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Everything posted by BlackRat

  1. Taz................ Dont you bl**dy start! I got your number!!!! ps practice Brian, practice! pps remind Nick I still have the lever frame for him!
  2. I am getting pretty good at falling off motorcycles! But by your own philosophy you could have a go though and thats what counts ps dont try falling off a motorcycle, its undignified (in front of a huge crowd of teenagers) and hurts both your pride and ar*e!
  3. No one is implying anything about equality are they? The point is he can run faster? So what that, doesn't make him better than you does it? He's just quicker aint he? ] That doesn't mean you cant run against him or stop you having a go? So its OO or P4, then P4 is automatically better? Why? Because 1 has nearer to scale rail gauge ratio? Me and you are different, but neither is better surely? Or perhaps you think you are because you model in P4? I dont know, I'd like to think not, ......... but certainly thats whats coming over in your posts, that if you dont model in P4 (or any other combo such as scale 7) or are working towards that, then somehow your path isnt as enlightened as others? I can see by the number of posts you have made that model railways are an important part of your life, as it is to many of us. But we must remember to some its just a hobby after all. And at the end of the day thats all it is isn't it. Hypothetical.
  4. In a single un pc word Bolloc*s! take two men, I am a 6'2" 14 stone ex Marine, another is 5' 5" overweight and balding with myopia. Take another two, one with a high degree, the other with NVQ's. Or one that runs marathons at olympic events in world class times, the other raises a few bob for charity and does the London in 5 hours. Which one is better? NEITHER, we are just different! And its the difference that makes the world go round.
  5. Sometimes with Jims, you feel you can almost smell the dog sh*t and diesel, in the same way on other layouts, you can just breathe the atmosphere. OK, thats not for everyone, and we all do our own thing. Pendon, Hursley, Catcott, Pipers Mead, The P4 depot based on Laira (4got the name!!), Petherick, Ditchling, and loads more, all freelance but..............reeking of atmosphere! And thats it, we all do our own thing, and hopefully we all bring a little something to the table.
  6. Trick or Treat?

    1. Baby Deltic

      Baby Deltic

      Trick AND treat please.

    2. richbrummitt


      and this is not a trick question?

  7. Is wondering which RM Webber is going to be the first to cut off an ear?

    1. chriswright03


      Are you volunteering?

    2. gwrrob


      What did you say ?

    3. BlackRat


      I could wear a monocle then, legit to! ;)

  8. One of the regular visitors to our police house in Cardiff rode a Norton Commando and on occasions I was allowed to sit on it.................. Thats where it all started !!!!! It looks BSA-ish, certainly a big single Brit and it comes from the Airfix RAF Recovery Set. It also reminds me of riding a Canam 250 in the RM, white lids and of course a black Belstaff with obligatory white fishermans socks rolled over the top of ones boots, black of course being 'other ranks' There are a few cameo's involving plod, all based on my own experiences, now all I need is a scale model of Pinnock Tunnel with a BMW K1200 belting through it with 'everything on'! Theres something never seen modelled! I wont mention what went on at Laira on nights! And yes we did, as it was the quickest way to Fowey on a busy summers evening, well thats MY excuse anyway!
  9. Blimey I hope not as 50 % of my fleet was scrapped when I was only 6!!! Try your local Dunkin Donut/Kebab shop/Curry House/Kentucky/Fat Boy Brekky Emporium etc unless of course you are driving past a HQ............................................. Then of course everyone will be 'hiding' behind a desk! :lol:
  10. Amazing how far those Well tanks got on their travels!
  11. Who invented earlies! :( !

    1. pitbull1845


      Morning! I'm here too...

    2. chriswright03


      You call 'that' early Sully? I'll give you a ring next time I am on early!

  12. Really? Well its based on personal experience, and its a combo of me, my old man (who drove the mini) and although set a bit further south.................. But like I said...................... I like it so tough.
  13. Railway room tidy! now who wants 40 storage jars, only used for coffee and scenic stuff!

  14. Clearing out the Railway Room cupboards. Where does it all come from?!

  15. There is a small update on MRE saying Tony is still very poorly, so Tony, from me, thinking of you and: GET WELL SOON.............. you are missed! My very best to you for a speedy recovery. Neil
  16. I agree with Jim on this one, I did ask sometime ago, as I was thinking about taking the plunge if there was such a thing as a 'wagon' chip. To me, brought up near Radyr, a 37 hauling 16 tonners is totally unrealistic if the loco is roaring away and the wagons gliding silently past without the dum de dum, wheel flange squeal, couplings and buffer cacophony etc. Add the same for iron ore trains, coaches, platform noise, traffic etc and without we live in a silent eerie world where only the prime movers talk. Most odd.
  17. The Peco buffer stops come up a treat, especially if you add a little bejewelled Springside lamp and cut back the pips on the buffer stop itself. I did do a few with the lamp drilled out, painted white and added a red jewell fom a load I bought from an arts shop in Gus. I lost the lot following a heavy duty sneeze so had to revert to Springside (again!).
  18. Back from a week in the sun!

    1. beast66606


      Don't read that anymore, what did you do ? (Are you Dr Fox ?)

    2. BlackRat


      Did sweet fa, apart from bronzing, surfing and sangriaing!

    3. chriswright03


      I bet you wore 'that' shirt as well!

  19. St Merryn, stunning, superb, it doesn't get any better!

    1. RedgateModels
    2. Andy Y

      Andy Y

      Have you seen Mr N's 'Big Picture' then?

  20. Is this based on your personal experience? My own opinion is quite the opposite and their forward air controllers are exceptional, (and I am biased!).
  21. Water Ma Trout, beat that for a name! It Cornish, got a ###### connection and lots of armchair adenoidal moi bruther is moi dads uncles cuzin loike types! Me crewmates from there to! ohhhhhh seems you cant say pus*y on the site! Good job Mrs Slocombes not a member then!!!!!
  22. Saturday 1st October 2011............the day the earth stood still, and for a good reason to! ;)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. BlackRat


      And you're a teacher? lol. NO its better than that!

    3. Brinkly


      I'm going to become King! ;-)

    4. Stubby47


      'The day the earth stood still' - Andy Y IS Keanu Reeves ?

  23. No, I disagree, they should never have left the factory like it, and to be fair, Hattons have been onto it pretty quickly. There seem to be issues now with quality control, perhaps its out sourcing abroad, I dont know, but its not good business to have repeated problems regarding quality control and new releases. Perhaps the answer would be to have them packaged in the UK? At least then defects etc can be sorted before they leave the shop. . Unpractical? I dunno, but I do know one thing, when I pay £125 for something new, I expect it to work right, first time straight out of the box whether its a loco, tele or whatever. Theres a recession on, we are all feeling the pinch in one way or another and people can certainly chose what to spend their hard earned shekels on. Imagine if one of the duffers had been submitted to a mag for a review, hardly good business is it? Still at least mines sorted, Hattons will sort the others and they do look superb, so you pays yer money..........
  24. Hattons are aware of the issue re the polarity and have kindly supplied this link: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Ec1gewKNUVkFkssmLsoto3olUxLT6X_9_a2r74sGSN8/edit?hl=en_US&pli=1 Its an easy job to do, 5 minutes or so, BUT, if you are not confident about doing it, dont attempt it and send it back.
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