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Everything posted by Benbow

  1. Thanks, that's what I thought and no wrong road signal for definite!
  2. S&D south of Templecombe. Fictitious station at Shaftsbury. Thanks
  3. Can anyone tell me if it would be usual for the loco release crossover at a terminus to be protected by an FPL? 1950/60s operating era. Thanks in anticipation Roger
  4. Benbow

    Little Muddle

    That brings back terrible memories.........when I was about ten I managed to drive a tractor through the end of a barn with the exact same result (foot slipped off the clutch due to not being quite big enough to operate it properly). Dad was not amused! Of course brother thought it highly amusing! Brilliant modelling though!!
  5. Great. I spent many years in my youth heaving grain sacks about. Health and Safety what was that?? 17 years old and expected to carry 2cwt sacks on your back
  6. For once some sacks that actually look like sacks!! Did you make them yourself? All the plastic offerings look like errr......plastic offerings. Superb modelling well done.
  7. Benbow

    Little Muddle

    Hmmmmm! Not sure about that
  8. Benbow

    Little Muddle

    That Fireman looks like he needs to get to the Gents pronto!
  9. Just off to paper Benbows living room, I hope he likes london brick. All the best Adrian. Great!!! Don''t mind how you do it as long as I don't have to! Mrs Benbow might not be so keen though That really is looking stunning.
  10. Brilliant! Now you are in the swing of papering you wouldn't care to come and give me a hand wallpapering my living room would you????
  11. Benbow

    Little Muddle

    If you were where I am you would be washed out as well. Wet through dog walking this morning and again this afternoon!!
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