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Crisis Rail

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Everything posted by Crisis Rail

  1. ELR Autumn Diesel Sat BTCC from Silverstone Sun thats me sorted :)

  2. Yes - excellent books many an idea sourced form these - only to be binned six weeks later....
  3. Dont know whether I mentioned this before but some Traction in that image are very expensive as we all know. All good stuff lucky and good to have - they are as rare as Rocking Horse ... wonder if Baccy will ever do a retooled run?
  4. Yes - it looks excellent - agreed - But it does surprise me that you are critical of what is an extremely ambitious project in 2mill never mind 00......
  5. Excellent - still a long way to go - it would give me sleepless nights! Credit to the original Victorian engineers and human endeavour in 1:1 scale never mind 2mm to the foot - very humbling that should never be forgotten. All that construction hardship craftsmanship and pain for short-sighted throwaway closure. Maybe when this layout is exhibited a historical tribute of sorts could do with a mention as hopefully the model will be equally as breathtaking. Excellent. "Hi Ian, that steelwork looks pretty good" This comment surely has to be tongue in cheek Cavan? Ian
  6. Here's the impressive bridge Steelwork for Freight Only 2 (Oil) - Coinage is for scale - quite surprised I had a 1 Pound Coin TBH. What do you think? Ian
  7. Yes - very good work as far as my knowledge of Steelwork goes - have I missed the image of the prototype? How many PCA you going to run in total Cav? - luckily with Speedlink and Enterprise the rakes are interestingly mixed and easier on the bank account BTW: I have behaved - been a good boy and used monies for my fiftieth for the main Traction for the latest attempt (FO2 - Oil) - you might be impressed. Ian
  8. Have developed a fondness for Hymeks - is this normal?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Jon Fitness
    3. Horsetan


      I suppose you now have a Heljan Hymek or two...

    4. Jawfin


      No. Alert the authorities at once so they can put you under psychiatric care.

  9. Struggling with the new ID backscene........

  10. Struggling with the new ID backscene........

  11. Contemplating an ELR visit tomorrow D9009 Alycidon

    1. skipepsi


      sound reasoning!

    2. 55016


      Booked to be D9016 unless something has gone awry today. Even better reason to go!

    3. Crisis Rail

      Crisis Rail

      Ah yes - D9009 is 25th August.

  12. Sounds like a good and proper Crisis Cavan - my commiserations - I now know I am not alone. Ian
  13. Eight and a half hours drive back from not so sunny Cornwall - nice.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Crisis Rail

      Crisis Rail

      Nothing beats a nice Kernow traffic jam in the sunshine - they will be so fortunate.

    3. Sidecar Racer

      Sidecar Racer

      Ahhh , stuck on the M5 no doubt .

    4. Stubby47


      Since when did the M5 reach Cornwall ??? Glorious again today, lots of sunshine, some of it was a bit wet though...

  14. Kronenbourg 1664 going down well on a finely manicured lawn prior to impending storm.

  15. Just come across your thread through the "SULTAN" PM - absolute quality observation! Ian
  16. 4 nil defeat at Fleetwood.......

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Crisis Rail

      Crisis Rail

      Oddly enough - We will be in Glastonbury on the way to St Ives Cornwall! - I will have to find a local hostelry with SKY :)

      Will you have any players? :)



    3. devonseasider


      That one's below the belt :-)

      From what I've heard there'll be a team of 11 on the pitch + some subs. Whether they'll be professional footballers is another thing entirely!

      Enjoy St.Ives - nice place but too busy for me in August.

      Take care.



    4. Crisis Rail

      Crisis Rail

      :) Cheers Graham
  17. Anyone flogging a Heljan 33 - SULTAN?

  18. Anyone flogging a Heljan 33 - SULTAN?

  19. 05:35 AM - It's going to be another hot one.....

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Mallard60022


      No it's not (yet)....

    3. Horsetan


      Grey skies and a breeze down here!

    4. Mallard60022


      Drax & West Burton are giving us some blessed relief!!!!!

  20. Sounds like a Crisis.... Thats usually my department. Ian
  21. Yes good work on the 37 tumblehome gap. Always dropped it by a couple of mill on the Baccy versions by filing the top pivot boss.Seems odd the Baccy NRM Deltic is spot on. Probably down to track rad clearances? N Gauge not my thing but very impressed indeed Cav. Ian
  22. Knightwing bits done - York fuelling shed project on the go - top beery weekend looks good

  23. Knightwing bits day today - then beer weekend :)

  24. Beer weekend :) bring it on.......

  25. Beer weekend :) bring it on.......

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