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Dick Turpin

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Everything posted by Dick Turpin

  1. You know what, that little beauty might be the end of Hornby's woes!
  2. Dick Turpin


    Well both exist in preservation, so maybe someone might want to try a re-match on the bank at the NYMR in nice sunny weather someday and compare the results? I know which one I'd put my money on.
  3. Dick Turpin


    I have to admit to being somewhat saddened when I learnt that there wasn't going to be a proper LNER (pre-war) version. It was bad enough when Heljan only did the Tango in post war variants. Makes one want to pack up modelling the grouping era and just switch to transition like everyone else. Just kidding. It is a very nice model though and I do hope they sell loads of them.
  4. Hoping the rain holds off for the Captain's Arrow archery competition tomorrow.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Ian J.
    3. Dick Turpin

      Dick Turpin

      This is in Scorton, North Yorks, home of the Scorton Silver Arrow, the world's oldest and longest running sporting event.

    4. Captain Kernow

      Captain Kernow

      Ah, well I'm elsewhere.

  5. Seeing as we now have this thread, it would be a great idea if we used this thread to tip others the wink if we find out that a supermarket own brand is really something rather good but being sold cheaply and anonymously. That and maybe what we find on offer if we think it's a really good price for that whisky, particularly for those harder to find ones. Who knows, now Christmas is over there may be some bargains to be had. A quick review would also be nice if you've happened on a new favourite by chance.
  6. Some of what the season has encouraged to congregate on my shelf in the cellar. I tend to go for whatever the supermarket has on offer that I know I like, though I prefer peat smoke and iodine most. Ardbeg Uigeadail and a drop of water makes an ideal finale before bedtime. However, some of the lighter ones are well worth a try. Tobermory is often on offer from the Co-op and I have really grown to like it, and they do a nice peated version called Ledaig which is also very good if I recall. What is missing from my small selection this year is Laphroaig quarter cask, which never hangs around too long even if I had some. The Ron Zacapa on the right is a very good rum for when I fancy a change. I find a lot of whisky fans enjoy the odd rum night from time to time, but I guess that’s another subject.
  7. Dick Turpin


    After the last debate a few years ago the Caledonian 439 class was one that floated to the top. I think Caledonian blue livery is almost a necessity, though a Reid Atlantic is the one I'd love to see. Oops. Better not start a wish list off here though chaps.
  8. To me it was a question of when they would get around to revising the B12. I would have preferred them to begin with the earlier belpaire boiler decorative frame version, though I'm not complaining. If it's LNER it's welcome.
  9. Dick Turpin


    Very pleased with this news indeed. Personally not bothered about the duplication issue, if the DJM one is as good or better I'll be getting one of theirs as well. Can't have too many of these beasts. A design masterpiece - simple, rugged and efficient in operation, as well as being one of the most aesthetically pleasing prototypes I can think of. I wonder how many people with little interest in the LNER will end with an example?
  10. Does anyone else get that sinking feeling when the postie has just delivered what you know is the loco you have been waiting for for so long that you just know it's going to be lemon? Maybe it's my pessimistic nature or maybe I've learnt from experience. Anyway, I postponed the moment until I felt ready to cope with bad news and took the package up to the train set (which is what we all call it), and opened it up. Mmmm looks encouraging, no bits missing, good paint finish, no friction polished areas or other flaws. Lets give her a test. Mmmm again, nice and smooth, and good turn of speed, both directions. Relief - Cock o' the North has finally landed and I seem to have received a good 'un. And - I still can't believe that I have really just tested a RTR P2 in LNER livery. Only a couple of years ago people used to laugh at the suggestion. I'm right pleased now all the same. And as for trying to shake off that natural pessimism - remember, pessimists get pleasant surprises!
  11. My thoughts on this new NRM special centre around the simple observation that as it has been a couple of days since people started to receive their subscription copies of Model Rail, and the fact that there hasn't been a thread about it on the LNER Encyclopedia forum, I need not get too excited about it.
  12. Hey Arthur that B15 seriously looks the business, and your dead right that they have far more poise and elegance than the B16; it's when the balance is about spot on in in my view and its when steam power, elegance and North Eastern all come together in ways that it's hard to put your finger on. I'm definitely having one. I'm also really glad that that you're doing the C6 Atlantics next, another spot on example of Edwardian power and glory from the North Eastern powerhouse of the British Empire when Great Britain really was great! Arthur, you are a true star, what you are doing with your work makes me really happy and I can't support you enough. Keep up the good work mate, and Cheers. Oh, and happy Easter.
  13. Ken Hoole, in Rail Centres York confirms that, as suspected, these tanks were indeed frequent visitors to York. OK there Bachmann, looks like you've just sold another one!
  14. Welcome to RMWeb Bramhope,and thanks for the reply. Dreadnoughts and High Flyers were frequent visitors to York, so I suppose it's possible. It matters not so long as we're happy anyway does it. Are you having Bramhope tunnel on your layout by any chance? Visited the castellated portal a couple of times, but it's a devil of a job to get to. Shocking neglect. Merry Chrismas and happy modelling.
  15. just been looking at the photos of the LMS version on Hattons' website and it does look very nice - quite tempting. Does anyone know whether any ever came anywhere near York before the last war?
  16. That cabside handrail might not be a major detail, but it was enough to dissuade me from making that impulse purchase. However, if they sort it it I'll have to reconsider. I bet I'm not alone in this either.
  17. I think the fact that it was a beast built to do a specific job requiring plenty of adhesion makes it look so powerful, in that getting as much power onto the track north of Edinburgh with huge loads in adverse conditions a pressing issue at the time. Either way this looks a super model. I really feel for those who have absolutely no need for one, weak resistance levels and a little too much money.
  18. It wouldn't surprise me if Bachmann aren't already working on a NRM special release for the Great Northern version. Whatever happens it's great news all round I think.
  19. If this is true then it is indeed very good news. As you say just what is needed to ring the changes among Eastern related stock. Proper wallet opening fodder all round.
  20. Dick Turpin

    Hornby B1

    Post-war ones maybe...
  21. Thanks BV - that was the best laugh I've had all week! Please accept my sympathies in trying to get anything sorted out for RTR production.
  22. In my opinion the original design with Great Northern cab and tender would lift the model into another category as far originality and asthetics are concerned, making it one that stands out from rather than blends in with other models on offer. Not only that, but the BR (E) people would also still want one for exactly the same reason, as well as us pre war LNER modellers getting something sorely desired. Also, like 34C says above, that GN tender would open so many other opportunities like C1 & 2 Atlantics, J6, K2 etc. Here's hoping.
  23. A bit like when the outbreak of hostilities ended the plan to preserve NBR Atlantic 9875 Midlothian for example. It so nearly made it too, being put back into traffic after withdrawal in preparation. Such a shame.
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