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Everything posted by martin_l_jones

  1. I would think it's a bit tight now if the boat hasn't docked....
  2. Anyone know if the underskirt / plough on the front actually swivels on the real thing as its mounted to the coupler on the model and turns with the bogie... Thinking I will mount them to the false coupler...
  3. The picture shows it static on DCC. Have checked it but can't seem to get it to run on DC tonight !
  4. The lights work as you can see with Car B missing.
  5. I will try my 350 later to see the implications of running that with only three cars..
  6. Will the passenger lights work correctly ?
  7. Yes you are correct, I did poll for this one on the Oxford Rail survey... Hopefully in the 2018 release list.
  8. Well finally got round to fitting the Snowploughs, a combination of tape and a dot of glue underneath the tab. I'm presuming the tab sets the height ? The plough actually looks far to low and I'm sure will come into contact with the rails when cornering and over points. Is it fitted correctly ? Interestingly I've compared it to a well known model and it looks massively oversize or the other one is far too small... But the running height looks a lot better...
  9. Ideal candidate for the Collectors Club model
  10. Spoke to DCC Supplies today, they don't have a date as yet to when the replacement bodies will be available, but will email when they are ready to collect.
  11. Not my picture, but this is quite recent.... https://www.flickr.com/photos/cwarman/37527487211/in/photolist-RHS62k-YaMFdm-Y6s8U1-Zbbbvz-Nw2uCY-LempxT-MzA4TE-MzA5s5-N5WKQ5-NF3Aw1
  12. Could well be, but ten of the fleet sit without work at Crewe or Kingmoor today !! I was also led to believe at one of the open days that the 68's were leased for the stone trains and lighter intermodals.
  13. Still at Barrow Hill, but no idea what the status of a repair is ?
  14. Hattons latest email states the new locos should arrive in November... On another positive 68's back on the Mountsorrel stone trains again....
  15. I know it's additional cost but I switch them for these;- http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Hornby-R8099-Coupling-Assembly-Pack-of-10-/391277654772?_trksid=p2385738.m2548.l4275
  16. Well, my first coach arrived today, not happy the way it's been packaged, it appears as though the plastic formed tray is not long enough for the coach roof and one end is forced into the lower part of the tray.... However, doesn't appear to be damaged thank fully... Cant believe its been sent out like that tho'
  17. Hi John, just ordered them, I've asked Steve at Railtec what he recommends...
  18. Excellent job we're the transfers easy enough to fit ? Have you sealed them ? I believe both power cars carry them now ?
  19. Anybody fitted the snow ploughs yet ?
  20. How about this, shocking !!!! https://www.flickr.com/photos/mcratd5314/36973407176/
  21. In one respect it gives us more time to save, will be worth the wait looking at the pictures....
  22. Credit to ROS for commissioning the model, lets hope it sells well... Agree and credit to ROS for commissioning the model, lets hope it sells well... Put my money where my mouth is and ordered one !
  23. I think we've been really spoilt in the last twelve months, not bought so many 66s over such a short period. In terms of future releases the new red DB has yet to be covered, 66101 and 66152 have been produced with the smaller DB Shenker lettering in the centre, but lots to go at...
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