13. Personally, I blame Queen ... https://youtu.be/hFDcoX7s6rE
  14. I'm guessing that the reason everything's so slow is that Andy is using the server to mine Bitcoin to finance the site.
  15. I had that problem last year. The battery you need is a CR2450-1GU. I managed to find one here without too much difficulty, although they are not exactly common. https://akkushop-b2b.de/de/cr2450-1gu-lithium-knopfzelle-liegend-printausfuehrung-3er-print/ The battery is soldered to the circuit board by three integrated 'pins', making it awkward to remove. I just cut through the pins and then removed the remains individually with a soldering iron. It's then an easy job to solder on the new battery. HTH and good luck with finding a replacement, David
  16. I'll second that. I gave up trying to get mine apart in order to convert it to P4. I took out every screw I could find, but just couldn't work out how the body was being held on. The exploded diagram is as useful as a chocolate teapot. David
  17. From the YouTube video description it would seem that the sound decoder is from ESU. This means that you should be able to change the volume by programming CV63. HTH, David
  18. And maybe a note to the captain to drive carefully in the Suez Canal?
  19. I see people on this thread have managed to remove the body from the chassis. Is there an easy way of doing this without doing any damage? If it is clipped on, then my example is very tight. I would be glad of any helpful tips. David
  20. It may be obvious to you Tim, but with all those complicated pipes and fittings, seemingly permanently fixed, it looked like it might be awkward. It's certainly interesting to get a view of a totally different aspect of railway modelling. Guten Rutsch! (as they say over here), David
  21. Tim, I would imagine that painting this engine will be quite a task. Have you already planned how you'll go about it? David
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