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Everything posted by montyburns56

  1. I suppose it's one solution to the lack of retention tanks.... Aberdeen -Mossend Sleeper by Jim Ramsay
  2. Someone's got a new toy to play with... Billet Sidings, Stratford 1958
  3. Horwich Works 1982 by Martyn Hilbert
  4. Tipplers living up to their name... Leekbrook Junction 1977 by David Blower
  5. GrantRail ex-LMS Hopper wagons by West Halton Sidings
  6. How about a special edition of 12074 the Swalwell Snail?
  7. Someone posted this picture in the thread for the Bachmann 31, but I was wondering if anyone might know or guess what is the lettering on the MK1 BG?
  8. I've previously posted a load of pictures of some of the Barclay (and others) Fireless locos here...
  9. The interesting thing about this picture is that if you look closely you can the faint outline of the old large number from when it was in the L&M 150 livery. 86236 Novelty Ipswich 1986 by kevin connolly
  10. There's some great pictures on Flickr of it in use.
  11. I have a feeling that the reason why they are producing a run of the Charter FOs was to help sell those BCKs that they still have in their warehouse from 2020. I think that they did the same with the second run of the Sealink MK1 TSOs.
  12. You could sell the most valuable pieces i.e. the locomotives on Ebay and then just sell the rest to a trader.
  13. It's kind of ironic that the nearest town is called Hatton.
  14. So rather than do another run of MK2s in blue/gey, which they haven't done in eight!! years, they've decided to drag out the old MK3 sleeper tooling duplicating a competitor's superior version and producing models that I guarantee will be in the bargain bins within six months. *sigh*
  15. Do we know how this automatic uncoupler is going to work in practical terms? Will it lift the hook or lower the coupling bar?
  16. Sorry to dig up this old thread, but I've just noticed that quite a few retailers still have stock of the original Nanking Blue set despite it being released almost eight years ago! I guess that Bachmann must have massively overestimated the demand for the second run. It's one of those items that I'd love to buy, but I just can't justify the cost (about £330) as it doesn't fit in with the period that I'm modelling.
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